PR Friday, Live Webcast, Comic, and Dr. Hartman’s Blog

PR Friday boys and girls. Post this week’s PRs to the comments; weight lifted, eaten, or gained, pants ripped, children punted, trees kicked, villages pillaged, and ladies training — they’re all PRs.

The USA Weightlifting Senior National Championships is going on this weekend in Peoria, Illinois. You can watch a live webcast of the lifting on Saturday and Sunday by clicking the following link:


Here is a fitting comic from Cyanide & Happiness @

Click to see a full size image.


Get Your Knowledge On
Here is the blog of Dr. Hartman. I’ll let this quote describe him:

Dr. Michael Hartman is a Sport Scientist, and recognized expert in training for Strength-Power and Performance. He earned his Doctorate in Muscle Physiology and has previously worked as a Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach and Sport Scientist at the US Olympic Training Center where he was a member of the inaugural USA Weightlifting Performance Enhancement Team.

Dr. Hartman is also friends with Dr. Kilgore (who some of you may be familiar with), and I’ve also heard that he is a very good strategist as a platform coach (this means while he handles lifters at meets). I met him briefly when he was handling Dr. Kilgore at the USAPL Texas State Meet a couple months ago.

Anyway, his blog will cover topics of Strength-Power-Performance, Sport Science, general Strength & Conditioning, as well as current events in the media. Dr. Hartman’s research and practical experience should give us a unique perspective on these topics.

59 thoughts on “PR Friday, Live Webcast, Comic, and Dr. Hartman’s Blog

  1. Taught already 5 trainees to squat as a part of my job – training instructor.

    other than that, been a bad week, failed to go on a triple with 170kg on the squat and couldn’t finish a 190kg pull. damn it.

  2. PR Deadlift 415×5

    My goal this week is to get back in the groove of training and recovering well. I haven’t yet settled down after I moved 2 weeks ago. I will find a way this week.

  3. Things are getting tough across the board. Just switched to intermediate programming on Squat.

    Squat: 345 5×5, 405 x1 (easy)
    Press: 176.25 3×5
    Deadlift: 410 x5

  4. 5”10 205lbs

    Squat – 310 5×3 on Monday
    315 5,4,2 today. (deadlifts kicked the crap out of me from wed).

    Deadlift – 425 – 5 singles.

  5. this week’s PRs:
    deadlift: 395 x 5
    bench: 255 x 1
    press: 185 x 1
    food: double cheeseburger, double hot dog, and lots of ice cream cake at my cousin’s 10th birthday party.

  6. Emptied my drawers of clothes that don’t fit anymore and I’m left with about 3 T-Shirts, 4 Pairs of Shorts, and a pair of jeans. I’ve got almost three boxes of clothes going to goodwill. PR.

  7. On my last fishing trip I set a PR for biggest rip to my pants ever. I was pushing a boat off shore with my one foot in the boat and the other on shore. I must have pushed a little too hard because my jeans ripped from the bottom of my back pocket all the way around past my zipper on the other side.

    Snatch PR 72.5

  8. Did a good job of failing this week

    260, got 2×5 failed on #3 (2 reps)


    also got 2×5 but failed on #3 (3 reps)

    Power Clean:

    going for triples, got 2 a 205 4 times, but could never get to #3.

    Hopefully I’ll do better next week. A trainer at my gym wants to work with me on squat mechanics, so hopefully I can bring my squat numbers closer to my deadlift and farther away from my bench.

  9. Finally squatted 3 plates, for a triumphant 2, 1, and 0 reps, but I’m still having it as a PR.

    Managed a strict single press at 135 finally as well.

    Deadlifted 2 x 5 @ 160kg, which was my last 1 RM. Been a good week, overall.

  10. My prs should be higher this week but missed trianing on tuesday due to me being stuck in arlington, tx for a stupid braums manager training class and the hotel “gym” being highly inadequate.

    Press: 120 x 5
    Bench: 170 x 5
    Dead: 285 x 5
    Villages Pillaged: 9 x 5 x 7

    Hoping bench clears 200 by July… not a big number by any means I just get a good self confidence boost from writing 1 as the first letter to 2. Still building back up on squats.

    Nonweightlifting pr: Took some promotional pics for a show im doing soon and they were used on the flier… rocked my black 70s big shirt in them and somehow Gym Candy Chuck Martin became 70s Big Chuck Martin. Although im not quite 70s big i thought it was a good plug.

  11. PR-
    Weight: ADULT MALE! (202, up from 198). Almost had a fail, since even on GOMAD I lost two pounds in the middle of the week, but lots of ground beef pulled me through.

    Squat- 285x3x5

    Should be higher, but I only got 3 hours of sleep last night and am doing my workout tomorrow.

  12. Not a PR but I successfully used the Starr method to rehabilitate a wrist injury very successfully. I went from not being able to Jerk at all to easily doing a C&J near my old pre-injury max today. The best part is that I even regained all my flexibility to the point where I don’t even have to open my hands when I am shouldering the bar.

    I know it’s not really necessary to keep your hands closed on the bar but it definately makes it a lot easier and I thought I’d never recover that ability.

  13. I’m pretty happy with how the deadlifts went today. After the workout I did some singles. All PR’s for me.
    deadlift:275×1 295×1 295×1

    bench: 155x2x5

    bodybuilders harassed: 2

  14. I have a rotator cuff injury, so I’ve been forced to ditch almost everything other than squats and sprints. It’s a good thing, since I’m a skinny bitch and my squat sucks.

    Squat 135x5x5

    Front squat 110x4x5

    The back squat was a huge PR, since my last 1RM was 160, and my last 5RM was 128.

    I’ve been exactly one week without metcons, and I’ve squatted three times in the last 10 days. I’ve gained 4 lbs. No lie.

  15. Meh, shitty week this week. Only got to train once and then only got one measly squat PR.

    Squat 2 x 5, 1 x 2(f) @ 80kg

    Any PR is good, I guess, but I’m just not getting the training volume at the moment. Can usually only train twice a week max and they’re usually consecutive days (in a shitty army gym without all the necessary plates, grrr)

    good work everyone else, keep hitting those PRs!

  16. due to work related scheduling issues, (thank you bad guys in afgahnistan, may you burn in fire and shit..) had to reset my squats and deadlift down. so no PRs there… but did get a PR this week.
    217 lbs
    BS 300 x 5 x3
    DL 350 x 5
    SP 145 x 5 x 3
    BP 210 x 5 x 3 (PR)
    PC 165 x 3 x 5

  17. Not PRs, but my current training numbers

    Squat: 260x5x3 (30 lbs from a PR)
    Bench: 185x5x3 (20 lbs from a PR)
    DL: 315x5x1 (20 lbs from a PR)
    Press: 120x5x3 (15 lbs from a PR)
    PC: 135x3x5 (50 lbs from a PR)

    Since signing up for a powerlifting meet in September, I’ve taken my squat from 195x5x3 back up to 260x5x3 in about 2.5 weeks:highest its been in almost a year. Competition is a great motivator!

  18. 5’11”, pushing 200 lb

    Squat 300 X 3 X 5
    DL 365 X 1 X 5

    Press, BP, PC still gaining but weak relative to squat/DL.

    Milk + meat + sleep + heavy lifting = goodness.

  19. Snatched 80kg
    power cleaned 98kg
    A2G Oly squatted 115kgx3 (crap squatter)

    All prs although BW is not quite adult male yet (~88kg)! Have a good weekend everyone!

  20. Decided to try a clean and press tonight during my set of presses and before my cleans, thoroughly enjoyed them managed to clean and press 205lbs though it was just about a push press, still was nice to change up my starting strength routine a little.

    Squat: no PR I reset after a week break due to work issues.

    Bench: 240 3×5 sucked but made it .

    Press: 170 3×5, with some 205lb clean and presses (push press realistically)

    Dead-lift: 410 1×5 after pulling 405 for 1 a few weeks back decided to rail it this week and managed 5 hard reps.

    power-clean 210 for 5×3 hard reps, finding that I’m squatting more during the power clean now.

    Work PR: New caller out lots of work over the summer, breathing a sigh of relief.

  21. Squat 435 x3 @218 lbs

    Was going for 5 but got stuck halfway up on 4. Time to take recovery seriously. Getting ready for my first PL meet July 10.

  22. PR:
    weight 135#
    completed my second week of lifting
    with a 105# dead lift.

    I’m very new to lifting, but so far I love it and this site is keeping me motivated. Thanks!

  23. Not a great day for me. Been neglecting the recovery side of training a bit. Failed squatting 315 twice previously and 310 today so doing first reset of my squat on SS. Failed DL’s today 340 gonna drop to 15lb jump for next day instead of 20lb jump. resetting power clean as well…catch position is off.

    Pr’d Deadlift 320×5 on monday and press 130 5×3 on wednesday.

  24. Split a pair of boxers during a 3×5 squat for 325….made sure my ass wasn’t hanging out, finished up.

    Oh, and we won the Stanley Cup.

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