First, let me give my highlights (refer back to yesterday’s post for image numbers).
2 – Burly, with a hint of suave. Solid background.
4 – Killer ‘stache, killer stare. The thing preventing victory here is a proper outfit.
6 – Quality. Thoughtful. Not so sure the hair had to go.
9 – Work or play, you gotta pick one.
11. Marvelous.
13. This one made me laugh.
14. Not as hard as this one though. I consider 14 to be the dark horse.
Now, it pains me to say, we must have a final vote. I’m taking the top three from yesterday’s votes and having a vote off. Whoever gets the most votes wins.
[poll id=”9″]

6 - After


6 and 14 are of course excellent but they are just kind of taking the easy way out with that style of stache. I mean, in the full comp like half the dudes were rocking that style. It’s the obvious option, the easy way out. 11 wins my vote because he reaches for the extraordinary.
Send it in anyway Sami, who cares?
He sent it in. It was just the second to last day of the month, and I’m not going to re-open voting. It was a nice ‘stache, just not going to win.
All those milk containers are going to stink pretty bad.
I sent it already yesterday, that’s why I was getting pissed.
I’ve had a shitty couple of days and I’m getting pissed really easily lately. I didn’t mean to lose my temper over minor stuff like this, I’ve calmed down now.
Sami, just ask yourself… What would Doug Young Do?
Doug Young wouldn’t give a damn if he missed some silly contest. He understood that proper facial hair is part of the lifestyle, not some monthly fad.
Then he would bench 600 in a t shirt.
Had to give it to 11. I look at that photo and the guy would not be out of place in between the bearded lady and the elephant man down at coney island, rocking some of those old school barbells, ready to perform his next feat of strength. Well done, sir.
Honourable mentions must go to the two Aussies, #6 & #12. It pains me not to vote for you – strong work lads.
And what can you say about #9, it’s a fair outfit, that’s for sure…
Hopefully next time you do something like this I’ll no longer have the facial hair of a 12 year old girl : (
Yeah, feeling silly now. I took it out on the weights today. Doug Young would be pleased. Actually he wouldn’t give a damn.
Not since the days of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday has there been a finer example of Stache than number 11.
Pretty sure I’ve annoyed enough people, that even if it was submitted, no one would knowingly vote for mine now anyway. lol
#6 and #14 are fine staches and hopefully will be worn throughout the summer.
But #11 is breathtaking. At first I thought right decade, wrong century. Then I realized that 1870s Big has lessons for us today. It also reminds me of the old time circus strongman. Hopefully the wearer hits the town in a one-strap black singlet.
Here’s my entry. It’s posted on, so you might need an account to see it, not sure.
. . . I guess.
11 gets my vote, mostly because Tombstone is my favorite movie. Fucking beautiful (no homo).
I had to think long and hard about this one, good work to all the contestants, but only one can win. Both 6 and 14 are classics, but they almost cancel each other out as it is difficult to pick one over the other; but 11 is timeless. You can see it on Rollie Fingers in the 1970’s, or in the 1870’s on the carnival strong man lifting barbells and women for a crowd. So to you #11 I give you my vote and a solid 70’s big salute, whatever that is.
6 – great stache, great pose, props, and photography work. 11 needs a shirt and more thought into the picture, though it is an amazing stache. 14 did all the work, but it’s too dang hard to see if the stache is a month-long masterpiece or just a few days of stubble, neatly trimmed. I voted 6.
Considering this is a mustache contest and not an art photography contest, I’d say 11 wins hands down.
I’m 19, and with my facial hair growth rate, it took me two months to grow that masterpiece.
I thought I had a badass 70’s stache and that everyone around me knew it. Well, it turns out people consider it a pedophile/”creeper” mustache. Jesus, 90’s small has infected everything.
so whens the beard contest?
Brandon F, then I am proud of you. My lip hairs are about 1.5″ long now – not sure how long it took them to get there, but I can fully relate on the creepy/pedo thing. Kittensmash refers to me as that on a regular basis, especially when I’m just trying to be a nice guy and hand out free candy from my van in school zones. Go figure. The world will come around. Viva stache!
all of this makes me think of the movie “Gettysburg”. And Chopper Reid.
Love classic trucks, but I’m a Chevy guy. Time for a beard contest!
Naturally, my vote is for myself even though I did not enter, the ‘stache speaks for itself. that being said I must pay tribute to ol’ number 11. At first I admired it but felt it wasn’t really “70’s” and therefore not worthy of the win. I haven’t since reconsidered after coming to the realization that the “wings of Zeus” (a nickname I gave the mustache) were in fact 70’s big… 1870’s Big! 70’s is 70’s as my grandma always used to say so it counts.