The Killustrator

PR Friday
Ladies, non-ladies who need to gain weight, and adult males…it is PR Friday. Surely you have achieved something great this past week. Surely you have something notable to tell us about. The good news is that we want to hear about it. Detail your triumphs, or your PR follies, in the comments of today’s post. It will be entertainment for all.

I’d like to share a brand new website with you, 70’s Big readers. is a website where you can purchase graphic products (posters, shirts, illustrations, etc.) that range from cool lifting shirts, amazing pieces of lifting art, and fantastic anatomical drawings. Whether you are outfitting your home gym, looking for new lifting t-shirts, want some funky art, or are preparing to give lectures in the realm of exercise and/or training, Killustrated is stocked for your needs.

Killustrated is run by The Killustrator is “reclusive and eccentric fellow. A moderately accomplished athlete, coach, and art school dropout, he has spent more than two decades researching and teaching anatomy & physiology in a variety of formats.” He knows his stuff, and can portray it very well artistically; a deadly combination.

One piece that I want to highlight is the Pisarenko Poster. Anatoly Pisarenko is one of our 70’s Big co-captains, and the Killustrator has brought out the drama in this classic Bruce Klemens photo of Pisarenko.

This poster is “17×22 inch hand numbered giclee print on archival quality matte media”. I don’t know what the hell that means, but the texture of this “poster” is as thick as a note card, and it has some type of finish on the ink. In other words, it is built to last and is some high quality stuff. I know, because I have one — I have #5 out of 1,000. There will only be 1,000 printings, and after that, they will NOT be reprinted, so if you want one, you better get it now.

When the Killustrator showed me the poster, I couldn’t stop staring at it. It is absolutely beautiful. I’m framing mine and will use it for training motivation.

67 thoughts on “The Killustrator

  1. I missed my Intensity day due to a flu I caught. I’ll resume training today with another volume workout.

    so I can tell, this week held only:
    Squat 130kgx4x5

  2. My first powerlifting competition is the 30th of this month… i walk around 160 and i want to weigh in at 148, im hoping for at least 444 on the deadlift… wish me luck.

  3. I can’t find an answer to this anywhere so I figure I’ll ask it here:

    For anyone who lifts in the USAPL, when they list their national or state records on one of their websites, are they with a single ply suit or raw (specifically the Open division)? If suited, is there anywhere to find raw records?

    Also, PR: Sqaut- 420×1, Bench- 270x5x3, Press- 185×5

    There are raw records. The raw division is fairly new (within the past couple years I think). Check state records too.


  4. Is it just me or does Pisarenko TOTALLY look like a 70s Big version of Freddie Mercury?

    Just coincidence that Queen was a BIG band in the 70s? You be the judge…

  5. No lifting PRs this week because I’ve just started football practice and I’ve been running mad hill sprints. I’m about to make a cooking/eating PR by dominating a half a loaf of hong kong style french toast.

  6. Oh god I’m not even gonna come close to finishing the whole half loaf. This is way more filling than I thought.

    Hahah, this made me laugh out loud really hard.


  7. C&J PR of 230, Got 235 up but it was ugly (some rounded back and a press out on the jerk). 230 felt great though, hoping to hit 250 in the next couple of months.


    Pounds. You gotta clarify, cause pounds in Olympic lifting are uncivilized.


  8. Forgot to add:
    I’ve discovered for myself yet another way to get large amounts of calories easily…a blender.

    Typical shake:
    24 oz Milk
    6 Eggs
    1 scoop protein powder
    Globs of lemon-flavored fish oil
    Ice Cream OR cookies (amount can vary. Choose your flavor, of course, but I enjoy peanut butter cup.)

    Depending on how much ice cream you use, that’s at least 1k cals right there. It’s delicious and very easy to consume. This is what will bring me to 240.


  9. 2 weeks of PRs!
    Squat PR of 230×5
    Bench PR of 175
    Clean PR of 147 for 2 singles both of which included horribly missed jerks
    Snatch PR 110x1x2 then 110x1x3 the following week (testing today)

  10. What a great website. I can’t wait to have a home gym. These posters will definitely help give it the right atmosphere.

    5’10 200lbs
    PRs (in lbs):
    Squat – 305 – 5×3
    Bench – 225 – 5×3
    Deadlift – 425 – 3×1

  11. I did 365x3x5 on the squat. I’m up to 3×5 now on the weights I did as openers for my PL meet last month. I also managed to not gently weep after the 365.

  12. Bench 250.5 x 5 x 3
    Press 166 x 5 x 3
    Squat 385 x 5 x 3 (ties my PR workout)

    BW 252.5 on Monday

    Deadlifted 385 x 5 which felt pretty good, should be able to do 405 next week. That’ll still be 50 lbs off my PR workout, but I’m taking it slow since I enjoy being able to bend down and tie my own shoes.

  13. Ryan,
    Hong kong style french toast is simply french toast with either peanut butter or jelly in between two slices. Just soak the bread in your regular french toast mixture and fry each slice on just one slide. Throw a big spoonful of peanut butter (way better than jelly for both taste and nutrient density) onto one of the fried sides. Smush them together so the two unfried halves are facing out and fry it again. You can also redunk the bread in your egg/milk mixture after the peanut butter phase so the two peices of bread get sealed together.

    It looks nice if you seal the two pieces of bread together and it would really impress a lady with your culinary skills. However if you’re just going for simplicity and nutrition you can just fry up a quantity of french toast and then fork some peanut butter into it afterwards and it will taste the same.

    I heard about it at a local Thai restaurant and the chef there mentioned that using both peanut butter and jelly at the same time doesn’t turn out to well but she never explained why. I’m guessing it just makes it more difficult to stick the peices together or something.

    Markus, this is impressive. Gold star. Where do you hail from?


  14. Back on the linear progression train and into PR territory after an ill-conceived attempt to shed some body fat.

    5’10 217 lbs

    Squat: 370x5x3 (PR)
    Bench: 247.5x5x3 (Tied previous PR)
    Press: 167.5 (Tied previous PR)
    Deadlift: 400×5 (PR)
    PC: 200x3x5 (PR)

  15. Deloading this week from barbells, nothing interesting to report. However, I did accidentally do my first full ROM HSPU on parallel bars, which was kind of cool.

  16. bench 233
    squat 297
    DL 341

    benched 4 wheels for the first time. was trying to total 400 kilos but i did the math wrong and it was 396 =P

  17. @Jake Briskin
    Dammit, you say that so nonchalantly! I tried for a long time to get those… before quitting in frustration.

    There won’t be any PR’s for a while, but I would like to tell a story of how my newfound strength due to barbell training is making me more $$$: I plant trees in the mountains every summer. Once you get fast at it, one of the most limiting factors is how many trees you can carry in your planting bags while still being able to clamber on slopes, over slash piles, etc. This season I’m finding that I’m consistently able to take 20% more trees than I or the rest of the crew have ever been able to, and consequently I’m highballing the crew every day. Too bad the prices suck, or else I be raking in record (for me) amounts of $ too…

    Anyway, thanks barbell training.

    BTW, if you don’t want to lose weight, then don’t go planting. I’m currently consuming at least as much as I was when bulking from 165 to 195, yet my weight has nevertheless dropped to a paltry 185… gaaawdammit!

  18. My lifts are all caught up to or better than where they were before now, went on a 5 day mountaineering trip a few weeks back came back had lost 10 pounds and my lifts had all dropped significantly.

    BW 175
    Press 155 x5
    Bench 225 x5
    Squat 285 x5
    Power Clean 205 x5

  19. Blew out the back seam of my pants during squat workout Wednesday on my 2nd rep. Finished the set and the rest of my squats snorting and laughing my ass off feeling the breeze before changing. Half squat trainers at the gym were not amused…… Fortunatly I recently deloaded and only had 320 lbs on my back. Balls out 70’s Big training at its finest!

  20. first competition last saturday, florida firefighter games push/pull

    275 weight class
    went 5 for 6
    315 bench
    550 deadlift

    tied for biggest deadlift

  21. Bench: 405×1 TM Intensity Day
    Deadlift: 550×1
    Squat: 405×2 TM Intenisty Day
    Benched with some very tender biceps due to nasty case biceps tendinitis so this made stabilizing the weight tough. This could have easily been a set of 3 to 5.

    Squat is coming back nicely after taking many months off due to injury about 7 months ago. The weight is pretty easy but I am still just feeling things out to make sure I don’t re-injure myself. Another month or so and I feel I should be able to go all out.

    Nice lifting all… Get Big!

  22. After using myself as a guinea pig testing some programming stuff out for the gym, I am back on linear progression for myself. This makes me happy. I like squatting 3 times a week, even though Im not very good at it. Made a few modifications to my program on things I screwed up last time. Reset everything so no PR’s…

  23. @Michael – that is some impressing bench. especially with some sort of tendinitis.

    what’s your best squat prior to the injury?

  24. @ The Sun – My squat was nothing crazy. My last volume workout before injury was 415x5x4 about a year ago and my body weight was 197.5 at the time. I don’t know what I was capable of as far a 1rm is concerned as I had never attempted one. I didn’t start taking my squatting seriously until I got into powerlifting and then I screwed up my knee running. Of all things.

  25. bout to try my first intensity day, pretty stoked. but i’ll be lowballing it since this is my first week on the TM and then get after it next week. hoping to squat something similar to what i was hitting previously in my work sets before time off. a new bench PR should be attainable (current is 285 single with a pause).

    shoe PR: Rogues came in wed, used for the medium day, felt pretty good, will see how they feel with heavy weight.

  26. $25 for a poster? Ehh. They are cool looking and shit, but I really can’t justify that. Maybe I’m just cheap.

    No lifting PR’s this week. I was gonna do the May challenge but I took it easy this week.

    Eating PR’s

    -had icecream/milkshakes 6 days in a row.

    To clarify, the shit isn’t a poster. It’s a thick card material and has a textured finish. Poster is a very shitty descriptive term. And the Pisarenko “poster” is absolutely phenomenal.


  27. My friend Ronnie turns 62 tomorrow, and today he squatted 275 for 15 reps here in the gym.

    That’s right, 275×15.

    And tomorrow he’s gonna attempt to bench press 300 and try to press 200 on Monday. You guys better step it up.

  28. Still a novice, right now I’m not squatting because I’ve been dealing with hip tendinitis since July and I want to rid myself of it. But this week:

    Bench: 207.5 x 5 x 3
    Press: 145 x 5 x 3
    Powerclean: 200 x 3 x 5
    Deadlift: 350 x 5

    All easy (except PC) PR’s at 5’8″, 190 lbs

  29. HT:5’10”
    Back Sqt:5×5@335
    Bench Press” 5×5@285
    Power Clean: 3×5@185

    Front Sqt 5×5@280
    Press: 5×5@180
    Deadlift: 3×5@380

    Done 2 seperate days, throughout the week. BTW, that limited edition print is sick!

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