PR Friday

“If it’s a severed head I’m going to be very upset.”

PR Friday boys and girls. Post your weights lifted, competitions attended, pants splitted and victory dances performed to the comments. We certainly had lots of PR’s for emotional outbreaks in the comments this week.

The 2010 National Master’s Weightlifting Championships is this weekend in Rego Park, New York. I’d like to wish my friend, Dr. Lon Kilgore, a good luck. He has been competing in Olympic weightlifting since he was 11 years old will be competing this weekend in the 85 kg class at 52 years old. You can see the final schedule here as well as the start list (including names and info on the lifters) here (Kilgore is lifting in the 8th session). More Masters’ Weightlifting info can be found at their home page.

Also, I just realized that USAW recently released the 2010 National Championships Entry Form with the tentative schedule. Check it out if you want to see how a big meet with multiple sessions will be set up, along with all of the legal hoopla that goes into submitting an entry for one of these (who knew you weren’t allow to dope blood?).

The new t-shirts should be finishing up later today or on Monday, and I will give updates as I receive the information.

In the mean time, here is a pretty sweet weightlifting video that has the hair, the style, the drama, and some big lifts:

Noon edit:

Word of the Day: AC Jump

111 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. Squat: 280x5x3

    Bench and press are still recovering from a reset, I couldn’t do deadlifts yesterday because my gym closed early, yada yada, excuses excuses.

    And that quote is from Wayne’s World. I think they might have said it in Boston Legal during a halloween episode as well.

  2. Anyone know where I can find “ZED-Renegade Fighter” to download? No luck in my usual searches.

    Oh and they’re doing a remake of Vision Quest. It’s worse than Conan. Just sad.

  3. PR: Today is my birthday. I somehow survived 24 years in this mess being a skinny weakling, and I’ve sworn a solemn oath to get big and strong.

    I’m new here. I heard about the site a week ago and since then have read through every single page. It has been a revelation.

    I’m 90’s small, and I want to be 70’s big. I’ve always been in awe of physically imposing men, and I wanted to be big and strong in that superhuman sort of way (superhuman compared to skinny guys), but I truly believed that it wasn’t a possibility for myself. I just accepted being skinny and weak as a fact of life. I figured I didn’t have the right genes, or whatever.

    Fact is, all the men in my family are skinny guys. Beyond skinny, in fact. My dad is 5’6″ 147lbs. He’s been a great athlete his whole life, but a distance runner. He’s solid as a rock and can knock out 30 dead hang pullups on a whim, but he’d die if he tried to move the fridge alone, poor guy. And that, good people, has been my model for adult male strength.

    Now, I’m in law school and I’ve been playing collegiate rugby for two years. I started lifting regularly for the first time about a year and a half ago. The whole time I thought I was getting strong (ha!), while on the field I was getting blasted by bigger, stronger players and left feeling like a nancy. In most cases I’d be a more skilled player than these hulks — I can spin a ball out further and more accurately, kick a drop goal from 40 meters out, and dance through a defence. But in the last 10 minutes of an 80 minute rugby game, when you’ve left nearly everything on the field and exhaustion is dulling your play, all that skill doesn’t count for much against sheer power. And, worst of all, when the team is counting on you to make that last tackle on the 6’1″ 220 lb man-train blasting his way at top speed towards your end zone, and you can’t bring him down, you feel not only like you’ve let the entire world down, but that you’ve let yourself down too.

    Never again.

    My goal for the coming year is to get big and strong. Not just for rugby, but for me. I never want to feel small and weak again. I’m starting the linear progression as soon as possible. (I strained a ligament in my lower back during practice, and once I feel like it’s healed up properly, I’ll begin the serious work of heavy lifting). GOMAD here I come.

    5’11” 168 lbs
    Bench: 175x3x1
    Deadlift: 200 1 rep max
    Squat: 170x3x1

  4. 1. Competed in NorCal CrossFit Sectionals.
    2. Started Linear Progression
    3. Bought $100 meat at CostCo
    4. Acquired headband and Knee Socks.
    5. Ate more in last 2 days than all of last week.

  5. Homer
    Thanks bud, i’ll rep 70’s big as best I can. I ordered a shirt from Justin so hopefully it’ll come in before i have to leave. And while im in Jamaca maybe someone will ask what it is and it will start a huge 70s big revolution there! It could happen…

  6. Wait wait wait. AC Jump made the dictionary before 70s Big. Somebody with an appropriate sense of humor needs to get 70s Big in there.

    You can thank Gant for taking the appropriate steps for that to happen.


  7. 5’9″ 241

    BP 315 x 3

    Also, on my SQ attempt of 500×3 (only got one very ugly rep), vision in my right eye become cloudy/foggy and lasted for the duration of my workout. It’s gone away now but has this happened to anyone else?

    I have gotten dizzy and lost some hearing for a few minutes, but never something with my vision. That’s crazy. Excellent squats.


  8. I have a question on my deadlift form. I set up, line the middle of my feet up under the bar, grab it, roll the bar to my shins, lift my chest up, flatten my back and begin to pull. My buddy informed me that even though my upper/middle back in straight, my lower back potrudes a little. So my whole back is not flat. I’m thinking I need to sit down more? I’m not sure. I know its tough to give me advice without seeing a video of me, but I was wondering what your guy’s take on this would be. Keep in mind, when I pull, I feel great. No lower back pain, nothing. He also noticed this lower pack potruding on my warm up set of 135. So its not like the weight was too heavy or w/e. He said I had one good rep at 225, but for the most part my lower back sticks out about an inch. Could this be my natural stance?


    Do you mean put your shins to the bar? after the bar gets place over the mid-foot the bar does not move. Open your knees into your elbows, just slightly, before you squeeze your chest up. See if that helps.


  9. Squat 385x5x5, 435x2x3
    Bench 247x5x5
    Press 158x5x5 this contained a 3×5 pr as well
    Pullups BWx15x3 no kip
    Chinups +45x7x3
    Halting DL 385×6
    BB Row 215x8x3

  10. PR Deadlift 520*5

    PR squat 430 3*5

    Also this week 280*4 Power clean

    Bench aaaaaahh – 225*2

    Anyone know how the hell to help up my bench and any other pressing ? I have deloaded it multiple times and I am microloading as well. It pisses me off when my lower body is progressing nicely now i am doing things properly whilst my bench hasn’t moved in months. I am 270 6’4 though 25% bf, 17. I am also coming to your seminar in Atlanta.

    Nice numbers man. That’s awesome. Not too sure about the bench. You got a video?

    See you in ATL


  11. AC, what does it matter if I roll the bar against my shins or step against the bar? The end result is the same…the bar against my shins, correct? I was wondering if my stance could be fixed. Do you recommend toes pointed out a little bit to help push your knees slightly out to the elbows? I will have a video next week that I can upload if you don’t mind giving me your email address? If not, thanks for the advice thus far brother.

    Side note, I thought I was going to be losing weight since my conditioning has been picking up for basketball, but I weighed in at 191 today. Sweet.

    Yes the end result is the same, but the efficiency of the lift would be different. Less musculature is used if the shins are vertical starting from the floor. So it does matter how it starts.


  12. If you read my entry from a few days ago, you know I hit 190 last Saturday when I went to da’ beach. Couldn’t hold onto it all week despite the high volume squatting (10 sets of 5) and milk. Have only been able to get 4 hours of sleep per night. Tonight, however, I’m back up to 190. I want to be 200 lbs and squat 405×5 by May 1.

  13. Dammit. Forgot to add: Finally had to buy a new wardrobe a couple days ago. Only one pair of jeans fit anything near comfortably anymore since I left 165 lbs behind in January. It had already been repaired a couple of times and I was wearing out new holes where my adductors rubbed together.

    I’d been a comfortable 32″ waist for many years and could get away with as small as a 30″. Three of my new pants are 34″ and I also have a pair of shorts that feels okay at 33″. It’s not even that the 32″ waist was getting too tight, but I needed more room in the butt and throughout the thighs. Several pairs of jeans heading to Goodwill this weekend.

  14. Worked up to a heavy squat single just to have a starting point to gauge progress. New to barbell training but happy with my max since squats are my weakest lift due to damn long legs.

    Female, 5’7″ 145
    Squat 115X1 PR

    Will get deadlift and press max tomorrow.

  15. @WCM025
    I’m far from an expert, but I think by rolling the bar to your shins you’re moving it away from that key position over the mid foot. On the CrossFit site in either the FAQ or exercise/demo section there’s a short video with Rip on setting up for the DL.

    Good luck!

  16. @Blink:

    If you’re suggesting that on can ONLY buy the latest t-shirt by itself, OR ALL of the older t-shirts together as a set, then I don’t think that’s a great idea at all.

  17. @ Justin

    I do sumo deadlifts because my body recovers much faster and powerlifting comes first, sumo allows me to pull 2x/week so I get in a lot more work while still feeling fresher for my squat sessions. Also I filled out an excel spreadsheet that based on your body proportions tells you which deadlift style you’d be better at and mine came up as sumo so two weeks ago I decided to give sumo a shot to see if it could improve on my deadlift. Hoping for a 327.5 or 330 pull in August at NJ States regardless of which way I’m pulling at the time, but hopefully sumo because I feel like my squat would be better for it.

  18. PR’s this week:
    Ripped a pair of boxers this week and by the time i was done with my workout they had split nearly right off. Thank goodness for the elastic band. Also completed my second oly workout. Hopefully some PR’s for those lifts will be coming soon.

    I started to use a foam roller and lacrosse ball after workouts and on my off days and my hip fatigue has seemed to be less. Thanks to all the guys for the suggestion.

    Justin do you think you might be able to do article with some suggestions for stretches, mobility, and recovery? It seems like my trek towards 70’s big that my body seems a lot stiffer.

  19. out on the town last night and ripped my jeans from my crotch to my knee( these were bought after ripping a smaller older pair). went into 24 hour walmart with them on to buy a new pair and kept on goin.

  20. Bench 5RM PR @ 210, afterward benched 225 easily. Squat 5RM PR @ 325, haven’t done this since high school. Deadlift 5RM PR @ 315, could have gone higher. Press 135×5 and 140×4. I know the numbers are not huge but it feels great to be going up. Did crossfit for about 2 years and made very litte strength gains. Just finished 8 weeks of linear progression and now I’m hitting these new numbers. Still small though 5’4″ 150lbs.

  21. food pr:
    eight large eggs scrambled with a shredded up chicken breast.

    i ate it at work, in front of my astonished/disgusted/curious co-workers.

    i was experiencing some annoying and distracting pelvic pains in the squat for the past couple weeks, so this week i pulled my feet in a couple inches on both sides and deloaded a bit. felt quite different, but good. on my way back to the gym to add five pounds and see what happens.

    did pull ups one day and chin ups another day—first time ever doing both in one week.

  22. Competed in my first meet this morning, went 7 for 9. I realized that the toughest part of competing for me is getting over the frustration of missing a rep. During my first squat attempt I displayed the coordination of a newborn-giraffe and almost fell over with a weight that I have hit for a set of 5. I somehow completed the squat using almost entirely my left leg but was DQ’d for a “double-bounce.” Only PR’d my deadlift.

    Squat: 435
    Bench: 285
    Dead: 475 (pr)

  23. Just got back home from BC Juniors, took first place in the 77 kg class. Super pumped for it being my first meet, big PR in Clean and Jerk. Split snatched, squat still needs some work to be consistent and didn’t want to miss any easy lifts.

    Snatch 70 kilos / 75 / 80(miss)
    C & J 95 kilos / 102 / 110 (PR)
    Total 185 kilos

  24. @ScottishDav

    That link is hilarious.

    “Squats are like a creepy guy in an elevator”


    The woman who writes that blog is like a German pornstar’s mouth.

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