Greetings and Contest Announcements

‘Tis PR Friday lads and lasses, and that means you get to post your personal records in lifting, clothing ripped, eating, and bodyweight increases. I just saw someone ferociously rip their shorts when they were squatting yesterday. It brought a tear to my eye.

Oh, and the 70’s Big Twitter page was just launched. We’ll try to make it funny.

We’ve been shipping out the t-shirt orders and there have been a bunch of orders from around the world; Ireland, the UK, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, and Australia all contain people who are on the quest to 70’s Big. I’d like to personally extend a greeting to all of the international readers and welcome you all to post in the comments this weekend to drop us a line. I’ve never been out of the U.S., so this is particularly fascinating to be reaching anybody across the world.


The Mustaches of May Contest
Starting in May 70’s Big will have a picture contest centered around a particular theme every month. Whoever has the best picture in May will win a 70’s Big t-shirt. The theme of May’s contest is mustaches, so the submitter must include a picture of them wearing some kind of stellar ‘stache. This is open to both males and females, but females are strongly encouraged to not grow a mustache for this event. The mustache doesn’t have to be real, but you’d have to think of something pretty damn clever to win on a fake ‘stache.

Some rules off the top of my head include:
– No male nudity. Ever.
– Female nudity won’t be posted on the site.
– Don’t send me something that is going to piss people off (racial or violent stuff), and if you are doing something religious, it shouldn’t mock the religion but pay homage to it.

Ultimately, just use good sense. Don’t ruin this for everyone else.

From last weekend's meet (L to R): Brent, Mike, Kilgore, Justin, and Chris

...and seconds later

82 thoughts on “Greetings and Contest Announcements

  1. weights:
    squats 152.5kgx3
    bench 115kgx3
    deadlift 175kgx2 +3rd failed lockout above the knee

    bodyweight 86kg

    most importantly – Nose bleed PR for the very first time. happened on the 3rd rep of the squats.

  2. I must be doing something right

    My girlfriend was talking to a friend of hers we saw last week

    Friend: Your boyfriend must be stressed, he’s put on a lot of weight

    Girlfriend: He’s not ‘stressed’. He found this website that tells him to eat lots and lift heavy weights

    She really has the knack for getting to the heart of the matter :)



  3. 255#x5 bench. 5# a week, every week and 300# isn’t that far away! Deadlift 385#x5 and squat 380#x5 so you know I’m not some bench only scrub.

  4. I’m Australian but I live in the UK …is that international enough for you?

    In my quest for 70s big I have started training(and eating) for a novice strongman event at the end of May.

    It’ll be my first ever competition and I can’t wait.

    International indeed.


  5. BS 350x1x5
    FS 242x2x5, 262x1x5 (previous PR 220 – mostly technique improvement)

    Side note – not quite a meat and potatoes 70s big exercise or anything, but I managed to hold a passable front lever for ~3 seconds… try it, it’s hard.
    Not sure how useful it is, but at the very least, it’s a neat trick.

    That doesn’t really make sense… if all one had to do to gain muscle was “get stressed”… well, hell, there’d be lots of 70s big people around! Assuming your gf’s friend can tell the difference between muscle and fat gain, of course.

  6. on a side note: just how big are Brent’s traps? it seems like you seem to mention it more often than the fact that he’s asian. strong homo here, btw.

    I’m no longer feeling the need to clarify to you silly people about homo-ness. But, his traps are pretty big. For an Asian.


  7. This is cool:

    Note that when he talks about taking many attempts to hit a PR, he’s talking about the Oly lifts, not max squats or DLs or anything.

  8. average broz gym is just down the road from me. he invited me to lift with him and his guys this summer. might take him up on it..

    You should.


  9. Fun Fact: You can drink 1.5x’ as much milk with a mustache. It’s science.

    Squat 1X3 375, with a 3X3 at 350.
    Press 3×3 185
    Clean 3×3 245
    All PR’s

    Music: Frampton Comes Alive! The best live 70’s recording that doesn’t have “Led Zeppelin” in the title.

  10. Thanks for the greetings Justin, big howdy right back from Crossfit Ireland!

    We try our best to do things right out here, sending 6 folks from the gym to compete in a local weightlifting meet tomorrow as it happens.

    We’ve been nagging Rip via email to come over here and hold a seminar for over a year now, tell him to get a move on!

  11. Got two minor PRs this week. Squatted 145kg (320 lbs) for 8 reps on Monday and benched 112.5kg (248 lbs) for 5,5,4,4,4 Wednesday. It was a new 5RM, but I didn’t quite get the 5×5 I was aiming for. Weighed in at 93.5kg (206#) but I want to get below 90kg (198#) this year in time for a meet in Nov.

  12. I’m Irish.
    I didn’t order a t-shirt though.
    Incidentally I have met Will Walshe.

    112.5kg 3×5 Squat
    56kg 3×5 Press

    On the Taches, I have a glorious full beard. Moustaches are regression to me.

  13. k9nacl: you are required by law to take him up on this. Whether it ends up sucking or rocking, you don’t want to look back at age 40 or something and say, hmm, I wonder what that would’ve been like…

  14. Australia.

    BS: 127.5x3x1 (3RM. full depth)
    Press: 55x5x2 (5RM)
    DL: 150x5x1 (5RM)
    BW: ? looks b/n 85-90… haven’t checked in a while.

    Low volume because my left calf was very sore during the squats, and has been niggling me for about two weeks. Going to unload for a week and then start back up again if it feels right.

    +1 for the beard.

  15. Broke the toilet seat this morning… by sitting on it. I weigh about 230, so the seat just wasn’t very strong. Still…

    As for recent lift PRs:
    Squat: 3*5*175kg (385lbs)
    Bench: 4*140kg (310lbs)
    DL: 4*230kg (510lbs)

  16. Its been a while since I had anything worth noting, but this morning I OH pressed 225×3. PR for me…but I lost 12 lbs. I’m gonna’ need a new weight belt, mine is too big.


  17. 6ft 226lbs

    Squat – 305lbs 3×5 Pr since back injury.
    Bench – 210lbs 3×5 No Pr on a reset.
    Press – 155lbs 3×5 Pr
    Dead – 350lbs 1×5 Pr
    Clean – 170lbs 5×3 Pr

    Having no-one else to lift with really drags down my progression I think, so It’s time to bring my accountability to the interweb so I push harder.

    Hurt my lower back a little doing squats with awful form I’ve since reset all my lifts and pushed the weight back up steadily every week and I’m noticing that the back pain that I had before I hurt it is gone and that my back feels far stronger now than it did, go go 70’s big.

  18. HT: 6′
    WT: 198lb

    I maxed out my lifts this week.

    Squat: 425lb x 1
    Bench: 245lb x 1
    Deadlift: 505lb x 1 ( I had 525lb locked out but my grip slipped before I could bring it back down.)

  19. BS 130x5x3
    PP 90×2
    Bench 90×4
    FS 120×3
    DL 155×5

    Just at a triple whopper with bacon and cheese, washed down with milk and a large vanilla shake, 2600kcals

    I don’t know how much I weight but will find out tomorrow. Funnily enough I’ve already grown my beard and moustache for my ’70s party tomorrow :)

  20. Oh, and I had a doc’s appointment Wednesday and weighed 234 officially. And I must need to gain more because the nurse was surprised and said I look thin.

  21. PR
    On monday I’m pretty sure I saw God on my last rep of deadlifts. Couldn’t hear anything, saw a light, smiled to a few people a barely knew, everything was rea… lly s… low for a few seconds.
    Good times.

  22. Having some knee issues the past couple weeks which is screwing up my squatting a lot and deadlifting a little but still making bench and pressing PR’s:

    Bench: 315X5X3
    Press: 206.25X5X3

    With my knee issue I still managed to deadlift 475X2 but that is short my best pull by a few pounds and a few reps. Got Xrays today and MRI next week.

  23. Hey big people,

    I’m up to 230lbs as of yesterday, and my lifts are going pretty good. I’ve been doing lots of rep maxes, so last week was:

    Fat Bar Military Press – 135×6
    Dead Lift – 380×11
    Fat Bar Bench – 205×7
    Front Squat – 285×5 (lifetime PR at age 38).

    As you can see, everything needs work. Thanks to 70sBig for making it cool to be big & strong again. Takes me back to the reason I lifted my first weight.

  24. A quick clarification, does the ‘stache have to start growing in May or can it be pre-existing?

    My gym here in Australia has many 70’s Big followers, just about all of them are novices with lifting ages of 6 months or less and many play other sports so can only really linear progress during the off season.

    This week I can confirm that EVERY LIFTER IN THE GYM (about 37 members and 26 casuals) had an increase of between 2.5kg to 5kg on every set of 3 by 5 whether it be squat, deadlift, o/h press or bench.

    Also busted 2 pairs of shorts with lifting related crotch blow outs, (couldn’t confirm the origin of other crotch blow outs)

    Looking at forming a weightlifting crew to compete in some club weightlifting comps middle of the year.

    I don’t really care when the ‘staches are grown. But, your gym sounds awesome.


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