Aaaaaand it’s PR Friday. Post weight lifted, gained, or consumed to the comments. You may also include number of burger patties obtained for free and number of gorillas wrestled.
Chris and I ate at Dairy Queen today, and we ordered their Flame Kicker burger with three patties (I don’t know what they call it, it’s some kind of stupid name). They must have glanced over at Chris’ large frame (he’s 275) as he was sing-songing in a deep voice, “I ain’t no triiiiiiiiiiiiiiig,” and thought he needed an extra patty.

Four patties; as big as a Chris Riley upper cut

Pretty excited about it
And just because someone mentioned it in the comments yesterday, here is Chris deadlifting 600 and 625 last September with a hook grip.
You all remember Zach, right? Well, he’s still eating. He brought this ridiculous looking sandwich to the gym with his gallon of milk the other day, and I thought it warranted a post.

Zach and his big bunned sandwich had a whole pack of cheese and ham respectively

At least two inches of meat and cheese. While training.
Newsflash: Gorillas Are 70’s Big
That burger looks great, that sandwich is just scary though – I can’t comprehend fitting my mouth around that think, let alone in the middle of a workout!
PR press 55kgx3x5
PR chins 8xBW
Bodyweight PR 94kg on the gym scales (don’t trust em though, and I think my new Rips added about a kilo!)
Squat 375#x5, bench 250#x5. Want that 300# bench!
Squat 1X3 365
Press 3X3 175
DL 1X3 385
Clean 3×3 230
Weight: 91 KG
I received a standing ovation from my Chinese BBQ restaurant after my 2 KG lamb meal, 4 beers, and 4 Kabobs.
squats: 340 x 5
bench: 240 x 5
power clean: 195 x 3
Going for press and deadlift PRs later today.
PR Friday
deadlift – 435 x 1 (belt is on its way)
ate 2 KFC double downs last night
Damn, gorillas really are 70’s Big. From what I’ve heard they eat 15 times more than humans do, and are about 8 times stronger than an average human.
Squat 115kgx5x3 PR
Deadlift 135kgx5x1 PR
Press 57,5kgx5x3 PR
Bench 85kgx5x3 PR
PC 77,5kgx5x3 PR
Double Cheeseburger PR: 5 before bed last night. Doug Young.
Lifts PR:
squat 150kgx3
bench 112.5kgx3
deadlift 170kgx3
are gorillas vegetarian? =(
My first post on this website. I love reading your stories, Justin and the rest. Interesting and funny! And this shit often makes me hungry as hell and want to lift big.
I’m still a fucking idiot because I don’t have a belt and no squat shoes! Gonna order the retro EliteFTS belt pronto, if it’s still available.
Keep us informed and inspired! Greets from Spain.
Food PR
5 cheesburgers and 2 Big Macs in 20 minutes. Bet I could do better though.
Lift PR’s coming up.
2 PRs this week.
BMI 30. Officially obese. Mirror disagrees.
Deadlift 210kg@87kg
Also haven’t shaved for 2 weeks.
585 deadlift.
Gimme a hell yeah! Did you video this???
Badass Gorilla pic FTW!!!
BW PR: 247, need to tighten up a little. Resetting across the board, everything feels pretty good. Gotta get mucho strong(er) before July…
Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m a 46 y.o. male, trying my hand as a novice 69kg masters weightlifter, so you could say that I’m three-quarters of 70’s Big (I prefer that to 90’s Small). Eventhough I am one of the outliers in age and weight in the recent reader survey , I thoroughly enjoy this site.
I competed in my first Masters Nationals Weightlifting Championships this past weekend and went 6 for 6 with 3 PR lifts, topped out at a 70kg snatch and 90 kg clean and jerk. I placed third in my class, and my 160 total qualified me for the upcoming PanAm Masters. Even rubbed shoulders with Coach Rippetoe at the meet.
And I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my first 70’s Big t-shirts which I ordered earlier this week.
Squat 295 x 5 x 3
Deadlift 325 x 5
Still at 220 for body weight. No milk here in afghanistan.
Hey Justin,
first of all just want to say I freaking love the site – funny AND educational!
But anyway, due to a sucky combo of life factors interfering, I’m struggling to get to the gym a couple times a week. I’ve been into CF sporadically for a bit over 6 mths but lack of resources has always held me back. Recently started trying to get stronger, checking out yours truly and CFFB – sick of being a weak bitch and going full time in the Army in next few months, so current “strength” levels not gonna cut it.
I know it’s not an ideal situation, but what do you reckon is my best approach training-wise for the time being? As soon as my transfer goes through I’ll be earning much better cash and a full weight set is definitely my first priority!
Sorry for long post – any advice would be beyond awesome, cheers.
Squat 365×3
Bench 265x5x3
Highland games is a month away. I have the gear to train everything except the caber toss, and I’m feeling pretty good about the throws. For the caber, I’m practicing the pick (where you get the caber off the ground and get your hands under it) with my 150# heavy bag. Not as long, but bigger around and heavier than the caber. Hoping this will do. At the least, putting your arms around a heavy bag and bear-hugging it to get it off the ground feels manly as hell.
Shoot, one more PR: Military Press 180x5x3
@West, damn, that’s an awesome deadlift.
Zach should be proud of that sandwich.
5”10 200lbs
Press – 145 5×3
Bench – 215 5×3
Deadlift – 395 1×5
Squat – fixed an oncoming sinus infection.
I’m still the weaksauce, but it’s getting better. This weekend I shall consume much dead animal.
Two weeks rowing training is going to interfere with the lifting sadly, but managed a PR in that at least.
2k in 6:30.7
Chris looks like the most intimidating person ever. 275 lbs. Just plain scary.
How does Zach keep the milk down while squatting and between sets? This is madness.
Bench 244.5 x 5 x 3
Press 146 x 5 x 3
Deadlift and squat have taken a bit of a step back after some sort of odd leg injury six weeks ago.
BW 251
140x3x5 press
mr blink: This is SPARTAAAAAAAAAA!
Saturday I had a meet, so PRs:
Squat 182.5kg
DL 200kg.
Felt good.
Weight PR: 201 (finally an adult male again, up from 186 a while ago)
Deadlift 365 x 3, 405 x1
Squat 305 x 1
Press 110 x 5 x 5 (finally getting over shoulder problems)
Food PR: Ate 6 Wendy’s Doublestacks (pretty simple, but I’m getting there)
Only PR of week: Deadlift 325×5, really want to get to 375 by June.
(Still 90’s small @ 5’4″ 150)
squat 295 x 5
press 155 x 5
dl 325 x 5
6’0″ bw 205
Chris, Justin, and Zach – you guys are making me hungry. Nom nom nom.
20repsquats – Hell yeah, man, getting strong! When’s your next meet?
PR – finally joined Hyde Park Gym in Austin…a very 70sbig friendly place. Also ate at Salt Lick and Black’s BBQ, and possibly Cooper’s later today. No “real” PRs, except a measly 140kg front squat and a ditched 150kg effort that’ll go up next time for sure.
@Jacob Also try the County Line. They aren’t as good as the Salt Lick, IMO, but they do have The Cadillac – they fill an entire table with meat and turn you loose on it. It is awesome. Plus you can get there by boat.
If I had to guess, I would say that those gorillas are more like 80 times stronger than a human as opposed to 8. Look at those tris and lats!
“Adult males range in height from 1.65–1.75 metres (5 ft 5 in–5 ft 9 in), and in weight from 140–200 kg (310–440 lb).”
We all have something new to strive for.
DaveN – love me some county line ribs, but need a date to justify the fanciness. Soon.
Press 205x3x3
Power Clean 261×1
1 large order each of chicken chow fun, spicy curry chicken, and general tso. With all available rice. Egg roll for dessert.
6′ 230
Still not as strong as I should be, but getting there!
+ 1 for County Line. Wasted calories, but the bread they bring when you sit down is out-f’ing-standing.
5’5″ and 310 is seriously 70s Big; I was happy with my weight PR of 190.
Has Chris pulled 700 yet?
No PRs this week as I was traveling all week but I did see the LSU Powerlifting team at the airport in NOLA. Talked to one guy and found out they were on their way to Orlando for Nationals with 40 folks.
It was awesome to see 40 powerlifters, guys and gals, walking around in their LSU powerlifting shirts!
250 squat clean – PR by 10 lbs.
Long time commenter, first time reader.
No PR’s to report except for the dump I just took, clogged the toilet before I wiped.
Awesome vid here. One thing to note, at 1:11 that is a 200kg hang snatch!
Its too bad my Louisiana Tech Irondawgs are going to take them down…
did you go to LSU?
I have decided to start playing (Canadian) football for the first time since grade 8 this summer. I’m really excited to be competing in WL and maybe having the oppourtunity to play a couple quarters this year and having a hell of a time practicing with the team. They seem like a great group of guys and hopefully I’ll be able to interest some of them in 70’s big and some barbell training.
I don’t have much experience in the game itself but I wrassled four years in highschool, I’m going to be the strength coach for a highschool team this year and I think I can contribute a bit at 250+ pounds. I’m already in training for a lifting meet this summer and I think that training for football as well will really inspire me to step it up another notch.
@ gzt
It all makes sense now. Thats why Starr wrote Strongest Shall Survive…It must be subliminal messaging for all the strong people that are at WFAC.
No, I did not attend LSU I went to Texas State, Southwest Texas when I was there.
Just thought it was cool to see a large powerlifting team at the airport. Most folks aren’t familiar with the sport so the more people that see it out in the world the better.
Wow. Just had a ribeye steak mmmmh!
I am from Germany and I love 70s big!
I’m tryin to get 70s big for about two month now.
PR for this week
SQ 190lb
BP 155
DL 250
P 85
Keep it up and spread the word!
Off subject, but why doesn’t Justin have a gnarly stache? Next question, can we make an amendment to the requirements to be 70’s big. When I grow a beard I look like I’m middle Eastern/ borat. This is not good for several reasons. #1 I look like a terrorist, #2 I LOOK LIKE A TERRORIST!! Thank you for your consideration regarding the matter.
Bodyweight 260lbs (holding steady for two months now)
Squat training this week: (goal 405X3 X5sets)actual: 405X3X3, 405X1 drop 315X7
Bench PR: 312.5X5 X3sets
Press PR (on intensity day): 215X3
Last day of Deadlift reset tonight with 475X5..hope to PR next week with 485.
When is the next article going to come out about novices going into their first powerlifting meet?
Looking forward to that one. I’ve got a meet in 4 weeks already. Time is flying fast…
Bodyweight: 178 lbs
Beards grown: 1
Squat – 3X5@420#
Deads – 1X5@445#
Will be hitting 425 squats in a few hours.
Zach just looks so much better now (no homo). Like a healthy man.
Long time first time!
Actually, I only discovered you guys a week ago.
I’ve been on Starting Strength for a month. Current stats as of Wednesday evening:
Body weight: 189# w/ beard
S: 195×5
BP: 140×5
DL: 240×1
Thinking I’ll have a fat sammich for lunch….
You guys rock!!!
^ Shit, that last post was supposed to say, Bodyweight: 180#