Aaaaaand it’s PR Friday. Post weight lifted, gained, or consumed to the comments. You may also include number of burger patties obtained for free and number of gorillas wrestled.
Chris and I ate at Dairy Queen today, and we ordered their Flame Kicker burger with three patties (I don’t know what they call it, it’s some kind of stupid name). They must have glanced over at Chris’ large frame (he’s 275) as he was sing-songing in a deep voice, “I ain’t no triiiiiiiiiiiiiiig,” and thought he needed an extra patty.

Four patties; as big as a Chris Riley upper cut

Pretty excited about it
And just because someone mentioned it in the comments yesterday, here is Chris deadlifting 600 and 625 last September with a hook grip.
You all remember Zach, right? Well, he’s still eating. He brought this ridiculous looking sandwich to the gym with his gallon of milk the other day, and I thought it warranted a post.

Zach and his big bunned sandwich had a whole pack of cheese and ham respectively

At least two inches of meat and cheese. While training.
Newsflash: Gorillas Are 70’s Big
Zach seriously looks like a viking now.
Dude just eat nine pounds of food and go with the typo!
Zach looks huge. That’s good work
press 62.5kg x 7
deadlift 115kg x 18
chinese buffet x 3 plates of meat ( no rice, noodles or cake)
Hit a chin up PR @ 11 reps, no kipping of course.
Still working with a reset on all of my lifts so no real PRs there, unless you count technique as PRs! I get a lot more training effect from doing less weight properly than doing good mornings with too much on my back.
@ markus_2002,
Haha I like your style.
2 things about that video of Chris pulling:
1. His form looks great. It’s inspirational to me, who is still working on correcting it.
2. After he pulled 625, Justin’s high five/hand slap was WEAK. you guys weren’t on the same page. haha.
Regarding burgers
1. Double Down downed.
2. Gained 5 pounds.
There’s no way a sandwich can be that big without some enhancement. We need a dunk test and caliper readings in 5 areas to assess its truthiness.
Oh, and nice to see Zach out from under the microscope.
@caseydonova: Viking indeed
true story…
had a playful stare down with the male gorilla at the Ft. Worth zoo one time who then proceeded to smash his elbow on the the glass in front of my face. I’m not gonna lie, it puckered me up a bit seeing the glass bow.
I do like to think he was threatened by my 70’s bigness though
Yeah…if I have a stare down with a silverback gorilla…I’d like it to be from about 300 yards with a rifle.
I don’t like the concept of being beaten to death with my own arms…
Fellow 70s big followers. Today I had a max out attempt on the PC, SQ, BP and DL. After training very hard for this past month and increasing all of my 3 by 5 and 1 by 5 for all four lifts, I did not make any gains at all and could only match my previous PR for the DL. This past week has been really shitty in terms of eating and sleeping. Do you think this would be why I had such difficulty? All the weight felt super heavy and I really didnt feel like I was as pumped or that I could get as pumped as in the past. Has this happened to any of you? I was really expecting to squat 4 plates and pull 5. I feel downtrodden however I have resigned myself to drink more milk and sleep more for my next training cycle.
I got way more ass hair than that damn dirty ape. Pretty sure I could take him.
Body weight 210
deadlift 300x5x1
bench 185x5x3
My 2 week old daughter gained 1 lb in 7 days. 12% bodyweight increase from breast milk alone!
Where do you guys buy your chalk? I bought a block from a fitness store up in Philadelphia, but I’m about 45 minutes away from where I bought it, and I don’t think its worth driving there again. Do you guys order it online? If so, what sites do you buy from? i’ve seen some online but the prices are ridiculous. I bought the block I have now for like $2 or something.
Squat – 290x5x1, had to deload to 285 for the other two sets of five
Deadlift – 345x5x1
@WCM025 – I bought a chalk ball from a rock climbing place, and it only cost me $5.
T-SHIRT P.R.!!! Got the new 70’s Big shirt in the mail today and it looks great. Good quality screen and for those of you wondering about the sizing, mine is a large and it’s pretty in line with what you’d expect, possibly a shade on the tighter fitting side. If you’re in doubt size wise, go with the bigger choice.
Thanks a bunch to everyone at WFAC, the turnaround time on my order was incredible.
Squat: 255
Bench: 140
Deadlift: 235
Started 2 months ago on starting Strength. Now i will be using a 5/3/1 type workout given to me by the Powerlifting coach. eating as much as possible
also my Height and weight currently
5’4″ and 140lbs
Squat – 3X5@425#
WCM, Inzer sells chalk cheap. I believe EliteFTS does as well.
BW: 220
SQ: 245x5x3
DL: 315×4
My R elbow feels better now that I’m not doing chins/pullups. I get under the bar slower, and work my grip inward each set as I warm up. Plus ice.
But my bicepts peek feels neglected. :P
Male 6’1” 225
Squat – 345x5x5, 350x5x3
DL – 530 x 1
Also had the KFC double down and ate whole rotisserie chickens on back to back days for lunch.
@WCM025 – Don’t know if you live near any, but both the Sports Authority and Dicks by me sells chalk for about $2 a block.
Food PR: After playing around at Enchanted Rock all day, killed a stack of meat at Cooper’s BBQ in Llano. Then we stopped at Bluebonnet cafe in Marble Falls for dessert…and I ended up with the 2 chicken fried steak dinner, 3 sides, 2 rolls, and split a slice of pie with friends. And some black coffee to make sure my heart kept beating.
Not any notable PRs as i started my deload a week ago but…
I applied for a scholarship and the essay prompt was to write about something that changed your life. Yes, and GOMAD were the topic of the essay. ill give a quick outline.
Paragraph1: How i started as weak and skinny
Paragraph2: What is 70sbig?
Paragraph3: How has 70sbig affected my life, physically and mentally?
Paragraph4: Where am i now that i have discovered 70sbig.
So basically, a massive shoutout to 70s big with a possible chance of massive tuition deductions.
Also, I just got my new 70’s Big shirt in the mail after ordering Tuesday. Fits perfect, looks awesome, and very high quality. Thanks Justin and 70s Big again!
305/5/3 w/belt
Best I have ever done and at the lowest bodyweight! On my way down from 2000 fat to 70’s big!!
Love me some squats!
hey hey hey. two PRs this week.
Deadlift: 185×5
Power Clean: 125×1 (that’s +10)
Squat 390x5x5, 425x3x3
Bench 250x5x5
Press 160x5x5
Power Clean 110kgx1 (getting back into them after a wrist injury)
Pullups +85x3x3
Rack Pull 445×5
6′ 220lbs
Squat: 300x5x3
Press: 157.5x5x3
Been doing SS for about three months and tonight was my second workout with the Rippetoe shoes.
Weighed 192 today. Then I got on a plane and headed out to Denver to meet up with Rip and crew at the seminar. Missed lunch, but made up with a half a cheesesteak and meatloaf dinner. Downing a gallon of milk as I type. Weight just started shooting up a couple days ago so it looks like the volume squats finally gained some traction. Will have to wait till after the seminar to do 315x5x10.
First post. Currently on a linear strength cycle; trying to get into regular strength training. ‘Hard gainer’, BW ~86kg, 6′.
Friday: rest day
BS: 120kgx3x4
Press: 50kgx5x5
DL: 140kgx5x1
Jesus I’m pissed right now. Accidentally loaded a 17,5kg bar instead of a standard 20kg for a PR squat session. The bar looked just like the heavier ones. I didn’t notice it until the end of the second set when I saw the tiny “17,5” engraving. So no PR today. FUCK. Shit like this probably happens when you are forced to change to another gym like I was a week ago.
Power Clean & Jerk: 185 x 3
PR Not being a coward: I bought a singlet and a USAPL membership. I’ll be competing in a powerlifting meet in September either in the 220-lb class or the 242. Now I just need to get my squat and deadlift back into respectable territory.
Nicholas W: There’s no such think as a hard gainer.
@ simonsky
Any vegetarian that can snap tempered steel bars in half and uproot small trees with their bare hands has my utmost respect.
@mr Blink – that is awesome
I love some deadlifting to Zeppelin. Good stuff.
BTW, those weren’t actually gorillas. That was me and my buddy Dave wearing gorilla suits. I didn’t know you had caught us on film while sparring.
Might as well write it down –
benched 1×3 80kg.
Due to leaving my training log in the gym friday I accidentally misreported my Bench. I found out it was supposed to be 252.5x5x5 after I recovered it.
Squeezed out a PR of 365-375 1RM squat PR. I can’t recall if the 10 lb difference to due to the adrenaline and the lack of sleep. Heard something rip in my pants around 355 lbs. Unfortunately, nothing tore.
I was wearing the new 70s Big shirt while I did it too. Someone even pointed at it and said, “I love that site.”
@ AC
“I wanna be big…like a gorilla”
Been lurking since November, thought I’d finally post. I live in Tokyo, the land of 90’s small, and good food is hard to come by. I’m 24, 6’0 and I seriously need to gain more weight.
current PRs
BW 158->182
Squat 253 3×5
DL 308 1×5
Power clean 156 5×3
Press 121 3×5
Bench 182 3×5