PR Friday

“We confide in our strength without boasting of it; we respect that of others without fearing it. ” –Thomas Jefferson

PR Friday means you post your personal records in weight lifted, gained, or consumed. We hold each other accountable for quality training and will continue to be supportive of anyone getting stronger.


Greg and his wife from St. Louis found a 70’s Big Lego guy

Greg and his wife from St. Louis found a 70’s Big Lego guy

Allen, a WFAC member, snags a 70’s Big cat

Allen, a WFAC member, snags a 70’s Big cat

111 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. Hrm…

    Deadlifted 265… What can I say? I”m new here. Last week I figured I had maxed out at 230.

    Broke 6000 calories last Saturday… Definite PR there.

  2. First post.
    Age 53, BW 233# HT 5”8″ Started SS:BBT at the end of November 2009.

    Squat: 225#x5x3
    Bench: 170#x5x3
    DL: 270#x5x1

    Will add OHP and powerclean as space issues are resolved. All above are PR”s.Still progressing mostly in a linear fashion.

  3. Back to SS after a month off for holiday and life stuff. All lifts 3×5(except DL)

    Could have gone heavier on all the lifts but after a month off I decided the focus should be on keeping the lifts smooth and concentrating on form. With food and sleep the weight will come.

    BS 225
    BP 175
    PC 155
    DL 345
    Press 120

    155 days until my 1st powerlifting meet!

  4. @WannaBBurly
    I”m 6”1″ 225 32 years old…we will see how the reload goes before switching things up.

    Thanks for posting the article…good stuff.

  5. i don””t like cat hunting, i””m ok with bears and elks and other naturally hunted animals(bears are not hunted i know) but these cats are almost extinct, i know i won””t change anything but c””mon mayne…

    6 lbs gained
    squat PR 15 pounds.
    bench PR 10 pounds.
    press PR 5 pounds.
    deadlift PR 20 pounds.
    power clean PR 15 pounds.

    Assuming you know the species of Allen’s kill, feel free to provide the statistics to back up your claim along with your vast knowledge of North Texas hunting.


  6. @Jacob

    Happy Birthday you 70”s Big Stud. Damn your getting old…

    I think I have my son talked into competing with us in February at the state meet. Should be a blast.

  7. Michael H – Happy Bday, man! Hope you can at least remember yours. Word of advice – avoid wearing any Disney princess ribbons if at all possible. It attracts the wrong kind of non-70sbig attention. Just trust me on this. Also, don”t split a bottle of Jager with a friend to celebrate after a full night of bar-golf. Tips from an older, maybe not so wiser man.

    WA-Apples, thanks man! Make sure you guys get your entry forms in soon, I need to as well. I think it might fill up before the deadline, I hear it”s really popular.

  8. Squat 310x5x3
    Bench 177.5x5x3
    Deadlifts 365×5
    Press 127.5x5x3
    Weight pr: 206-207

    2 Bk double cheese burgers + gallon of milk every day… On top of my normal meals :P

  9. bench: 260×4

    shipment orders: i ordered 5lbs of whey from and they sent me a 5lbs i originally ordered AND a 25lb “recession” bag. the kicker: they only charged me for the 5lb bag.

    is this a PR in the truest sense?



  10. Week 3 on the program:

    Bench: 285x3x5
    Deadlift: 500×5
    Press: 185x3x5

    It”s not much but it”s a start. My goal for the year:

    400lb. bench
    500lb. squat
    600lb. deadlift

  11. Same situation as easy_e: Recovering from CrossFit. Did main site for a little over three years. Absolute strength suffered/sucks. Quit four weeks ago and now SS only. Dropped weights for five down twenty percent and started Onus program. I was 173 when I started at 72″.

    Week 4 Onus:

    Squat: 230x3x5
    Bench: 220x3x5
    Deadlift: 335x1x5
    Press: 135x3x5

    PR = Weighed in at 198 in my bare essentials. Been drinking a gallon of whole, raw milk every day since week 1.

    Scored a boatload of venison from a friend and I am eating like a king. Two more pounds…

  12. BW: 236
    S: 410×5
    BP: 265×5
    First comp is in April.

    Was just doing some work for my Vets Org. and wanted to share this:

    “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”
    – Thucydides

  13. Finally able to lift heavy after dislocating my shoulder.

    Squat 285x3x5
    PCleans 230x5x3
    Deadlift 365x1x5

    Still cant do any pressing movements (damn shoulder!!). So just doin the above lifts mon wed fri.
    BW last week 171. BW today 177!

  14. @Twotone

    Really which Y? I train at the Y in South County and Brentwood. The only powerlifting gym in St. Louis I know is Eagle Gym in Overland. I don”t know if they have bumper plates.

  15. BW 175
    Deadlift PR 365×11
    Press PR 160×4
    Bench Press PR 220×7
    Squat PR 295×7

    This was a great week for me with PR on all my lifts. I do have a question for anyone? I have a powerlifting comp on Feb 13 which is one week after my deload week. Should I do two weeks in a row of deloading or push another week of triples and then do a deload week the week before the meet? I”m on the Wendler 5/3/1 and currently on week 2.

  16. BW 165:

    Squatted 405 for a PR, missed a 365 FS narrowly for what would have been another PR. At a lifting meet last weekend I snatched 105kg but dropped it just before the buzzer.

  17. Squatted 415 5×5. I also returned from Afghanistan. Life is good in the islands. I”ll be visiting family in Texas here shortly, would like to visit WFAC while I”m there, any thing going on some time soon there to give me a good excuse?

  18. No BW or lifting PRs this week, still recovering from back issues last month.

    Eating PRs: 3 meals this week where I had to take off pants to be comfortable before desert!

  19. Started the week out sick and couldnt complete my squats or Deadlifts at the beginning of the week but was able to PR on three other lifts and bodyweight, also snot exploded out my face when attempting my 170kg deadlifts on my 3rd rep.

    BW 214

    Press 63kg 3×5

    Bench 91kg 3×5

    Power Clean 80kg 5×3.

    Two more weeks til” I”m the strongest man to ever live.

  20. @LaHabra
    “snot exploded out of my face when attempting my 170kg deadlifts on my 3rd rep.”


    PR for the week: training partner and I converted two non-squatters at the gym and talked them into doing squats…in the squat rack.
    Now if I could just convince the skinny D-bag with the tribal tat, that leaves 14 plates on the leg press once a week, to do squats…I”d have fewer plates to clean up at night.

  21. bs 370x5x3
    sp 175x5x3
    bp 250x5x3
    dl 390x5x1 (ugly)

    well i know it is late, but just trying. I know the saying is… if you squat more than you deadlift then you are squating too high. Ryan from earlier posts, has been to Rip”s class, and says my squat looks good, i have taken videos of it and they are good. So I think i will soon have a squat that is higher than my deadlift.

    Justin, do you have any suggestions? I thought maybe the squat was wearing me out for deadlift, but i don”t really want to reset my deads, but i am still moving very well on my squats.

  22. @Twotone
    I have not been to that Y. What type of equipment does it have? South County Y has a lot of free weights, power rack, and half rack. Brentwood doesn”t have as much. Just on rack, but one of the trainers there is a powerlifter so he is helpful with getting form down. They also have a dragging sled.

  23. @Drew0786

    They have one power rack and lots of plates. Usually the rack is empty, but there”ve been times I”ve had to wait for it. Once I”m in there I tend to stay.

  24. brent – are you using a belt? I think the nature of Rip”s program really maximizes peoples” squats, it”s not the end of the world. But I have found that a belt really helps my DL stay a little ahead of my squat, because I recover faster from heavy deads and can train them a bit more often without hurting myself.

  25. crossfit total today
    weighed in at 265.
    squat 405 ( lost my balance on 430)
    press 215
    dead 445
    all PRs
    been doing linear progression for about 5 weeks

  26. @Twotone
    I”m pretty much the only one that ever uses the power rack. Most people just bench and curl. If you ever want someone to train with let me.

  27. @ Jacob, thanks for the help. I do use a belt. I was petty worn out this week because I have some nerve damage in my neck and some discs are messed up. I felt alot better yesterday so maybe next week will be better. I just want to get the most out of the program… My squats are sets are still moving good, I don”t want the deads to mess them up

  28. I”m the strength & conditioning coach for the UC Davis Men”s rugby team and I”d like to give them a shout out for a team PR. Today, the beat St. Mary”s 24-11. St. Mary”s is our biggest rival and we haven”t defeated them in 6 years. Our forwards pushed them all over the field today and I”m sure a lot of it had to do with their commitment to lifting heavy weights. Go Aggies!

    Oh yeah, I got a pesonal PR… sorta.
    I set a new 10 rep max on front squats, 100kg.

    Also, bobcats are endangered… in New Jersey. There”s a ton of them in Texas and pretty much all the rest of North America.

  29. becky here. after a somewhat extended period of disenchantment with the front squat, i decided to try it out again this week. i did a 3×3 with 105 and a single with 115. pleasantly surprised. maybe i”ll add it back into my regular schedule.

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