“We confide in our strength without boasting of it; we respect that of others without fearing it. ” –Thomas Jefferson
PR Friday means you post your personal records in weight lifted, gained, or consumed. We hold each other accountable for quality training and will continue to be supportive of anyone getting stronger.

Greg and his wife from St. Louis found a 70’s Big Lego guy

Allen, a WFAC member, snags a 70’s Big cat
I was wondering where Whiskers was…
now I know :(
Second week of training, am up on my squat from 100kg to 115kg.
I cant be F”d converting to pounds.
Bench from 70kg to 80kg.
Making linear gains as it is my 1st 2 weeks training.
Making gains on the gut department aswell, have put on 8kgs in 2 weeks since I started eating MAN SIZE portions and driking GOMAD.
Plenty more gains to made over the long weekend, have a pig on a spit and a keg of beer to smash down over the long weekend.
Have fun Fellas!
First post — first time I got a PR worth mentioning. Squats 5x3x105kg, which is 1.5xBW. Into the getting stronger but not really interested in getting bigger. For a start, I can”t afford all the new clothes I”d have to buy ;-)
About to hit the gym and see if I can take that number up some.
I don”t understand why anyone would want to hunt something they aren”t going to eat.
How do you know he isn”t gonna eat it?
BW – 205. PR
PRs –
BW: 76.5kg. I”m not at all pleased with my gains. I brought my calories intake up by a significant amount since I weighed myself 2 days ago, so I”m hoping my BW will go up faster now.
Squats – 3×5 95kg. probably could have done more.
Deadlift – 1×5 105kg.
Bench – 3×5 67.5kg. horrible technique, but the bar went up so
I”ll count it.
stalled on press because of shitty recovery due to lack of sleep.
Still working on the PC, but my last learning session was with 40kg which felt pretty easy even with pulling with my arms quite a bit.
Bench: 225 lbs x 5 PR
Press: 150 lbs x 5 PR
Didn”t get my full three sets of either one, but I will soon
Pr: dealift 375 for 5
Going on a date to peter luger””s steakhouse tonight. Hopefully I will set a pr for both animal flesh consumed. 70s big.
I edited your post. Girls read this site too, dude.
no bodyweight gains, sadly, had a rough week.
lifting PRs:
squat 130kg for 5 singles pretty easily
deadlift 160kg 4 singles not too fucking heavy
Deadlift PR of 305×9 on Wednesday.
Well just got back from the gym.
Squat PR 107.5kg, 5×3 (or 3×5, depending on how you write it).
No bench PR as no benches were free :( Did dips instead.
Deadlift doesn”t count as a PR. Should do in a few weeks.
My press 3×5 is up to 82.5lbs, which is amazing considering two months ago I was absolutely stuck at 60 and seemingly couldn”t break through. Definitely a PR for reps!
Good job all! Also, good luck ChadTheMeatBeast!
Bodyweight PR of 242.
Squat PR 400x3x5.
Really need to get my diet in check before I am unable to wear my work clothes… I really wish they would allow sweatpants at the office. Damn carbs.
No PRs for me, working on form and starting to lift again after a 3 week travelling break. Nice Lego guy by the way! I like the cat too, looks like everything is bigger in Texas..
Front Squat 3rm 135kg
Push press 85kgx3x5
Back Squat 135kgx3x5
Not weighed myself but definately up from comp weight of 84.7kg last weekend
Deadlift 375×5 PR
20 squats @ 102.5kg PR. Think I”ll cap the 20 rep program at 105, which was my old 5 RM.
Also deadlifting at 140kg, 5 singles. Was meant to be a set of 5 but didn”t quite manage it. My all time best DL is only 142.5 so feel like thats progressing decently.
Bench PR of 235 lbs 5×3
Power clean 220lbs 2×3
Participated in a ”weight lifting” competition at my school. It was disorganized, but fun.
Weighed in @ 190#
Bench 315# (PR)
Squat 365#
Dead 450# (PR)
I listed the weights in that order because that is the order that we did them in… There was a max reps 185# bench after the max 1RM max… Oh, and because there was one guy who was 225, they put him in the 170-220 weight class. He beat me by 10# & 25# on bench and deadlift, respectively. I”m still fucking mad about that.
Most hunters hunt a bobcat for its pelt, or to get it mounted. Judging by the size of Allen”s bobcat, I”d say it would make for a beautiful mount.
Other people have to hunt bobcat to control the population on their ranches/farms, but will usually still sell the pelt.
Hit a long-time goal of back squat 300x5x5 this week.
Deadlift 375×3 (PR at 3RM) but grip gave out before I could pull more. Grip is by far the limiting factor on my DL. I have added fat bar and gripper work to my routine, which hopefully will help.
BW: 227
Squat: 365 for 2 singles
Was planning on going for a deadlift PR of 395, but my grip nearly gave out at 385. Was not happy to say the least.
BW: 95.0 – slowing making my way to the magical 100!
Squat: 225x4x2
Consecutive missed lifts at competition streak: 5 (not very proud of this pr)
Hey, I did that too. Rock and roll.
PRs this week:
Bench Press, 5×3
Load = 195# (with a 2 sec.pause)
+5# PR
Deadlift, 5×1
Load = 395#
+5# PR
Clean & Jerk, 1RM
Load = 175#
+16# PR
“Fran” – 8:10
38 sec. PR since 11/08
Bodyweight = 92.3 Kg (202#)
+2# PR (weak effort)
Unfortunate news, I have stalled in all my lifts this week except for the power clean which is still feels fairly easy. I will be deloading by 10% and increase by 1.5#. My nutrition hasn”t been great this week so getting more food into me is my goal.
Squat: 385#5×3
Press: 160#5×3
Bench: 270#5×3
Deadlift: 415#5×1
Power Clean: 235#3×5
BW: 220#
Bodyweight: 197
Squat: 365x3x5
Press: 145x3x5
Deadlift: 390x1x5
These are pretty decent numbers — keep it up.
Nice to see someone else in
St. Louis is living 70”s Big!
Bodyweight – 180
PR of the week – 245# clean. Barely caught it monday. Did 5 singles of it this morning. I really want a 275# clean in the next 10 weeks.
Moderate squat progression (a serious weak point for me) – Got 3 sets of 5 with 315#. I”m not ready to do singles on this exercise.
3 sets of 3 275# front squat.
405# deadlift – single.
Yeah, I was wondering if any other STL folks were around. You know of any decent gyms? I lift @ work and @ a YMCA, but sometime it would be nice to find a gym with some bumper plates and people not doing 25 lbs dumbbell curls using wrist straps. :)
No PR for me this week. I”ve been dealing with a nasty cough and one of the side effects of the meds they gave me is evidently muscle weakness.
I love being back in PR land on a lift or two.
Press: 132.5 x 5 PR
For a while my bench was higher than my squat, due to form issues and being a pussy. Now they”re at least in the right order: Squat > Bench.
BW – 205
I just started SS a couple weeks ago. I went from lifting for aesthetics like a female, to CrossFit for a really long time, to realizing my strength is nowhere near what it should be. I never lifted legs up until about a year ago, so pardon my weak lower half…
all PR””s this week…
bench- 315# 3×5
press- 185# 3×5
squat- 265# 5×5
deadlift- 360# 3×3
power clean single- 230#
I am also just grasping the whole eating big thing. I had 3 McDoubles, a 12″ chicken parm grinder, and a 70””s big shake all in one sitting. So I suppose thats a PR too…
It is indeed, good sir. Your leg strength will increase on the program. The good news is that your presses won’t be lacking when you get your leg strength up there.
252.7# of bodyweight. About a pound higher than last week. I didn”t eat well. My stomach feels less jiggly, so I think I lost some fat this week and then I gained the weight back (with less fat).
My squat is not a new PR, but I”m back up to what I was doing last summer. 305x3x5.
squat PR 325x5x3 this week, which is a PR for 1 rep, 5 reps, and everything in between.
Unfornately the only PR this week was on squats…all others have stalled and are being reloaded. It may be time to go to the Texas method.
Squat – 335x5x3
Does anyone know a good place to buy some Larry Pacifico style Sunset t-shirts?
Back Squat 330 x 3s x 5r
I am working on a t-shirt like this.
Bench 240X3X5 PR
Press 155X3X5 PR
I “should” be able to set a squat PR on Saturday.
Dead 420 @190 bwt. Pathetic. Committed to 500DL and 200lbs before year”s end.
@crouton, whats your bodyweight?
good read.
157lbs, +4 lbs from last week
Goal 175.. though I may up it to 185 per the other day””s post about short people…
Well, yes it should go up. But those numbers I put down in that post were just minimums for asking programming questions. Because, you do not require any complicated program until you grow large enough to express proper strength.
Back up to 2 plates on squat and 1 plate on press after my ankle injury.
baby steps…
BW: 175
Squat: 305 for 3 sets of 5
Bicep pain when squatting is a killer. Understand from SS that I”m probably dropping my elbows and letting my wrists bend, thus supporting some of the weight with my arms. Working on fixing this.
Hoping to test 1RM for DL tomorrow.
Anyone use smelling salts for 1RM attempts or otherwise?
After resetting my weight twice, I am back up to PR levels. I almost PR”d across the board this week.
BS: 205
P: 105 (PR)
BP: 140 (PR)
DL: 270 (PR)
PC: 135 (PR)
Yesterday”s food PR: (B)10oz cube steak, 3 eggs, 1/2G Whole Milk, (L)a box of mac and cheese, 1/2lb of broccoli, can of tuna, left over chicken and pork (about 8oz), (S) three handfuls of peanut butter filled pretzels, (D)15 fish sticks and 2 handfuls of green beans, (S2) 32oz Milk with protein powder and 33g of fiber to keep things moving.
I lifted with a belt for the first time today. It was a tapered belt, but I could feel a difference and liked it. I can see where a non-tapered belt would help much more. I was a little let down when I got back to my office ready to order an EFS Retro and they aren”t offering them right now. The rep said maybe in 3-4 weeks.
Squat 410x5x2
On the 5/3/1 program right now, so every week consists of odd PR”s not worth listing. However, I did nab an age PR – turned 30, and drank a few gallons of inebriants to pretend like it was actually my 21st. Hitting 242 for the Feb 28th meet will be tough but still on target, 253 this morning.
Finishing up my second week of starting strength:
BW: 155 -> 165
Squat: 205 -> 235 3×5
Bench: 115 -> 135 3×5 (never benched before SS)
Press: 115 3×5
DL: 285 1×5
Power Clean: 175 5×3
BS 3x5x315
DL 1x5x415
SP 3x5x140
BP 3x5x230
PC 5x3x235
All are PR””s. I think Im built better for deadlifting than I am squatting. And my presses are nothing to brag about. 6””4 and 220 aint enough. Shooting for 235.
On a different kind of PR note, a little bit of self disclosure, I do work at a Crossfit gym. I know, I know. But I just wanted to say that we have 9 guys on the Starting Strength novice program, 5 more on a program like Justin””s CFWF program, and even our other clients, (who we are still working to convince that less met con and more strength is the way to go) still all squat, press and pull every week on a linear progression. Anyways I was thinking about how many people we got low bar back squatting and thought it was cool and thought I””d share…
Nice job so far Ryan, with your lifting and getting your clients stronger. Nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you are implementing proper training. The CF name can bring in decent business when you are in a big market, assuming you are okay with being under their name. In any case, stronger is better, and you are doing your part.
@ Justin,
Thanks, we also got another name too now. Amarillo Strength and Conditioning.
425×7 with gas in the tank on squats today.
BW 278. I”m a good weekend away from 280 and I hope just a few weeks from 300.
I want to get back on “the program” but my elbow hasn””t healed; so low bar squatting is out until that is better. So I picked up Safety Squat Bar squats for the time being..feels like a high bar squat. Numbers so far are:
SSB Squats: 313X5X3
Presses: 195X5X3 (on a reset best so far was 201.25X5X3)
Bench: 285X5X3
Deadlifts: PR on Wednesday at 455X5
I would love to hear from anyone who has hade low bar squat elbow/bicep pain and how they dealt with it and recovered. I””m really getting sick of the SSB squats.
It has to do with your grip. Can’t see it from here.
BCS that”s awesome.