“We confide in our strength without boasting of it; we respect that of others without fearing it. ” –Thomas Jefferson
PR Friday means you post your personal records in weight lifted, gained, or consumed. We hold each other accountable for quality training and will continue to be supportive of anyone getting stronger.

Greg and his wife from St. Louis found a 70’s Big Lego guy

Allen, a WFAC member, snags a 70’s Big cat
PR on saturday
Most time wasted shooting the shit in Justin”s office
and 245x3x5 squat since my ankle injury
Is 100 posts a 70sbig thread PR?
9 slices of pizza in about 15 minutes last night. Pretty sure that”s a PR.
Not big numbers but they”re still progressing. Having played soccer for several years I never thought I had to workout legs. Man, I was missing out on some good stuff.
bp: 190 3×5
sp: 115 3×5
pc: 135 3×5
sq: 190 3×5
dips: +25 2×10
chins: 10, 8, 6
BW 163
Squat – 230 3×5
BP – 185 3×5
DL – 285 1×5
All PRs – continuing SS, just trying to get the milk drank every day. Seeing great results.
This is probably a silly question for you Justin, so feel free to tell me if is, but I was wondering if you had any experience with working with people suffering from hypertension that want to get 70s big.
If so, is it your experience that this kind of training coupled with the eating effected their BP in any dramatic way?
Depends on who it is. Got a young guy who has high blood pressure. I would like to know if it is a small cuff causing it though.
BW 185
Squat 315 3×5 (pr)
need to work on caloric intake.
Boner, awesome pic.
Sebastian Chabal is surely 70”s big.
Chabal? No way! The guy is really tall and hairy but he”s not super strong, just a big French monkey! If you want a 70”s big rugby player, look at England prop Andrew Sheridan, 6”4″, 270lbs with a 700lb Deadlift, 600+ squat and 500lb bench all while being in good enough shape to play a full 80 mins of rugby. That dude is 70”s big.
BW: 200LBS
SQ: 350LBS
DL: 425LBS
SP: 215LBS
All PR”s on 1/21
My best lifts ever. I”ve been working out since August 2009
Dead: 300×3
Squat: 235×3
Bench: 255×3
Push Press: 170×3
weight: 290lbs