PR Friday

All right ladies and gents, post your weekly PR’s. I had a shitty-ass training week, and the only thing I really accomplished was squatting 455x5x3 on Tuesday. I’ll have to do my Friday workout on the road because we are going to Huntington Beach, CA for a seminar.

In other news, AC is competing in a USAPL meet tomorrow. I don’t believe in luck, but if you want to wish it to him, you can do so in the comments. He will compete in the 220 class and will probably post his openers and body weight here in a bit. AC claims to be making a video documentary of the meet, so we’ll see what happens. And AC; make me proud you little bastard.

Chris will compete in a meet soon as well. Here is a video of Chris from early September pulling 600 and 625 (with a bit o’ hitching).

73 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. Actually not training tonight…but will be tomorrow and will be going for an all time PR on deadlift…495!
    But for now the bodyweight is at an all time high of 234 lbs!

  2. BW is up to 209 from 204 last week. Squatted 195x5rx3s last night, which should be a PR since last time I tried it I was a bit high on the depth. Should have a new DL PR for 5 reps next week!

  3. Traveling all day today. Will train tomorrow. New deadlift PR this week – 325 for a set of 5. I know that”s nothing for a lot on here, but the numbers are going up, and I”m good with that.

  4. Get it done, AC!

    Chris, you”re sort of frightening.

    PR”s This Week:
    Squat: 275x3x5
    Bench: 210x3x5
    Deadlift: 300x1x5
    Press: 140x3x5
    P. Clean: 155x5x3

    All weights are in in lbs. This was my 4th week doing SS. Everything is feel really good and I”m adding weight to every lift, every workout. My press is the only lift that is starting to give me some trouble.

    I”m 6”3. I don”t have a scale, but 3 weeks ago I weighed 205 lbs. I”m getting down my gallon of whole milk each day, plus lots of other calories, so I”m sure I have put on weight since then.

    Bring on the holiday food!

  5. I”m a noob, but really enjoying hitting PR”s every workout thanks to huge meals and the novice starting strength routine.

    BW: 201
    Squat: 255x5x3
    DL: 305x5x1
    Bench: 190x5x3
    Press: 135x5x3
    PC: 160x3x5

  6. PR Friday!
    New 1RM PR”s this week:
    BS: 475, no belt
    OHP: 185, finally. With problems in both shoulders, this is a big one for me, as weak as it sounds.
    Been eating big in prep for my USAPL meet Dec 5th. Uncomfortably full at almost all times. Up from 240ish to almost 260.

  7. Well… It”s been deload week, so no PRs. However, I received two compliments that made my week:
    “Are you taking steroids?”
    “You”re getting a bit fat”.
    Which loosely can be translated as:
    “You”re getting big pretty fast by most standards”
    “You”ve stopped being 90s small”.

  8. Up to 205 from 192 two weeks ago. Been kinda hovering at 205 all week, so for an easy way to add calories Ive been eating coconut oil with a spoon and taking shot glasses of olive oil throughout the day. Hopefully this will keep it moving on up. Havent trained yet today, but when I do it will be
    Squat 3x5x260
    B. Press 3x5x205
    P. Clean 5x3x195
    Loving the linear progression. Each session feels just like the last. Keeps moving right on up.

  9. BW ~227
    BS 280# x 3 x 5 PR
    SP 127.5# x 3 x 5 PR
    PC 170# x 5 x 3 PR
    DL 355# x 1 x 5 PR
    BP 185# x 1 x 5 (only got 4 last 2 sets)

    +1 pair of ripped boxer shorts on first set of 280# … did the rest commando.

  10. BW 208

    S 275x5x3
    D 30×5
    B 220x5x3
    OHP 140x5x3

    Still working on form for PC, seems I”ve lost racking ability over the last 8 years of not doing them . . .DAMMIT

  11. BWT 224.5 pr
    Press 3×5: missed at 165
    Bench 3×5: 232 pr
    Squat 5×5: 345 pr
    Deadlift 1×5: Attempting 460 tonight.

    Chris, you are beastly. No alternate grip necessary! Yowsers

  12. BW ~225 (PR in terms of doing it while lifting and not just eating double cheeseburgers for every meal). 2nd week of SS.

    Will go for BS 355x5x3 and Press 165x5x3 tonight, both of which were previous 1RM.

    I also had 2 Chipotle burritos Wed night, following BS 345/BP 235/DL 365, sets across (except DL, obviously).

    Good luck AC, I”m really interested to see how your sets of 5 strength carries over to 1 RM.

    Time to get something angry on the iPod.

  13. I have a feeling A.C. and Chris will do very well. I”m out of the USAPL meet I was training for, fucking flu. First time sick in years.
    njch412, shit you re strong.

  14. Pretty bad gym day for squats today – stuck on 250 squats and wasnt happy with depth, will probably deload to 2ish plates and work back up. BW gotta be at least 190 (6”2) by now – still my other lifts are going up like clockwork so I cant complain in the grand scheme of things

    (for reps – standard SS in lbs)
    SQ 250~
    BP 155
    DL 325
    sp 120
    pc 150

  15. Today:

    Squat 319lbs 5; 324,5lbs 5/5
    Press 170,5lbs 5/5/4
    Deadlift 407lbs 5

    Missed one rep on the press and did a loading error on the squat.. Still PRs!


    Good luck wishes to AC from Helsinki, FInland!

  16. Howdy,
    I”m a Texan in transplanted to Cincinnati for a while for school. Never lifted weights before this summer. Got into xfit and that led me to this. Just thought I”d jump on the PR bandwagon and get started posting some numbers. So here are all my stats to start with as a baseline.

    All numbers 3×5 (or 1×5 for DL) done this week as part of the SS novice program

    BS 260
    SP 130
    DL 350
    PC 155
    BP 170

    Shooting for body weight BP, 1.5 BS, and 2xBW DL by the end of January.

  17. PR”s have been slow this week as I”ve been sick for the past 7 days but I was still able take care of some business.

    BW:178 Ht:5”6″ Age:33
    Squat – 270x5x3
    Press – 120x5x3
    Bench – 192x5x3
    Chins – 12/10/9 dead hangs

  18. BW: 209, lost 2 pounds???

    PR”s on the squats and the press, still building up on the pull”s.
    Have ceased all Met-con…on quest for 70”s big.

  19. Hit 275×5 today on deadlifts (without a belt, used one the only other time I hit this weight), which used to be my 1RM. Bodyweight stagnant at 153 lbs., need to really ramp up the eating. 5”8, 19 years old. Time to go eat!

  20. 5”9″, 175(+/-). I”m definitely gaining a little weight, but I”m not sure I like it. My jeans are starting to get too tight in the legs while getting looser in the waist.

    On to the PRs:
    Pressed 185 for a single this week, sneaking closer to my 200# goal. Also hit a 235 benchpress (new addition to my workouts, lots of room for improvement).
    Since this is my first “PR Friday” post, 2 weeks ago was a 350# squat pr as well. Unfortunately I”ve been neglecting my deadlift and had an embarrassingly large decrease in my DL from 405 to barely pulling 370.

  21. Ran my Navy PT test, so I won”t be lifting until tomorrow, but I did hit a PR BS 1RM of 300 lbs on Wednesday. Here”s my numbers from Wednesday.

    BW: 225
    Squat: 255x5x3
    Press: 125x5x3
    Bench: 195x5x3
    PC: 135x3x5, I”m still learning the proper form, but it does turn the heads of the scrawny “bros” in the gym when I start working out.
    DL: 275x5x1

    Also, this site is awesome. I want to make a pilgrimage to Wichita Falls to train sometime next year, I”m about to deploy to Cuba so I”ll have nothing better to do besides eat and get 70s Big. Good times.

  22. Need me some shoes…Anyone else squat and dead barefoot?

    I used to pull barefoot or in some Chucks, but I recently changed to a heeled OLY shoe. It gives you some quad assistance from the pull off the ground, which I like. I either pull in my VS Athletic shoe (with the heel slightly planed down) or my Do Wins. Justin and Chris both pull in their VS OLY shoes (one of the higher heeled shoes in the sport).

    You should make this decision based on your anthropometry, sticking points, and personal preference.

    If you must lift barefoot, please limit this to DL or KB work. I supposed you can squat in Chucks if you don””t have OLY shoes, but, for the love of God, don””t do Olympic lifts barefoot.


    Read this article about shoes.

  23. Just registered, but been reading a while.

    PR”s this week: 5 rep BS at 290
    C&J at 200 (finally over the 2 bills mark)

    6”2″/225/40 years old

    Good luck in the meets this weekend

  24. Just continuing with the SS Program. (week 4) During the past 4 to 5 weeks I have not done much running at all or any metcon work for that matter. I ran sprints probably 3 weeks ago, but that”s it. Anyway, today we had a unit 5 mile release run. Which means, run at your own pace. I swear to God I was the first one finished. (approx. 40 min) I thought this was prety good given the fact that I have gone from 185 to 206 in the past 4 weeks. I don”t like running as much anymore simply becase it interferes with my recovery. But the Army makes me do it so, I do it. I guess my point is this; if you”re in the military and afraid of putting on weight because of what it”ll do to your run time, don”t sweat it. Just like Justin outlines in his CFWF program, “Every physical attribute is directly correlated with and limited by strength. The most efficient way to increase all
    physical attributes is to increase strength because strength is the fundamental capacity.” I learned this lesson today.


  25. @SMed

    I used to. Then I found this site and read it front to back, went and bought some chucks. Who knows, by next year I may be back to my old collection of 7 styles . ..

  26. @MassBuilder

    I DL barefoot, where my chuck taylors to squat. Been debating getting Oly shoes for squat and clean as I watch the crew from this site put on feats of strength. Just wish I could try some out before dropping a hundy on them.

  27. BW 170 (up from 145)
    Age 31

    SS and GOMAD

    Squats, now up to 275 for 3 sets of 5. Felt pretty easy, but sticking to 5 lb jumps until I run out of steam! The progress with lateral progression has been a real eye opener. I feel like a whole new man.

  28. I don”t know if this is a PR but I had to order new work pant because they were getting too tight in the upper thigh and ass. Every lift is steadily improving. Love this stuff!!

  29. I”ve been working out w/ FilthyBrit for a while now and he”s made some amazing gains in a short amount of time. Drinking milk and squatting regularly works.

  30. Just watched the video with Chris pulling 625. That dude is a fucking mad man! Way to crush that shit, dude. You definitely have my respect.
    By the way Justin, you mentioned before that you have an uncanny ability to up your adrenaline. Did you teach Chris the secret, and will you explain it to us novices? Thanks.


    Chris doesn”t do it to the extent that Justin does. We will address that in a future post, as it is very useful for Justin”s goals but somewhat counterproductive for mine.


  31. updating post from this morning. I did hit my PRs on Squat and Dead of 310x5x3 and 360×5 respectively but that god damn press yielded a 5/5/4. The 15th rep traveled a pube forward and if my left pec werent in the middle of injury protocol i could have strength-ed the damn thing to lock but with the injury it wouldn”t go.

    Dead felt great, widened my foot/knee angle and that made a world of difference as I was able to get into a much better starting position with my back

  32. My PR”s this week. I know my numbers are small but that”s why I”m training.
    Bench: 165×11
    Chins: BW+50 3×5

    AC, lift strong my friend. Hit some PR”s.

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