“A beautiful thing indeed”

'The Pizz', a unique pencil drawing of Pisarenko at the WFAC
70sBig.com does not merely suggest that you only become strong. My friend Gant — a competition enthusiast and judo player — said to me recently, “What’s the point of being 70’s Big if you can’t throw anybody around?” He’s got a point.
Aiming to only get strong and big is a waste of hard work and developed talent. Anybody wanting to become 70’s Big would probably enjoy displaying their strength, and what better way to to do so than to compete? It isn’t a coincidence that our 70’s Big co-captains, Doug Young and Anatoly Pisarenko, were successful in the sport of powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting respectively.
Besides, aiming your goals at a specific sport will not only justify the purpose of training, but it will fuel your desire to improve. The official stance of this website is that its members should participate in sport in congruence with their strength training.
Sports that specialize in the development of strength and power would be excellent choices. Some options include, but are not limited to powerlifting, weightlifting, highland games, football, throwing implements (track and field style), throwing people (judo), wrestling, and strongman competitions. As this site grows, you’ll see that there are men who are 70’s Big in each of these sports.
Some of the aforementioned sports separate competitors by weight class. This seems to be a dichotomy to the idea of 70’s Big, but ease your troubled mind. There is a bodyweight at which a person will function optimally for a particular sport (typically dictated by height). Gant will eventually share his story of changing weight classes for judo, but he’d probably tell you he functions best in the 90 kilo class. This doesn’t make him 70’s Big, but the quest is never over, my friends. Athletes will function better in sport, especially in the sports listed here, when they are stronger. So you see, everyone is on a quest towards 70’s Big. And that is a beautiful thing indeed.
As scheduled, here is part 6 of the 70’s Big Interview with Rippetoe. This is one of my favorite parts of the interview, because it explains what a female would look like who would be fit for a 70’s Big guy.
70’s Big Presents: Mark Rippetoe Interview Pt. 6 from 70s Big on Vimeo.
Ummmm, I will say CrossFit is a good sport to train for by using some of these 70”s big concepts. Now, do you want to be 300lbs when you compete? Probably not. Do you want to gain 50lbs in the off season by lifting heavy and drinking milk, drop 25lbs of fat before the Games, and crush? Yes. Mo Kelsey, second place at the games, trimmed down to 225lbs before the games. He finished well in the 7k run, deadlifted 505lbs easily, muscle snatched something like 225lbs, and completed handstand push-ups better than most 180lb guys.
Think linebacker/tight end.
Dammnnn..Is that Gant slamming that dude?
CrossFit is not a sport, so the point is moot.
you mean doing 100 kipping pullups and 100 burpees for time won”t be in the Olympics?……..
Justin, you are just killing this thing. Love it!
I do not see CF being conduive to becoming 70sBig. Not knocking it, but I have gained 35lbs so far since leaving it. I am looking to compete in a raw PL meet, 100kg or 110kg class, sometime after the first of the year. If I can find one anyways, as the raw meets are not very frequent up here in WA. Too bad the CFT is not more common.
I think rugby is a good sport to demonstrate 70s Big strength as well, in rucks and scrums it”s strength vs. strength, fighting through tackles, stripping the ball, etc. are all based upon strength.
Side note: the throw at 2:14 of the Judo video gives me goose bumps.
MAD, that was not me slamming the first dude.
I changed the video to link to “Judo Pick Ups I” because that illustrates the more obvious uses of 70s Bigness and well, because they”re cool.
KMoody, that was the classical version of kata guruma, or fireman”s carry in wrestling. If that gave you wood, check this out.
:22 is the perfect application of 70sBig, to pick up another man, stabilize him on your shoulders, and then do a cartwheel.
I believe I need to address the content of the video and what type of woman would attract…or be attracted to…a 70s Big Man?????
A REAL woman!
I can”t wait to compete.
This shit kills, Justin. Nice work!
I can tell you EVA T is definitely well prepared for a 70s big man. Nice website, you are an amazing athlete and look great!
Here”s another well prepared lady:
Ehhh…don”t know about that video.
And Eva has denied me. Several times.