
Chicago Workshop Weekend – September 24 and 25
In a few weeks I’ll be back in Chicago for a lifting and programming workshop on September 24 and 25 respectively. For more information, location, and scheduling, click the link above. We’ll be having a jolly good time followed by local ale drinking, but we may find some Dornish red or Arbor gold. Prepare thyself.

NFL Season Starts Today
After the shittiest off-season in memory, the NFL is finally back starting this evening. The last two defending Super Bowl champions will play each other in this league-wide season opener of two incredibly evenly matched teams. 70’s Big will have a live chat during the game for football fans to actively discuss what should be an entertaining match up (or at least an entertaining chat).

Not looking forward to the world fellating Rodgers again

Chat Tonight
There will be a chat tonight. The first portion will start at 8:00 PM EST and be a streaming chat where we’ll look at lifting videos (be ready with your videos that you want form checked) until the game starts. Then we’ll move it over to our classic IRC chat and dick around.
USTREAM Link for 7:00 PM
Regular IRC Chat for after the streaming chat

Fantasy Football
With so many people wanting to play Fantasy Football and an inability to open several linked leagues without having to play in each one (compounded with the busy few weeks I had), the leagues are NOT set up. I’m trying to just create them and let you guys join freely (disregard the divisions). If you are wanting to play with randoms from the site, go ahead and see if you can sign up in the following link (I’m trying to figure out how to post it easily). If it works, I’ll make the other leagues and will put one of you in charge of the league.
League 2

My as well plug FIT again. Some folks have finished reading it and said it’s a great resource. I’ll be doing podcast interviews with Dr. Hartman and Kilgore soon, so be on the lookout for question submissions. The book is available on Amazon and B&N.