Chris’ Mishap, Strength+

Chris’ Mishap

Chris just left for a much needed vacation before he dials his training in to get ready for the USAPL Raw National Championship in July. He and his family were planing the plane (which must be the opposite of the term “de-plane” the flight attendants always use), and Chris found himself in a precarious situation. After he shambled down the aisle of the plane and squeezed himself into the seat row, he made an attempt at sitting down. Buuuuuut, he couldn’t. You see, his 6′, 275 pound body didn’t fit in the seat. What could they do?

Well, this is a guy who broke five chairs in a week’s time not too long ago. Between going to school, training at the gym, and drinking beer at a bar, Chris managed to render five chairs inoperable…on accident. So what the hell were they doing to do with him on the plane?

Clearly the only solution was to move him to first class. It makes sense, after all. Do not anger the large man. Do what he says. Oh, you want some beer on your flight? Yes sir, Mr. 70’s Big, right away sir. Anything else sir?

Yes it’s true, the quest to 70’s Big has its perks.

Chris means business


Strength+ Magazine

There’s a new online magazine that is dedicated to Olympic Weightlifting that just started. This is good because there aren’t many resources for American weightlifting, and that’s unfortunate. The magazine is called “Strength+” and is written and edited by Rachel Crass and Robert Hall. This first issue has a few athlete articles (notably on Kendrick Farris, the superstar of American weightlifting), an article about the French national team, and results and photos from the Arnold Classic.

Click here for the debut issue.