Nice work, young padawan
Well, he’s done it folks. Paul, a regular commenter on the site, has finally become an adult male. He e-mailed me today, and he finally weighs 200 pounds. Nice job, Paul.
Also, Zach, one of my pals at the WFAC, hit the 200 pound mark today as well. He came here as a 162 pound disgruntled fitness gym goer, and now he’s a decently strong adult. I’ve personally witnessed Zach drinking two gallons of milk in one day. Two. He gained 38 pounds in two months folks. You aren’t even trying to eat.
Paul also sent me pictures of his homemade creation: a grilled cheese bacon cheeseburger. Observe:

Ground beef and bacon

Burger patties. Lots.

3/4 angle of grilled cheese bacon cheeseburger

Nightcapped with funfetti frosting marble cake
To go along with Wednesday””s accomplishments, my friend AC benched 330 for three sets of five. To get an idea of how stupid that is, he only weighs 205. Oh, and I””ll remind you he””s only 20 years old.
AC knows he has to amp his eating up, so he took some pictures of yesterday””s breakfast. As you can see, he went all out.

2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 sausages, 2 pieces of toast, PB&J, 2 chicken breasts, and 32 oz of milk with coffee flavored syrup

Nice work, young padawan