“Live every day like it’s Shark Week.”
Look, I don’t have much time to post right now, so lets get some basic stuff taken care of.
- If you are going to send me a friend request on Facebook, and are a guy, give me the courtesy of identifying your purpose of doing so. In other words, I don’t like getting friend requests from creepy dudes that live in Montana.
- Edit: This did not say “every dude on here needs to send me a friend request today”.
- If you are a girl, you have the green light. Please.
- The reason that whenever you type a single right quote mark (’) into the comments and it turns into a double quote mark is because there is some kind of coding error on our server. We called the people that run it, and they are unable to do anything about it. Some people have offered to look at the issue, but we’re just living with it for now.
- If you want to type a single right quote into the comments section, then you can paste “’” without the quotes and space. That whole text sequence is going to be the HTML code for the ’.
- Lastly, http://StartingStrength.com has published a couple of articles lately that may be pertinent to your training or knowledge thereof. So far, Mark Rippetoe is the only author, but there will be more articles by VIP’s. Stay tuned. You can read the articles here.
Daniel is a 19 year-old sophomore at Gonzaga University. He is 5’11″ and 210. This here is a video of him pulling 525 for a 1RM.