You guys will never believe all of the Brent look-a-likes I’ve been running into! For those of you that have been living under a stupid rock, Brent is my friend (and you’re not). He became infamous via his training log, and nowadays is pretending to run He also sells some pretty sweet shirts HERE. To give you some perspective, I’ve had a 48 year old Australian man ask me, “Does Brent really act like that in real life?”
You can watch him compete in weightlifting or powerlifting, but to really understand the psyche of Brent, you can start with these videos: “Brent’s Traps“, “Brent Gets His IT Band Released“, “Mobbin’“, and my personal favorite, “Aquarium Trip“.
Anyway, I’ve strangely noticed how so many people out in the world look like Brent Kim. In June, Chris and I took this photo with our waiter, because he bore a striking resemblance to the sexually frustrated Brent Kim.
While I was in Denver, Shawn, Jeremy, Dan, and I continuously thought Brent was in our presence. We decided to take some pictures with these look-a-likes. Here are our findings.

While sprinting back to our hotel, we found this guy stumbling around incoherently. Jeremy told him to flex, and he just yelled. Oh, and he looks EXACTLY like Brent.
We couldn’t believe how many Brent Look-a-likes we found! I can assure you that as I encounter them, I will photograph and document the moment for your viewing pleasure. If you happen to take any pictures with guys that look like Brent, then post the pictures on the 70’s Big Facebook or Twitter.
As someone who is partially Asian, I will vouch for this post not being racist at all because it’s funniness outweighs it’s offensiveness.
Oh shit, now it’s even funnier because I’m imagining you walking around asking random Asian people to take pictures with you
With the picture of a Mexican waiter as a Brent Look-A-Like, is being a Brent Look-A-Like less about being Asian and more about the Brent state of mind?
You’re partially Asian?!?!!?!
Yes, my mother is of Japanese decent.
fucking lol’d again at this
Perfect example of why this website has gone downhill the past couple months.
Those are clearly Frank Yang look-a-likes.
just want to point out that none of those people actually look like me you fuck
at least they lift
Wait I’m confused. So thats not Brent in those pictures?
Loved this.
Brent, did you get a new car?
Myron tri’s
I did NOT need to see that.
With all these look a likes, I smell a world-wide Brent conspiracy.
I work with Brent, but he insists I call him Rob. Really weird. Tweeted photo.
What is this Boys from Brazil shit?
New Conan movie with Arnold to be made!
Not gonna lie, every asian I encounter at the univeristy gym here looks exactly like Brent. I like to imagine the asian dude squatting in the rack next to me is Brent from 70’sBig and I’m better than him because he’s half squatting 315 in those stupid toe shoes. If only…
Not going to lie, I think I poo’d laughing…does this mean I look just like Brent?
One of the guys I used to lift with looks like Brent. Any tips on how to take a photo of Brent without him knowing?