The Arnold – Pro GNC Deadlift

The Pro GNC Deadlift Competition is an invitation only event where the only contested lift is the deadlift. 15 men are selected along with 8 women. There are two scoring categories: 1) absolute weight and 2) Wilks formula. The criteria for selecting participants are:

 Men’s Competitor Criteria: Minimum 320kg Deadlift and Minimum 200 Wilks Score
 Women’s Competitor Criteria: Minimum 200 Wilks Score

The event occurred on the main stage inside the expo and was fantastic. The seating was good yet there was plenty of standing room. The music was loud, the announcers were solid (they were the same guys at the NAPF Raw Challenge that our guys lifted in), and the energy was high. Here are some notable lifts (I wasn’t able to record everything).

Kimberly Walford pulled 512 weighing 136 pounds! (not my video)

Ian Bell pulled an amazing 810 pounds at 19 years old and 196 lb body weight!

Brad Gillingham, who is a living legend, wrecked shop as usual. Here’s his second attempt at 826:

And Gillingham’s third attempt at 837. He’s 45 years old! Seeing him lifting in person was an experience.

Other notables include Carl Yngvar Christensen (pulled 832 on third, Gillingham went up 2.5kg to beat him) and Alyssa Hitchcock (who is attractive, here’s a vid from 2011). Everyone was notable in this competition; they wouldn’t be in it if they weren’t.

15 thoughts on “The Arnold – Pro GNC Deadlift

  1. An 800 lb. deadlift at 19 years old / below 200 lbs. bodyweight is insanity.

    I’m not a big fan of the sumo deadlift in general, but that guy is going to be knocking on 900’s door real soon.

    Crazy stuff.

  2. JAYSUS! That kid has the longest limbs ever. Looks like a damned spider. A really strong spider, that is. Also, Gillingham’s form is smooth as silk. He made 837 look easy.

  3. I don’t know if Ian Bell’s arms are as long as Lamar Gant’s. Gant locks out at the same height but without using sumo stance.

  4. Wow. I PR’ed my dead recently and was really happy. Until now.

    And the 45 year old dude pulling 800+ DOH. Talk about grip strength. Holy moly.

  5. This just confirms my desire to have a strong deadlift. If these freaks can pull off 800+, then six wheels seems perfectly reasonable!

  6. Dang! This event was SO MUCH FUN to watch!! They were blasting the music and everyone was screaming real loud. We all had seats together front and center. BAHHHH – watching the vids gives me flashbacks. Best. weekend. ever.

  7. Of impressive note is that most (if not all?) of these lifters are current USAPL competitors, and are therefore testing clean on a regular basis. Outstanding. I have considered going to USAPL Collegiate Nats in Louisiana just to watch some of the young freaks. I wish they had a raw division there.

  8. Gillingham has clear “dad strength” / “old man strength” / whatever you want to call it. That was awesome.

    Out of curiosity, anybody have any ideas why he uses such a wide stance. Anthropometry, personal preference, what?

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