Q&A – 21

PR Friday
Post your weekly training updates or PR’s to the comments.

Chat Room
This is the link to the chat room we’ve used in the past. Feel free to loiter and hang out in it during the various Arnold meets and competitions. Keep an eye on Facebook but mostly Twitter for updates.

Weekly Reading List
This is stuff that I read this past week that I think you will enjoy.
John Welbourn weighs in on slow and fast twitch muscle fibers.

Rudy from Outlaw CrossFit talks about his CrossFit programming.

Interesting article by Eric Cressey on how the lats can be too tight and cause problems. It’s not relevant to everyone, but understanding what tight lats do is important. Also, hitting up MobilityWOD.com regularly can alleviate these systems, especially 5 Way Shoulder.

Good post by my homie Dr. Michael Hartman about overtraining and under-recovery (from the Pendlay forum).

Prilepins Chart can help you determine rep ranges in training if you’re unsure what to do.

Dave Tate Periodization Bible Part I

Dave Tate Periodization Bible Part 2

Onward to the Q&A…

Sean C. asks,

How do you see accessory (but heavy) exercises like rack bench presses, board presses, etc… fitting into TM?

Dear Sean,

I don’t. The advanced TM stuff evolved for raw powerlifters, and all of them still make progress on the bench without gadgets. I see gadgets helping a) very advanced lifters improve their rate of force development and b) geared lifters. One of the first things a TM user can do to improve his bench is to do it every week instead of alternating it with the press. Benching heavy twice a month is not what improves the bench. Russian lore would say “Bench, and bench some more.” We could even say that Bulgarian lore would say, “Bench, often and heavy.” Assistance lifts can also help improve the bench, like close-grip bench or weighted dips for direct work and barbell rows and weighted pull-ups for indirect work. They also help the “intermediate level lifter” develop his musculature; if the musculature isn’t balanced then that should be addressed before worrying about fancy gadgets.

Kel M. asks

I was wondering if you could address programming strength training into a sport thats currently “in-season.” Right now, I’m looking at a rugby season that’s just getting into gear, and I don’t want my strength training to compromise my rugby play. In fact, the reason I got into weightlifting was to get bigger so I wouldn’t get tossed around on the pitch. How would you recommend rectifying the conditioning requirements of rugby while maintaining strength while “in season.” I searched the blogs as best I could, so if you answered this already or something similar, I apologize. Thanks for your help.

Dear Kel,

It’s a good question. The way we’ll think about approaching it is altering the volume, frequency, and exercise choice. The volume of your lifting may need to drop so that you can spend that much needed recovery on rugby. It’s not that you’ll be so fatigued from rugby that you’ll have trouble lifting, but you’ll probably have aches, pains, and bruises. Lowering the volume will decrease the work you put on your body when it’s already beat up. For example, if you have a thigh or knee bruise, and then you hit high volume squats, you could be squatting on a structure that isn’t 100% and cause a structural failure (strain, tear, etc.).

The frequency should also decrease so that you don’t bog your body down. Obviously you can’t recover from a full training load AND rugby, so something has to give. If you only have x amount of recovery credits and a full training load costs 75 and rugby costs 50, then you’ll have to drop the training off to 50. You’re practicing twice a week with a game once a week. I suggest you use two training days a week; something similar to my S&C Program (older version, will update in near future).

Exercise selection should change so that you aren’t putting too much structural stress on your body. I’m of the opinion that deadlifts are expendable, given your situation. Instead, use power cleans, cleans, and/or RDLs.

The last concept is related to “auto-regulation” or “fucking intuitive” training. If your body is tired, then don’t lift as heavy. If you’re feeling good, and the bar speed is good, then push a bit. If you’re only training twice a week, you won’t necessarily have to worry about doing too much if you stay in intelligent set/rep schemes. Check out Prilepin’s chart (linked at the beginning of the post) and stick to the lower end range, possibly lower, for your in-season training. Keep me and us updated on how it goes.

44 thoughts on “Q&A – 21

  1. Deadlift: 145kg x1 (not a PR, but a satisfying number after illness, so PR of some kind)
    and I’m quite excited that there is going to be a new version of the S&C program, really looking forward to it!
    Have fun at the Arnolds!

  2. Still grinding out the end of the LP on the squat side of things, reduced volume to 2 times a week as discussed in last weeks comments(Thanks for the reply)

    Squat 130kg 3 sets of 5 P.R.

    This morning got 132.5kg for sets of 5,3 and 3. P.R.

    Did my first actual power clean sets rather than just wasting time with singles. Did 50kg for 5 sets of 3. Really easy, just trying to solidify technique so wanted to start off light.

  3. just finished up my second week of a texas method inspired squat and oly program. Very interesting, have prd in no hands no feet snatches @82 and am bringing my front squat back up- hit 145 with a little wimpy valeo belt. Lets go jon north and donny shankle- I cant wait to watch the 94’s

  4. I separated my Shoulder (AC level 3) in early December. Thanks for the tips you provided then. It healed up pretty quickly, and I was back grappling in about a month. My problem now is that I still have pain and weakness for bench and dip. My PR previously was 255 and currently 185 pounds goes up but is a little “worrisome”… This makes me very sad. Any thoughts on how I could work on this in addition to bench press-ing often?

  5. Partial tear of my radial collateral ligament and nice contusions on my wrist bones. Woo. Lots of squats and pulls for the next little bit. Looks like I will not be competing at Masters Nationals this year.

    I suppose if I gave a shit about setting high bar squat PRs, I would post them here. But, I don’t. Fucking high bar. Kiss my ass.

  6. Thanks for answering my question. I’m also wondering if I should rework programming schemes. Right now I’m on a volume day Monday, rest day Wednesday, and an intensity day on Friday. My concern is going for a PR(like I may do so today) and then play a game the following day. If I changed around my rep schemes that would help too. Thoughts on that? Thanks again for your help

  7. DL 220kg * 3 PR

    Apart from that I’m starting some weightlifting. As an intermediate strength trainee, does anyone have any ideas about programming in the olympic lifts?

    I’m thinking of following a template Justin previously posted, but I think it is better suited to novices. Something like:

    mon: C&J heavy, Snatch singles across
    tues: squat, bench, pullups, other accessory work

    thurs: Snatch heavy, C&J singles across
    Fri: squat, dl, press, accessory work

    Any thoughts anyone? Anyone else out programming olympic lifts as an intermediate?

    some stats: m 24 bw = 87kg squat = 210kg dl = 250kg bench = 135kg press = 90kg

  8. Deadlift:
    Squat: 380 5×1; 320 3×3
    Bench: 250 2×5
    Deadlift: 425 7×1; 345 3×3
    OHP: 165 4×1 (actually got 1, x, 1, x)–PR!; 145 3×3
    Machine Bicep Curls: pump of a lifetime
    Mobility: did MWODs 10-15

    Posterior rib pain is still bugging me, so I wasn’t able to bench heavy. I just did 250 2×5 to hopefully maintain. Since I can’t do rows either, I’m loving the biceps curl machine. I’ve been doing 5×10 with as much weight as I can handle. I’m pleased that my squat and deadlift are continuing to progress. I’m now thinking I’ll be able to squat about 415 and pull about 450 at a competition next month. I have been applying tiger balm to my trouble spots. What a product! I love the stuff now. Hopefully my rib will heal in time and I’ll be able to bench about 300 or 310, for a total approaching 1200. Mobility WODs are now a habbit.

    @Kel I heard that you love orange soda.

  9. Weight PR: finally hit my short-term goal this last weekend of 200 pounds lost total, which was pretty satisfying. Taking a little break from dieting and assessing where my lifts this week and next week.

    Oh, and PR on making good on my Movember promise to watch the Twilight movies. Dear Lord I heard these movies were bad, but I didn’t know they were THIS bad. Made it through the first two. Not looking forward to the next two. My wife seems to like this Jacob fellow’s physique, so I ordered a neck harness and started doing shrugs.

  10. Pulled two singles at 315# yesterday = I officially have a 2x body weight deadlift. I’m happy about that.

    The Outlaw CrossFit article is amazing. I wish all CrossFit affiliates followed such productive programming.

  11. @Maslow- pump of a lifetime- amen bro amen
    @tommcadam- I do a intermediate type schedule with
    heavy day on Sat of max sn, max c and j and sq 3rm

    medium day on sunday of max sn (with straps), c and j on the 1.5 minute with 80% (am increasing reps and weight slowly) and rdls

    medium day on Tuesday of on the minute snatch, c and j max, 3 by 3 squat

    light day on Thursday of no hands no feet snatch to 1rm, 1 clean, 2 fs, 2jerk to 1rm and 1rm front squat

    this seems to be working well for me after two weeks and I can report back as needed but thats my programing suggestion. I do all of this in about an hour 15 for the tues and thurs and I really drag it out on Sat- make it competion style with attempts and such- other people might ahve suggestions, but this is what I do with the limitted time and rest that I can partake in.

  12. SQUAT PR
    315×5, 3 sets
    That’s three plates on each side, by the way.
    Thanks to Justin, as well as all the regulars for letting me lurk and learn from their experiences.
    Onwards and upwards!

  13. Finally hit some decent stuff this week.

    Press: 175x1PR (up 15 lbs total in 6 weeks)
    Bench: 215×3-ties PR, totally meh.
    Deadlift: 475×1- about a 7 RPE, moved fast
    Squat: 385×2 – could have done a third, left it in the tank.

    Hit a bunch of relatively heavy stuff, saving maxing out for the meet next week.

    Also, fyi. Listen to Justin and don’t jump into new stuff at too heavy weight. First time ever doing DB bench this week and I worked up to a 4RM by going too heavy… fuck am I sore.

  14. Recent PR’s
    Press- 49kgx5
    Bench- 75kgx5
    BW- 68kg

    Just moved onto TM for squats 120×5. Smoked it compared to when I this was hit on my LP, this shit actually works.

    Deadlift 130×5 – painful to watch back, need to learn how to pull. I cant seem to set up properly after rep 1; considering stepping away from the bar for a split second between each rep.

  15. Death by farmer’s walks (a Dan John homage).

    BW 179lbs.

    Wanted to do a quick ‘primer’ before some running, and I’ve also wanted to incorporate some sort of asymmetrical loading and unilateral leg work. Farmer’s walks seemed to fit the bill.

    110lbs x 90 feet x 5 left handed + 5 right.

    This were absolutely exhausting, met-con wise, and I am still recovering on Friday from doing these on tuesday. My hip abductors, obliques, serratus, lats, and pretty much everything in between, were smoked.

    In other news: FSQ 255×3 (PR). This went up fairly smoothly.

  16. deadlift 180 kg x 3
    Press 135#x5
    Squat 345×5

    Press wasn’t a pr and neither was the squat but good to be back on track.

    Suppose you benched every week instead of alternating with the press on TM. Would you press on Recovery Day then?

  17. Squat 320 3×5
    Press 160×5 ezpz

    My office recently got us the worst desk chairs in the world, so my back was too messed up today to squat or deadlift well.

  18. I’m not a great squatter but I hit 450X1X7 last night.

    Its slowly moving up but it still sucks considering I hit 405 for the first time 2 years ago–granted..last year was the first year that I was mostly injury free and I couldn’t squat heavy for six months in 2010.

  19. No training PRs this week.
    Have been working on my shoulder flexibility and going back and looked at my squat setup. No more elbow pain when squatting (thanks justin and harveymushman)

    Food PR: Finally bought some of the chipotle tabasco that Justin talked about. I don’t think I’ve eaten my eggs this fast.

  20. No PRs, but I squatted 172,5 kg (~380 lbs) x5 (PR tie), benched 118 kg (~260 lbs) x4 (supposed to be 5) and deadlifted 185 kg (~408 lbs) x5.

  21. Push press: 150×2, single at 155. Hoping to jerk 200 lbs. off the blocks within the next few weeks.
    Front squat: Five sets of 185×2, which is a volume PR
    Thanks for all the updates this weekend, Justin. Mike Jenkins hosted a seminar at my gym a few months ago, and he is a standup dude.

  22. Hey Justin, how does Prilepin’s chart fit in with TM intensity day? It appears as though the chart would indicate doing more sets than, for e.g. a heavy triple. Though, I suppose there’s a difference when your both squatting and deadlifting heavy at the same time…

  23. Long time lurker. Just wanted to say a big thank you to Justin for everything you do here. I no longer have to sift through the deluge of internet bullshit to find solid training information. A fucking revelation. Beers are on me if you make it down to Melbourne on your next trip to Oz.

    No PRs, just getting back into it after tonsillectomy/other less good excuses. 6’2″, 82kg (way too damn skinny).

    Front squat: 100kg x 2
    Back squat: 110kg x 5 x 3
    Press: 60kg x 5 x 3
    Power clean and jerk: 85kg x 1

    Also started Mobility WOD today, have a feeling this is going to be good.

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