Do You Even Lift?

I know you guys really wanted me to harass people, but most of everyone I met was really nice (even the fitness models –> more on that in another post). This was some giant eastern European or Russian guy who was competing in the amateur strongman competition on Friday morning. I can’t remember his name and can’t hear it well in the video, but he was a big dude.

Edit: Paul Sousa posted the results of the amateur strongman and thinks that Dimitar Savatinov is in the video.

10 thoughts on “Do You Even Lift?

  1. I pulled something in my g-damn back this morning pulling 365. I’ve been hobbling around the office and carrying around ice. What the hell should I do to rehab this?

    Where in your back? I did something like this on Monday, btw.


  2. PS All the wicked posts and vids from this week have got me all jacked up and now I’m whining because I must have let something go slack and now I am laid up.

  3. It’s low, about the 3rd or 4th lumbar vertebra. (I don’t know anatomy, I’m looking this up online.)

    I pulled the first one, put it down and reset, pulled like 1/4 of the way and something hurt. I thought I had set properly and was maintaining but my back is telling me otherwise.

  4. @billybatter

    Did the same Tuesday, oddly shrugging. Go see an Asian deep tissue masseuse and a chiropractor if you’ve got one. I also used the METH protocol for rehabbing (movement,elevate,traction,heat) and was back on it the next day setting more PRs.

  5. I’m doin an 8×2 LP now. In snatch and press i just cant finish the lift after the 6th or seventh set. I rest 2 min between sets 1-5, And 3 min between 6-8. Should I rest more between sets or adjust the number of sets for these two lifts?

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