Q&A – 6

Happy PR Friday to you, sir. Or madame. Whatever. Post your PRs and training updates to the comments. Last week I asked what your least favorite lift was, and it seems that most of you hate front squats.
What is your biggest muscular weakness?

NOTaFlamingTrollCLown Says:

i already fixed grip width thanks to you and my press shot up after being stalled @ 165 3×5 for a couple months so THANK YOU! yes i always have to remind myself to get under the bar.

This wasn’t really a question, but I just thought I’d point out how a proper grip on the press makes it mechanically efficient and properly utilizes the musculature of the triceps and shoulders.

Terrible Says:

I have stupid-long femurs and a short torso. Conventional DL feels the strongest, but I have to pull around my knees which is definitely not ideal (and makes any set longer than 1 rep a mess). I’ve pulled sumo for ~1 year as (obviously) sumo reduces the impact of femur length.

I still just don’t feel right pulling sumo. Could I theoretically make up for less-than-ideal anthropometry by having very good hip mobility (ie, a large amount of external rotation to get my knees out of the way)? Or would the amount of external rotation required be too hard on the hips?

6’2”, 220 lbs., sumo 1RM around 440 lbs., conventional 1RM unknown

Dear Terrible,

You won’t need to “pull around your knees” in a mechanically sound starting position that is followed by “pushing the floor away”. Methinks your butt is too low and stance potentially wide (see Q&A-4 for stance info). If you were able to get your knees out a bit with your shoulders slightly in front of the bar (putting your scapulae over the bar), then push the floor away, then you won’t have this “KNEES KNEES KNEES” business. Long femurs usually means long arms, so you could get by with a grip that is a finger width or so outside of the inside rings (the rings where the knurling starts in the center of the bar). The wider grip would allow your knees to shove out a bit more.

Keep in mind your musculature won’t currently be adapted to lift heavy weight well with the conventional technique if you’ve been doing sumo. In fact, I’d wager you have a hamstring weakness. But, like I said in the reply to your comment, send a video and I can say things definitively.

echo Says:

A question for Justin: a quick wikipeida WR comparison between the classes shows that the heavier the class the lower the total kg:class kg ratio. For example – the 56kg class shows a total that is 5.44 times the lifters body weight, but the 105kg class is 4.15. Why does this happen? Is it because the lower weight classes are shorter and don’t have to move the weight as far?

Dear echo,

There is not a direct correlation with body weight and strength among a population of lifters. There still is a correlation, but it isn’t linear. As with any physical attribute, there are diminishing returns. It’s just what happens. For example, my Facebook friend Klokov went 196/232 for a 428 total. If it were possible to replicate the 5.44xBW total of the 56kg class, that would mean about a 570 total. If his snatch were 84% of his clean and jerk (like in the WWC a few days ago), that would result in him snatching 260 and clean and jerking 310 to make a 570 total. Numerically we can see that this isn’t possible given that 260 is near the clean and jerk WR.

In any case, how many times the BW a lifter can lift is irrelevant since absolute weight is what matters. And even when it does — like in the Sinclair formula — larger amounts of musculature matter since Akkaev and Klokov (105kg lifters) placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in the Sinclair formula for the WWC.

Paul Sousa, Movember team member (and will be watching Twilight to raise money for Movember…), asks on the Facebook page:

Justin, for someone training 2 days per week who wants to try and linearly progress on press and bench, would going to 5×5 sets across be helpful? Just wondering if the bump in volume would offset the reduced frequency.

Paul has decreased his training frequency cause he’s about to be a daddy. I’m not a huge fan of using 5x5s in general, but especially when that lift is only done once a week. The 5×5 inherently uses a low percentage of the 1RM, and creeping it up over time would primarily get someone adapted to lower percentage, high volume lifting. Instead, I’d suggest using one week of an ascending 3×5 and a second week of an ascending 3×3. The bench and press, especially the press, respond well to encountering some heavier weights. In fact, this is the strategy I’ve used for at least 8 months, and I’ve PR’d at 350 on the bench and 240 on the press (with 250 in reach, methinks, but I’m currently focusing on the push-press).

Ascending sets will let you hit a higher weight on the third set, yet it should be done systematically. I suggest using 10 pound jumps as it will allow for more weight on the third compared to only increasing by 5 pounds (15 would be too large, especially on press). If you have a weak press, 10 pounds would be a greater percentage of your lift, so you could always use 7 or 5 pound jumps. I also like 10 pound jumps on the ascending 3×3.

The good thing about this set up is that every 5 or 7 weeks you could always single on up. It’s a way to test the 1RM (if you want), but it also provides an extremely high percentage stress that usually resonates well when going back to the regular press sets. I never systematically used singles; whenever I got into PR territory with the top triple or set of five, I would try a single. Earlier this year I was only hitting around 215 for a triple, and then I used it for a set of five before attempting the 240 press (previous PR was 230). I typically pressed Monday, benched Wednesday, and use weighted dips on Friday (after sn/cj, or something like that).

I write more about this method in the Texas Method: Part 2 e-book that is almost done (I finished writing the last chapter yesterday), so be on the lookout for that.


What silly things are all of you doing to raise money for Movember?


Several of us will be doing something to raise money and reach our goal of $5,000. I will be doing one clean and jerk for every $50 raised (starting with the total on Wednesday morning) at the end of the month, Stroup is going to be deadlifting or something fucking stupid, Cloud is going to be abiding, and Paul Sousa is gonna be watching Twilight (I would never agree to that shit). I really don’t know the specifics despite the fact that Stroup, Cloud, Brent, Briskin, and I chatted for two hours the other night. Tomorrow I’ll put up a post clarifying what we’ll be doing so you know where your donation money is going.

Mark Motherfucking Marotta asks via telepathy:

I’ve been thinking about using snatch grip for my DE Deadlifts for the increased R.O.M. Is this stupid, smart or are you indifferent?

Dear the Mark,

I know that you are a powerlifter, so the first thing that comes to mind is, “How will these benefit you more than regular speed deadlifts?” You’ll use less weight with abnormal mechanics. The good thing with how I would normally program someone with intermediate deadlifting programming is that they pull a full ROM deadlift 3 times a month (with the other week being rack pulls, most likely) and that’s accomplished with speed pulling — more on this in Texas Method Part 2 e-book.

If you are keen to try it, then let me know how it goes. If I were coaching you I’d have you work with regular speed pulls, emphasizing the fast lockout (after the knees) as it’s more applicable. I’d consider snatch grip stuff worthy of a try for a powerlifter later in their advancement, if at all. This doesn’t mean they won’t be beneficial, but after my analysis, I’d rather you use conventional style.

All right, that’s good for today. I’ll see you guys on the field.

64 thoughts on “Q&A – 6

  1. Hit a Crossfit Total yesterday after doing the intro Smolov cycle (kept up with 3×5 press and bench press once a week):

    Squat: 425 (60lb PR)
    Press: 195 (15lb PR)
    Deadlift: 465 (5lb PR)

    Bench: 260 (10lb PR) (tested last week, not my strongest lift)

  2. Programming question twofer: It’s been at least 6 weeks (maybe 7) since I’ve been in the gym (wedding, sickness, etc.) and by the time I get over my sinus infection it might be 8. I am/was still on the SS LP, so how much should drop the weights when I get back to training? Also, using the SS LP but with rows instead of cleans, how and when should I integrate curls and chin ups/pull ups into my routine?

    Weakest muscles – Either my triceps or shoulders (can’t tell which, just week in the press and I’ve always felt my delts could and should be bigger especially given my naturally broad shoulders) or whatever is involved in chin ups and pull ups.

    Sort of a PR in lifting is consuming my life – dreamed about doing kettlebell snatches last night.

  3. Reset my SS weights 2 weeks ago, so no new PR’s for a few more weeks.

    Weakness is definitely my low back or hamstrings. I struggle hard with deadlifts

  4. Appreciate the response, Justin. I’m going to try to sneak a camera into the gym tomorrow.

    Weak – chest, quads
    Strong – lower back, arms

    What the hell happened to the Jets last night? Don’t have NFL network, didn’t get to watch the game.

  5. Justin, for someone whose upper body lifts are apparently limited by tricep strength (mid-to-upper portion of lockout, so possibly some chest as well), would you suggest following up the heavy pressing movements with heavy tricep lifts (exp, Bench followed by CGBP, Press followed by weighted Dips, etc.)?

    If so, with what rep schemes?

    If not, what would you recommend instead to increase tricep/lockout strength?

    That is pretty much my method of improving lockout. More on this in Texas Method Part 2 e-book.


  6. For anyone still curious about the SLINGSHOT from a novice raw powerlifter’s perspective… I used it for the first time Wednesday and loved it. My current 1rm bench raw is 275 at 181bw. After warming up I began fooling around with the slingshot. I did 225 for an EASY set of 5, then 275 for an easy double, then 300 for a single and finished with 315 for a fairly easy single. I then took it off and repped 225 raw for 6 and then used the slingshot again for a narrow grip set of 225 for 8. I cannot stress enough how good this thing felt. I’ve been constantly tinkering with my bench form trying to get it better and after wearing the slingshot something automatically clicked. I would reccomend it to anyone.

  7. First time posting, no one is impressed.

    Chin PR: 5x3x45#

    Going to echo several others and say triceps are the weakest link, at least on the lifts I give a fuck about.

  8. Bench 120 lbs for 1 set of 5
    Wait for it, Stroup, wait for it . . . EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was real fired up going into this set, because I have been GUNNIN’ for this weight. Per usual, I had to grab whatever random bro that was closest to me for a spot. Having never interacted with this man before, he says to me “Wow! You are REALLY excited about this!”. My face got all serious-like. I looked into his eyes. Gave him my best Shankle and said “I’m ready to rip the head off a god damn lion” . . . aaaaaaand then I started giggling like an asshole. meh. Then I smoked that weight. Then I danced danced partied partied.

    Happy PR Friday, everyone!!!

  9. Mark Marotta and Justin,
    Here’s a differing OPINION on the usefulness of increased ROM deadlifts. Shorter version: you are spending time training the neurons to fire maximally from a hyper-flexed position (rather than your regular stance) and any flexibility beyond necessary to perform the desired movement has a negative impact on performance.


    No need to clarify that it’s his opinion. Differing opinions are not only fine, but they are welcome. They help me learn by either requiring me to defend my reasoning, or conceding to a better way of doing something (even better).

    In this case, the author of the link you posted comes to the same conclusion as I do (that partial ROM stuff equivalent to rack pulling is better). Mark’s question concerned speed work, and the author of this post pointed out that using clean grip pulls would work here — which is essentially the same thing as speed deadlifting.

    It’s an interesting thought on why the “increased ROM” would have a deleterious effect on the regular deadlift.

    Thanks for the link.


  10. Differing in that many strong people perform them and consider them useful.

    That wasn’t his conclusion. His conclusion was that longer ROM stuff is debilitating and proposed his reasoning why. What are you referring to?


  11. PR: 170lb pendlay rows 5×5

    What is your biggest muscular weakness? – Grip/forearm strength.

    I’ve just recently switched to a mixed grip on deadlift at 285lb. I thought I would get to 300lb + before having to switch. Unfortunately not. I’m 5’10” at 192ish lb.

  12. Bench: 275 5×3
    Deadlift: 375 4×1
    Movember PR: I’m finally on the board.

    Bench was ezpz. Hopefully I can finally hit 5 on the DL next week…

    Weakness: Hips. I’ve been spending that last week trying to unglue things in there that have been jacking up my squat form.

  13. Snatch: 57 kg
    Squat: 2 x 100 kg, PR for a double
    Press: 1 x 112 lbs

    Volume PR: I’ve front squatted 72 reps all between 60 and 90 kg since Monday.

    Low bar squats, high hip start, and Bulgarian programming for the win. Fuck the haters.

  14. OH! and this is how I raised $641 for Movember in 2 days. Feel free to use my tactics . . .

    – I posted the link to my MoSistas space on my facebook page and said this:
    “If any of you have ever read a post on 70’s Big and thought ‘Hey, this was quite informative/stimulating/funny/pleasantly offensive/whathaveyou?’ Then please donate a buck to this cause!”
    Then I tagged all of my friends that I know read the site regularly

    – I also drafted this email to my friends that are followers of the site and aren’t on facebook that read . . .
    “This is the blessed month of Movember in the year of our lord 2011 in which we honor the sacred family jewels. However, these are dark times and the safety of the bits has been compromised as they are under viscous metastatic attack. In order to preserve the jewels and return them to their former glory, we must raise funds to support cancer research! This can be accomplished through donating to Ellee’s MoSista Mo Space found here : http://us.movember.com/mospace/2725254/

    BOOM! Cash money to the balls! No promise of DLs, Twilight marathons, or nude pics were necessary.

    Good luck! And for Christ’s sake, don’t get beat by the only chick in this fundraising effort. Geez Louise. I’m rooting for you fellas!!! :)

  15. I was a bit on & off this week at training. Thursday night was shithouse but Friday’s session was a return to form in the DL for me.

    SQ PR: 375×5

    Lifting Album of the Week – Static Age by The Misfits (1998). Deadlift Track – “Attitude”.

    Weakest Link: Front delts & chesticles. Dips are helping. Also doing speed clapping push-ups 8×3.

  16. Regarding echo’s question. All that muscles can do is rotate a body part about a joint. This means the torque is the relevant measurement.

    Torque = Force x Lever length.

    Movement is a competition between the torque your muscle can generate and the torque generated by body mass + any extra load.

    Now, as people get taller their mass increases. The means more muscle = more force, but also more mass to move. These two opposing factors increase at the same rate (a cubic rate), so it seems that strength as a proportion of body weight should stay constant. However, note that the lever length is also increasing! This means the torque generated by the body + load is increasing at a faster rate than the torque generated by muscle. The lever arm of the muscle is determined by its attachment point which doesn’t increase at the same rate as the length of the bones.

    Hence strength as a proportion of bodyweight decreases with increasing height.

    Hope that makes sense.

  17. PR: 190kg x9 deadlift (in the vid Justin linked yesterday). Don’t do high rep deads on a regular basis, but previous PR was 405×10 I guess?

    Got my sling shot today. Nearly peeing my pants in excitement. Not a PR.

  18. @Terrible

    Christ in pads is what happened to the Jets last night. Not a Denver fan at all but I do enjoy watching Tebow run over people and never out of bounds. Sure he had his critics due to his poor job passing (rightfully so) but he finds a way to win. I respect and enjoy that.

    Go Niners.

    No PR for me but I went 217×3 power cleans with a tight disc in my back and 225×20 for two sets on deads. Back tight from sleeping on side. Even a half hour of stretching prior to lifting couldn’t fix it. On Bill Starr’s rec I did high rep deads at a lighter weight.

  19. Was able to redeem myself by conquering weights that i missed over the past two weeks.

    Beltless Squat: 455×1 (10lb PR)

    Bench: 355×1(5lb PR)

    Good times.

  20. Is Terrible wearing lifting shoes? I am 6’2″ as well with long arms/legs and a relatively short torso and when I talked to you a while back you suggested doing deadlifts/RDL’s in flat shoes like Chuck’s or my Adidas Sambas. Maybe that would work for Terrible too.

    That’s a good point — I didn’t even address foot wear.


  21. Just benched with the sling shot (2XL loose fitting red one) for the first time. Holy.Shit.

    Raw: 265 paused (Pause PR), 275 touch-n-go. PR is 285, didn’t try it tonight, would have been iffy.

    Sling Shot: 285, 295, 305, 315 (felt like I coulda tripled but didn’t get greedy), 275×6, 225×10. EZ. PZ. This should get interesting.

  22. No real interesting PRs this week because I just started working and need to get used to standing all day and then lifting after, but I needed to post this:

    Did anyone else notice lifting weights turned Puke into a ginger?

  23. Squat 305 1×5
    Bench 205 1×5
    Deadlift 340 1×5

    Age: 18
    Weight: 218 (up from 200 in July)

    Yeah i know I should be lifting more, but it’s really about progress for me.

    It’s about progress for all of us — nobody will look down on you for not lifting as much as them. If they do, then they are a dick-measuring-fuck-head.


  24. This week, this 175# advancing novice on the GSLP produced the following PRs: (wt x reps x sets)

    Squat: 270#x5x3 (holy grinders~), 245#x10 rep record after a reset
    Press: 112.5#x5x3 (holy grinders~)
    Bench: 155#x5x3
    EZ Curl Bar Drag Curls: 40#x15x3 (the pump was sick!)

  25. on S&C 2.0

    all lifts have gone up
    squat 245 3×5
    bench 230 3×5
    press 130 3×5
    clean 175 5×3
    dips with gymnastic rings + 45 lbs 3×5
    pullups + 32.5 lbs 3×5

    hit a wall yesterday and was weaker than usual on everything. Not resting, sleeping, or eating enough?? or i may have lost my power when i shaved my stache

  26. 4 month layoff due to injury
    My glaring weakness is the squat
    I benched 315 which was fucking hard
    Safety squat 275x 3
    Deadlift 405×3 hard really hard
    These were my lifts 2 weeks ago at my beginning baseline. Time to dance.

  27. Finally hit some new PRs this week
    Squat- 405×3 PR (ties July PR at almost ten lbs lighter BW)
    Bench: 185×8 (pr by 5, but still first one in a while)
    Press: 130×9 (higher press volume really seems to be working for me)
    Deadlift: pulled heavy sumo for the first time ever. Felt… weird. Totally different musculature. 325×5. Peanuts compared to my conventional pull, but it was a light week.

    My weakness is definitely lat/triceps. My bench blows, my press lockout kinda sucks, and I struggle with dips. I also suck at pullups, and my limiting factor on squats has been holding the weight tight with my torso, not in my legs. However, the lat problem has been slowly improving due to added assistance after every session. Volume of work over time, just like Justin says.

    Also, I tried a complex with 115 yesterday that my buddy was doing. Fuck Front Squats. Fuck them. So much.

  28. first time poster- 5’8 170
    140×5 press
    265×5 squat… i go high bar and the bar always goes forward which makes the reps unbelievably hard; when i get my hips underneath me I can get them done though. Any advice Justin?? I would really appreciate it

    180 power clean x2
    Dead 320×4 didn’t quite lockout the last rep

    Are you wearing weightlifting shoes? If not, fix that. If so, think “heels” on the way down and out of the hole.


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