Q&A – 1

theturgid asks

Justin, how do you deal with persistent stalling/failing on TM? (All lifts, but mostly squat) The ebook mentions manipulating VD but that isn’t working for me. The options I see are:

1) Reset ID back 10% like in SS
2) Take a deload or week off?
3) Just deal with the slowed progress and accept a failure every 2nd or 3rd week?
4) Something I haven’t thought of?

After I asked what his Volume Day and Intensity Day numbers were:
my squat VD is 264# and ID is at 341 – I only got 3 reps last week, was going for 5, hopefully will get the 5 this friday

Dear theturgid,

Typically I see numbers higher than yours in a TM set up, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You are 6’2″ and weigh about 210 lbs (he said this in another comment), which isn’t that large for the height. You also said you don’t think your diet is the issue or what your goals are, but I have to assume you aren’t eating enough properly. Are you eating a MINIMUM of 250g of high quality protein? I like the 77 pound discrepancy between the VD and ID (although your VD rep scheme wasn’t specified), but you may require an increase in volume, especially since 264 is not a significant amount of stress for a 210 lb guy.

Under the assumption that you are doing everything in training, life, and recovery correctly (which is highly unlikely for most readers of this site), there are some more advanced techniques that will be out very soon in Part II of the Texas Method E-book. Sorry for the cliff hanger, but reevaluate the ancillary stuff and increase your volume slightly and see what happens.

Hungry Hungry Hippos asks

What does Chris study? For some reason I’m feeling biology or physics, perhaps math. Definitely something science, math, or engineering related.

Dear Hungry Hungry Hippos,

Chris is getting his Master’s in Exercise Science/Kinesiology.

Jake asks

Di Pasquale is pretty interesting. I’m curious to hear what you think about his “metabolic/anabolic” diet. Isn’t it basically just keto for 5-6 days and CARBO-load for 1-2 on the weekend?

Dear beloved Jake,

I’m not very well read on the metabolic diet. Dr. Di Pasquale does discuss it in the textbook I talked about on Thursday’s post, and I will read up on it. However, I do not like diets that have significant changes in eating strategy throughout the week. Diet is already something that is difficult enough to deal with, and I’d rather people adhere to a diet that would be something to adhere to for a lifetime (with changes in quantity when needed). Obviously I’m not a diet groupie, but I do agree with the principles of the Paleo diet and eating quality whole meals. However, this doesn’t mean I will shy away from a double bacon cheese burger (assuming the restaurant includes the cheese — what kind of place just sells a bacon burger with no cheese?).

Paul S. e-mails

Hi Justin,

I was wondering what your thoughts would be for someone who can only train twice a week? My wife is 8 months pregnant, and we have a 20 month old son, so at this point I am needed at home as much as possible. Since she is awesome she has not asked me to reduce or stop my training, but also because she is awesome I am taking it upon myself to reduce my training. My current plan is to run a modified 5/3/1 template like this:

Bench – 5/3/1
Squat – 5/3/1
Power Clean – 5 sets of 3
A bunch of pullups throughout the session

Press – 5/3/1
DL – 5/3/1
Squat – 50% for 3 sets of 10
A bunch of chins throughout the session

Aw, isn’t Paul a sweetheart? Good to hear from you again, though. This is an admirable set up, and I think it will work fine. Personally, I’m not a fan of pull-ups prior to benching or power cleaning OR chin-ups prior to pressing or deadlifting, but you may have to get some in the early part of the workout just to get them. Consider using a pyramid style set up on a clock at the end of the workout. Hit 1, then 2, and all the way up. A couple months ago I did this in a basement and got up to 8 or 9 in a couple minutes of time and caught a contagious pump that would have made Brent Fucking Kim proud.

Also, when relegated to a two-day-a-week program, adjust the carbohydrates or calories so you that you aren’t consuming as many as higher frequency program. Always maintain the protein, but I would tweak the carbs higher on training days and maybe even the day before training depending on what time you train. You’ll become a pro at this, so let us know how it works for you.

Ryan e-mails

(RE: food log post)
I don’t know your daily/weekly schedule, but what would your meals look like if you worked M-F from 8-5 and worked out right after work?
Would your random meal be lunch? Would it still just be whey and a carb?

If it were me, I’d have my smoothie upon waking (with plenty of some kind of fat), I’d kill myself because I couldn’t cook eggs at work, and then I wouldn’t be alive.

Let’s try this again. In the morning I’d try and get myself to adapt to six eggs and bacon in the morning (may have to use five eggs at first, but with Chipotle Tabasco, anything is possible). I’d probably eat a sweet potato with it. I might pre-make a shake to take to work for mid-morning (with some kind of fat). Then I’d eat some kind of meat meal at lunch (something I bring from home, not lunch meat), and maybe have some more sweet potato or the other half from breakfast. Then I’d have whey and a fast digesting carb an hour or so before I train. Then I’d eat a pound of beef when I get home. By the way, putting salsa and greek yogurt on ground beef (that has been seasoned with, say, rosemary and red pepper) is fucking money.

Question to YOU: We need to start inducting guys to the 70’s Big Hall of Fame. We will done one a month. Who should be a nominee?

Happy PR Friday. Post your training PR’s and updates to the comments. Have a good weekend.

105 thoughts on “Q&A – 1

  1. Justin,

    How about another Q? When I started lifting a few months ago I wore Chucks for squatting. Then after a month or so, based on some recommendations I read on here I bought a pair of VS weightlifting shoes. I love the shoes and immediately felt good lifting in them (including for DL’s), but within a couple of sessions I started to ache in the “knee area”. I’m not 100% sure if it’s my knees, the tendons or ligaments in the area or my lower quads. The rest of my body has been recovering fine and I’ve been putting on BW (60lbs so far) and increasing my lifts nicely, but this aching has been a 24/7 thing for the past couple of months now. It does feel better after a few days off but returns as soon as I do any squatting or stretching.

    It probably sounds stupid that I haven’t done anything about it sooner, but I assumed it was an adjustment thing that would improve with time and training. I’m at the stage now though where I’m not sure it’s going to get any better unless I do something different.

    Have you come across this problem before when someone starts wearing lifting shoes? Do you think I should go back to Chucks or soldier on with the VS’s? Another idea I heard of was possibly I have tight hamstrings or hips or even calves that is causing the soreness – I’m not very flexible although I started working on that with mob work (thanks to your posts on the subject & MWOD).

    I’m 6’2 and I don’t have an especially short torso or short legs – if that’s relevant. I felt good with the heel lift as I do have a tendency to rock forward onto my toes when LB squatting and I am nowhere near upright on HB squats and can’t OH squat due to lack of flexibility. I think my LB form is decent and I focus on sitting back and not getting too far forward with my knees, etc. The thing is my knees ache just getting up off the couch or doing BW squats, so I’m not convinced it’s a LB Squat form issue, though I’m certainly no expert.

    I’m up to squatting 325lbsx3x5 on the SS LP with a PR of 395.

    I’d be stoked if you could give me your thoughts!

  2. RE: Hall of Fame Nominees:

    – Don Reinhoudt
    http://samson-power.com/ASL/reinhoudt.html – Champion powerlifter and winner of the first two WSM comps, which were in the late 70’s. First PL’er to total 2400lbs in competition (old school raw).

    – Reg Park
    Really inspiring guy who was 70’s big without ever using drugs (hated them) and with a dedication to lifting heavy, especially loving squats. Really cool guy too.

    – Arnold
    Cliche I know but hey, he was big in the 70s, no? Plus he lifted heavy and it showed.

  3. ETA on the new e-book? You suggested a while ago an article on progressing the press, have some difficulties with it, would be nice to read your thoughts on it.

    And 70’s big hall of fame? Ofcourse Brent Motherfucking Kim!

  4. As far as nominees I say arnie for sure.
    Pr- 111 clean and jerk- narrowly missed the clean on 115, then had to cut the session short because rain was blowing in through the screen onto my platform. I am not quite ready to do the danger wod, so I quit early which sucks because it was one of those sessions where I knew I had some more juice in me.
    Life Pr- for the past few months or so, I have really gotten strict with my diet, removed bread and sweets (except for fruit), and have been yamming out on sweet potatoes and chicken and other meats- freaking massive difference in body composition and performance. I feel better, sleep less (because of work) but have been hitting PR’s almost every week. As I have said before, my foray into the cubicle world really freaked me out when I saw all my coworkers dying slowly, eating shittily and in general not thirsting for Iron as I do. One such coworked drinks about 4 or 5 sodas a day and eats candy as his primary meal- he is skinny as hell but probably is moving towards diabetes. In the early stages of college I really wanted to have abz (before I realized that yoke was better) and I can remember doing so much slow ass cardio, crunches and eating at the cereal bar at the dining hall almost every day, twice a day- go figures.
    Information PR- I also went online and found a blog post where a guy takes apart a york powerbar (like mine) and I think I am going to do that this weekend, put some 3 in 1 oil on it and see if she spins better.

  5. PR’s this week:
    Squat: 295×10
    Deadlift: 355×5
    Press: 147.5 x5x3

    Glad to see you finally mention pt. II of the TM book.

    Theres a lot of of confusion out there regarding discrepancy of VD and ID in the TM. Clearly theturgid isn’t using enough volume, but I think further elucidation on this subject would help a lot of folks. In the book you mention increasing the difference over time by upping ID and not volume.

    You also mention 65 pounds as some sort of baseline but that was based on people squatting 500+ and makes no sense for a woman squatting 170 or myself who is just cracking into the 300’s.

    Based on my experience and your example numbers, I’ve put VD at *around* 83-88% of the ID. So for theturgid he should be doing around 290x5x5 for his volume day.

    Obviously once you switch to 3×8 the percentage would go higher (if ID stays 1×5).

    Any thoughts on this approach? It’s meant to be reference tool, not a rule, and a way to find numbers that will not overdo volume, but apply still enough stimulus.

  6. I guess this depends on if you’re keeping this to people active int he 70s. Here are some of both…

    Bill Kazmier

    Arnold–as if he needs a rationale, there’s this one quote in his biography where he talks about going into the woods with a squat rack and doing as many as 50 sets of squats, then eating whole chickens and downing bottles of wine while frolicking with naked women in the mountain lake. Alpha.

    Zydrunas Savickas

    Doug Hepburn

    Mark Rippetoe

    Magnus Samuelsson

    Brian Shaw

    Konstantin Konstantinovs

  7. I would also nominate alan tsagev. If any of you watch those franjete videos, in the WWC that was held in puerto rico, he literally is fat as shit and completely out of form- fast forward to one year later I think 2007 and he crushes that world record clean and jerk.

  8. PR’s

    Chin-up: BW + a 25# plate x 1
    – This little guy makes me REAL happy!

    Chin-ups: 6, 5, 5, 5 @ BW

    Dips: 3 sets of 12 @ BW

    No barbell PR’s. I am still working to un-fuck my squat form so I can stop injuring myself like a knucklehead. meh . . .

    Maybe it seems silly to post PR’s for ancillary exercises. However, I had to bust my ASS for forever to able to do ONE lousy pull/chin/dip. And when I finally got one, I felt as if the clouds parted and a single ray of sunshine fell upon my face while a choir of angels sang Hallelujah. Life. changing. shit. So, I’ll take it rather than leave it :)

  9. I started listening to ballads whilst training due to The Iron. Not like every session, but when the mood is right. It def helps keep the heart rate down, at least compared to the Metal I usually listen to.

    Surely to be in the 70’s Big Hall of Fame the nominees need to have been peaking during that decade. Klokov wasn’t even born and Kaz didn’t win a WSM until the 80’s.

  10. Serge Redding, even though he never bested Alexeev. His 228kg C&P is ridiculous based on how strict he did it, and the guy was an absolute monster physically.

  11. PRs… I DL’ed 405 for 4 reps this week, and I was very happy about that. I almost feel like a big boy now. Baby steps into toddler steps.


    You promised me a write-up of your experiences on the TM, where is it?

    Also, if you want to follow some badass strength exploits, with the likes of Little Simon, The Panglossian, Silverback Sano, Muddy Paul, The Paleo Spectre, Dancing Banana Guy, Singapore’s Tenth Strongest Man, and yours truly, check out http://www.ironstrong.org

    (Actually, everybody is welcome to stop by. It’s new and rough, but there’s a good mix of total newbies, intermediates and guys doing RDLs at 213kg for 5×5.)

  12. Justin,

    Awww, I thought you’d forgot about me.

    I second Alexeev.

    1) “He’d drag a shitload of kettlebells and loaded barbells down to a river, toss the shit in the water, and lift in the middle of the river.”

    2) “Due to a combination of factors, which were likely that everyone knew he was batshit crazy, and the fact that Soviet guards likely would have shot anyone who stepped off the platform to attempt Alexeev’s wacky routines, he trained alone.”

    3) “He allegedly ate 36 egg omlettes for breakfast.”

    4) “When they were in the training hall sizing each other up Vasily was always gone only to return after hours. The other competitors slept in their beds like giant babes while “Uncle Vasily” ran up and down the halls drinking beer from the case held under his arm while thowing bottles and firecrackers in the other sleeping giant’s rooms.”

    Follow up Q: What kind of back work would you suggest on Monday if one Deadlifts Wednesday?

  13. I nominated Ricky Bruch in the memorial post a few months back. He should be the first inductee. One a month? Seems like a lot.

    I like ground beef with salsa, shredded cheese, and avocado. It’s my go to. Greek yogurt tastes like shit. Is it more like sour cream with beef?

    Chicken tastes like a dirty asshole but there is a good sauce here: http://freetheanimal.com/2010/12/leangains-the-dietary-approach.html

    This sauce makes chicken tolerable.

  14. the Alexeev story about lifting in the water was complete bullshit.

    textbook trolling by the Soviets as apparently Americans were making themselves look stupid trying it.

  15. Squat PR with proper depth last night: 195x5x5. I finally got set up with a barbell, bench, and a primitive press stand at home so I can cancel my gym membership. I’m going to spend some time building a power cage this weekend which should be good fun.

  16. Got some Chipotle Tabasco yesterday… its the TITS!

    PR: Bacon and Eggs every AM this week

    Hall of Famers:
    Ricky Bruch
    Bill Kazmaier
    Konstantin Konstantinovs
    Evgeny Chigishev
    Dmitry Klokov

  17. @ Josh: Don Reinhoudt only won one WSM, and it was in the third year of the competition. Bruce Wilhelm won the first two WSM comps.

    HOF: Lou Ferrigno, +1 Arnold, +1 KK, +1 Kaz

  18. Ok I have given this some thought today. These are the guys I like the most. They are jacked the fuck up and crazy strong.

    1. Dmitry Klokov (he is the only one who deserves a number)
    Bill Kazmaier
    Konstantin Konstantinovs
    Mariusz Pudzianowski
    Mike Tuscherer

    thats my list.

  19. PRs
    Squat 1×5 415lbs
    Deadlift 1×5 400
    Bench 1×5 250

    I decided to transition my presses to TM. I like the lower volume, I think it might help with progressing the presses (bench and standing). At 5’11, 230, these are not great numbers, but I am pumped.

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