Q&A – 1

theturgid asks

Justin, how do you deal with persistent stalling/failing on TM? (All lifts, but mostly squat) The ebook mentions manipulating VD but that isn’t working for me. The options I see are:

1) Reset ID back 10% like in SS
2) Take a deload or week off?
3) Just deal with the slowed progress and accept a failure every 2nd or 3rd week?
4) Something I haven’t thought of?

After I asked what his Volume Day and Intensity Day numbers were:
my squat VD is 264# and ID is at 341 – I only got 3 reps last week, was going for 5, hopefully will get the 5 this friday

Dear theturgid,

Typically I see numbers higher than yours in a TM set up, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You are 6’2″ and weigh about 210 lbs (he said this in another comment), which isn’t that large for the height. You also said you don’t think your diet is the issue or what your goals are, but I have to assume you aren’t eating enough properly. Are you eating a MINIMUM of 250g of high quality protein? I like the 77 pound discrepancy between the VD and ID (although your VD rep scheme wasn’t specified), but you may require an increase in volume, especially since 264 is not a significant amount of stress for a 210 lb guy.

Under the assumption that you are doing everything in training, life, and recovery correctly (which is highly unlikely for most readers of this site), there are some more advanced techniques that will be out very soon in Part II of the Texas Method E-book. Sorry for the cliff hanger, but reevaluate the ancillary stuff and increase your volume slightly and see what happens.

Hungry Hungry Hippos asks

What does Chris study? For some reason I’m feeling biology or physics, perhaps math. Definitely something science, math, or engineering related.

Dear Hungry Hungry Hippos,

Chris is getting his Master’s in Exercise Science/Kinesiology.

Jake asks

Di Pasquale is pretty interesting. I’m curious to hear what you think about his “metabolic/anabolic” diet. Isn’t it basically just keto for 5-6 days and CARBO-load for 1-2 on the weekend?

Dear beloved Jake,

I’m not very well read on the metabolic diet. Dr. Di Pasquale does discuss it in the textbook I talked about on Thursday’s post, and I will read up on it. However, I do not like diets that have significant changes in eating strategy throughout the week. Diet is already something that is difficult enough to deal with, and I’d rather people adhere to a diet that would be something to adhere to for a lifetime (with changes in quantity when needed). Obviously I’m not a diet groupie, but I do agree with the principles of the Paleo diet and eating quality whole meals. However, this doesn’t mean I will shy away from a double bacon cheese burger (assuming the restaurant includes the cheese — what kind of place just sells a bacon burger with no cheese?).

Paul S. e-mails

Hi Justin,

I was wondering what your thoughts would be for someone who can only train twice a week? My wife is 8 months pregnant, and we have a 20 month old son, so at this point I am needed at home as much as possible. Since she is awesome she has not asked me to reduce or stop my training, but also because she is awesome I am taking it upon myself to reduce my training. My current plan is to run a modified 5/3/1 template like this:

Bench – 5/3/1
Squat – 5/3/1
Power Clean – 5 sets of 3
A bunch of pullups throughout the session

Press – 5/3/1
DL – 5/3/1
Squat – 50% for 3 sets of 10
A bunch of chins throughout the session

Aw, isn’t Paul a sweetheart? Good to hear from you again, though. This is an admirable set up, and I think it will work fine. Personally, I’m not a fan of pull-ups prior to benching or power cleaning OR chin-ups prior to pressing or deadlifting, but you may have to get some in the early part of the workout just to get them. Consider using a pyramid style set up on a clock at the end of the workout. Hit 1, then 2, and all the way up. A couple months ago I did this in a basement and got up to 8 or 9 in a couple minutes of time and caught a contagious pump that would have made Brent Fucking Kim proud.

Also, when relegated to a two-day-a-week program, adjust the carbohydrates or calories so you that you aren’t consuming as many as higher frequency program. Always maintain the protein, but I would tweak the carbs higher on training days and maybe even the day before training depending on what time you train. You’ll become a pro at this, so let us know how it works for you.

Ryan e-mails

(RE: food log post)
I don’t know your daily/weekly schedule, but what would your meals look like if you worked M-F from 8-5 and worked out right after work?
Would your random meal be lunch? Would it still just be whey and a carb?

If it were me, I’d have my smoothie upon waking (with plenty of some kind of fat), I’d kill myself because I couldn’t cook eggs at work, and then I wouldn’t be alive.

Let’s try this again. In the morning I’d try and get myself to adapt to six eggs and bacon in the morning (may have to use five eggs at first, but with Chipotle Tabasco, anything is possible). I’d probably eat a sweet potato with it. I might pre-make a shake to take to work for mid-morning (with some kind of fat). Then I’d eat some kind of meat meal at lunch (something I bring from home, not lunch meat), and maybe have some more sweet potato or the other half from breakfast. Then I’d have whey and a fast digesting carb an hour or so before I train. Then I’d eat a pound of beef when I get home. By the way, putting salsa and greek yogurt on ground beef (that has been seasoned with, say, rosemary and red pepper) is fucking money.

Question to YOU: We need to start inducting guys to the 70’s Big Hall of Fame. We will done one a month. Who should be a nominee?

Happy PR Friday. Post your training PR’s and updates to the comments. Have a good weekend.

105 thoughts on “Q&A – 1

  1. Justin, I have a TM question as well, can’t wait till the part 2 ebook is out. Anyway, I’m currently in my 21st straight week of a TM run. I just did my Volume day yesterday on the squat with 345x5x5 and it was a bitch, grinder every set. My last intensity day was 420x1x1 and that was a complete grinder, barely locked it out. I’m gonna attempt 425 for 1×1 this week for intensity. If I miss, should I reset ID 10% and VD 10% and work back up? I’m 5’11”, 220lbs. I started this run with a 1RM of about 390-395 on the squat. Bench is pretty much in the same boat. I did 230x5x5 and it was a bitch to finish and recently hit 290x1x1 on ID on the bench. Just wondering if reseting VD and ID by 10% and working back up is the right course of action at this point. Surprisingly enough, I don’t really feel beat up or run down. I’m eating well and sleeping best I can. I’m just having trouble completing the lifts, they are starting to feel too heavy.

    Not to be “that guy”, but have you read the book? Because I never talked about resetting anything by 10% and working back up.


  2. Yes I have the book. IMO its one of the only ebooks out there that is worth buying. I found it very helpful to know that I didn’t need to increase volume every week and be a “volume warrior”. This was one of the things I always did with TM, and probably why I made my best gains on it this time around after reading your book. I feel according to the book’s one chart that i’m at the Very Hard/Very Hard VD/ID discrepancy. Just looking for the best way to try to keep progress going, wondering if a 10% reset would be the best approach.

    Thanks for the kind words about the book. You have a pretty good discrepancy between Volume Day and Intensity Day. There is a significant programming change that will come out in Part 2 either this week or next week.

    I do want to point out that working up to a one single isn’t really something advise because. I’d rather you do singles across or ascending/descending singles. And after you progress one rep scheme on ID, you can rotate the other rep schemes. How about you shift into triples in the mean time? Hit a medium triple, then start pushing it. Hang in there and keep the volume the same, because part 2 will help you significantly. I will personally converse with you via e-mail after it’s out to make sure you get situated (shoot me the e-mail and remind me of this exchange).


  3. Justin thanks.

    I started doing one set of 5. I started with 330 and got up to 380. Then I switched to 2 sets of 3. That went from 385 to 400. At 405 I only hit a double on the first set, so I did a 2nd set of 2. 2×2 again with 410 and 415. Last week with 420, I barely got 1 rep. Rested then attempted another single and failed, so I was going to try 425 for a single this week.

    Correct if I’m wrong or overthinking this, but I should now decrease the weight on ID and do a set of 3 working back up while holding VD steady (or maybe do 5 sets of 3 instead of 5×5 on VD)?

    when you say a medium triple, is just by feel, like knocking back the weight maybe 20-40lbs? Sorry for all the questions. Email will be in bound shortly.

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