PR Friday

Hectic week, yet we can rejoice in PR Friday. Post your weekly training updates to the comments. Discuss football: Boise State vs UGA and LSU vs Oregon.

This video took forever to upload. This is Mike making his shakes for his next day of work. He’s real meticulous about eating and making it consistent every day. He also gets a lot of calories and protein from shakes since they are convenient and cost less. He still eats about two pounds of meat a day. I’m not saying that what Mike does is necessary, but it’ll show you how he plans his food intake and keeps it consistent over time.

47 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. Sill not to PR territory, but oh so close:

    Squat: 310x5x3 (PR:320x5x3)
    Press: 137.5 x5x3 (PR:142.5x5x3)
    Deadlift: 285×6 (PR is ~ 295×5)
    Bench: 207.5x5x2,x7 (PR: 220x5x3)

    So that’s what I got going on, should be a good next few weeks!

    Also, there’s still a bunch of spots open in the 70s Big Yahoo Fantasy Football League. Go to Yahoo and the info is:

    League ID# 383427
    password: squat

    We’re drafting tonight, 8:30, so get on it!

  2. First time posting.

    Hit a few PRs this week.

    Squat: 300#x5x3
    Deadlift: 325#x1 and 315#x5
    Bench: 175#x5
    Press: 137.5#x5 (up from 137.5#x4)

    I feel really good about breaking the 300 barrier on squat, and hitting six wheels on deadlift. That one had been eluding me for a while. I’ve got more in the tank on deadlift, too.

  3. My gym is closed till tuesday for their annual yearly cleaning! There were no signs for this on Wednesday. Was all set to PR in squat, dead, and possibly press. Will settle for pushing my truck up and down a deserted parking lot.

  4. squat: 305×5,5,5 PR
    deadlift: 345×8 PR
    bench: 212.5×5,5,9 PR
    press: 137.5×5,5,8 PR

    Sadness PR: having to put my cat down out of the blue on Tuesday. He was a badass friend for 13 years. A real tough SOB, no effin pussy cat.

  5. I feel fairly confident Boise State beats Georgia, but I’m not 100% sure that Oregon can take care of LSeaux. Should be fun either way. I’m interested to see the Baylor/TCU game. Robert Griffin III is a true freak, can’t believe he is still somehow under the radar.

    PR Friday: Ummmmm. I rehabbed my back sprain to the point where I can walk and start doing some stuff in the gym. Yay?

  6. No training PRs, but had a 70’s Big PR at work yesterday. Squatted down to pick something up off the floor and ripped the crotch out of my shorts.

  7. Not sure wtf my problem is
    last week deadlifted 420×5, today 425 wouldn’t budged so I dropped down to 385 and it wasn’t moving either. Oh well, next week.

  8. Clean PR – 75 kg
    Squat PR – 1 x 101 kg, 2 x 95 kg
    Front squat PR – 1 x 80 kg

    Today was the first day in a long time that I had to force myself back under the bar to finish my squats. I’m icing my knees now.

    I’m really going to get myself a better front squat so that getting out of the hole on a clean isn’t such a dramatic experience:

    Still, I think that is my favorite PR ever.

    If anyone wants to come hang out with me September 17-18 in Winston-Salem, Glenn is doing another USAW seminar. We have a good time. Promise.

  9. This is a big day, first post on any “blog/forum/online community”.


    Graduated Ranger School last Friday with class 08-11.

    Got back in the gym for the first time in a long time Monday and Thursday.

    Not a good one, but an all time low bodyweight of 190 lbs since I was 15ish.

    It will be interesting to be back on a linear progression routine after all the learning I’ve done the past couple years. In the meantime I’m going to keep eating like an asshole and sleeping.

  10. PRs for this week:

    DL- 345 1×5
    Weight: 215

    Still a bit worried about my wrist(sprained it real bad six months ago), got an appointment with a doc on Wednesday so we’ll see…

  11. Volume PRs:
    Squat 86kg x 50
    -this was posted as a challenge over at Strength Villain. The goal is to load a bar = to your body weight and squat it 50 times. It wasn’t too bad but it gave me a head ache…

    Press 72.5kg x 5, 5, 8

    As far as college football goes…
    -Im going to take Boise State over UGA; I think the Boise offense is going to click with the return of Kellen Moore. Also, BS has something to prove with an 0&4 record against SEC teams, so I think they will come out ready to play… I guess we’ll see
    -For the LSU v. Oregon game im going with LSU. LSU has a bigger/better O and D line, and I think that after LSU gets their run game established it will open the door for some good play action and Oregon wont be able to keep up (They HAVE to get the run game going though, bc Lee sucks and will need the PA to throw off the secondary or else he’s screwed.) Just my opinions…

  12. I pushed out 405 for a set of 5 today. My goal had been to get 400 for a set of 5 by the end of the year. I thought I was on track to get it 2 weeks ago before I got a charlie horse in my thigh. With this under my belt I am off to vacation for a week and then I will jump into using the Texas Method for my squats while still doing a linear progression for everything else.

  13. been doing the GSLP since I got a cortisone shot for a torn labrum and haven’t gotten back into PR territory yet but I definitely just set a post tear PR today.

    last set of bench sessions since the shot have gone like this

    147.5x 13
    150x 15 today

    so my shoulder is definitely getting better

    anyway i just typed all that to say oregon is gonna win big tomorrow. I thought it was gonna be a close game until LSUs QB decided to kick someone in the head. that, paired with the fact that this is the first game i’m going to be watching as an oregon alum rather than an oregon student means we’re definitely gonna roll

  14. Love the Mike Making Shakes video. Has inspired me to eat (drink?) more for growth. Good stuff.

    SQ PR – 286×10 (to the sounds of Kiss – Christine Sixteen)
    BP PR – 204x5x5
    Pendlay Row PR – 176x5x5

    Used my new Tommy Kono knee sleeves today. I’m very pleased with them, apart from the sensation of pulling them up my dry, well-haired legs. Getting them off was much more enjoyable.

  15. First comp result:

    Snatch: 85,88F,88F – cutting pull short. not enough speed. opening body too early.

    Clean and Jerk: 100,105F,107.5 – need to keep control of the bar better – losing it and collapsing in the receiving position. pr though

  16. Yeah I had a crappy week, but managed this Friday hungover.

    Standing Overhead Press

    Seated Overhead Press

  17. Pyramid Method week 6: squat 375x3x3. Today was the start of week 7, 385×3. Oddly light after the twice-weekly 5x5s in weeks 1-4. I like a recovery phase that has me going heavy for low reps.

  18. Justin,

    I have found the most destructive/counter-productive events in TM is a stall.

    Resetting the weight by 10%/3 weeks of progress is a massive blow.

    I seem to be hitting a stall after 3-4 weeks of progress using the incorrect ‘volume warrior’ method you condemn.

    In your TM eBook, you advocate a wider spread between volume and intensity days, along with some other stuff.

    Does this prevent stalls from happening? How often should stalls be happening using your methods highlighted in your TM book?

    many thanks,
    R P McMurphy

  19. I’m rehabbing a back injury at the moment so prs aint happening for me. However my wife is doing really well on the Texas method. Last intensity day was:

    81kg x 5 squat
    51kg x 5 bench
    113kg x 3 deadlift.

  20. Great quote from Steve Prefontaine. I only know about him because I happened to catch the movie “Prefontaine” a few months back, by accident. Really great story, but tragic that he died so early in his career/life, with still so much left to achieve.

  21. Oh, I also think it’s a good story because he wasn’t just some freakishly good running prodigy. It took him a couple of years of hard work before he really started to hit his stride. He may have had a natural talent for running, but it was his desire and work ethic that made him great

  22. I’ve got a question for you, Justin; in “FIT,” with regards to programming some endurance training with an LP, one example has you lifting on monday and also doing tabata sprints (max intensity); would you suggest immediately after lifting or at some other point in the day?

  23. Appreciate the support, being back in the real world has been absolutely amazing. Everyone has a giant list of restaurants and specific items that they want to eat. I got about 1/4 the way through mine before I threw in the towel.

    Catching up on 12 weeks(3 weeks prep) of 70s big was also a big plus.

  24. Alittle late chiming in on PR Friday, out on vacation in Colorado.

    On Sept 1st I pulled a number of PR’s.

    475lb Deadlift
    455lb Squat
    300lb Benchpress
    185lb Press

    This weeks training will consist of biking down pikes peak, ziplining, hiking, etc… should be a nice break :)

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