26 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. Shittiness PR: realized that after 12 straight weeks of following the TM to the letter, including proper sleep and nutrition, I have actually regressed since the end of my LP. Fuck.

    What does “following it to the letter” mean? There is no one way to follow it. If you’re indicating “Practical Programming” then there is a general outline. If you’re talking about my e-book, I explain (quite thoroughly) how not to fuck it up. What are you “following”?


  2. Loooong time since I posted last, and not much have happened since. But pretty excited to say that I squatted 200 Kg (440lbs) today. First real evidence of growth since I started squatting daily maxes everyday about 1 month ago

  3. Heard some guys playing halfassketball* comment on a friend and I running hill sprints, “Dude, why are they DOING that?” We loled.

    *halfassketball: when you go to a park and “play a game” that involves no running or serious jumping. Marked by lots of trash talk and missed shots.

  4. @Dave
    Could this have been at Spotts Park over off Memorial?

    Not any real PR’s as of late. Been getting to the gym 3 days a week consistently which is good. I did power cleans for the first time in like 6 months yesterday and that was awesome.

  5. Deadlift PR from last week of 280 lbs.

    Training totally clicked last week and this week. Six days on, one day off with squats every day. I squatted to 95 kg twice this week. Today, I made it my little bitch on day six in a row. I sense a huge squat PR soon.

    My USAW club has their first meet tomorrow. I have four lifters competing, and it is a first meet for all of them, plus one lifter from another team who has been training with us for the summer. My six year old daughter is lifting.

  6. Lameness PR: This is the end of my second week of no training since I messed up my wrist last Monday. Could have handled going back today, but didn’t because I’m lazy and easily distracted.

  7. Did my first meet back on the 17th. Went 9/9 in the 198 class.
    Squat 407.5
    Bench 265
    Deadlift 475
    I had more in the tank on all 3 lifts but did hit pr’s in the squat and Deadlift so I was happy with it. Definintely planning on hitting a 1300 total raw next time.

  8. First week of TM for BS.

    Squat: 395×5

    Bench: 215×5

    Done hungover with no food staying in my stomach the night before. Not ideal… But it worked.

  9. Pulled off 3×5 with 315lbs today. This is the biggest my squat has ever been.

    I’m really having a good time with Greyskull LP, so thanks a ton for posting about it and having Johnny Pain on the podcast.

  10. Training PR on sumo deadlift: 335 for a triple @ 185. Tried 352 but the weight wouldn’t budge. I still have a long way to get my sumo up to the level of my conventional deadlift.

    No food PRs since I dieted. Getting back to growing this week: increased protein and carbs by 60 grams per day. Goal weight for the end of 2011 is 205.

  11. @Ron Viking—sweet vid! good job on the PR!

    @kjack—-congrats on your first meet! 9/9 is pretty awesome, especially considering you hit PRs!

    my own training was pretty crummy this week. i’ve been feeling rundown.

  12. @amras3 clearly, you have done something wrong.
    @kjack good job.
    @TT Has not, you did 2 dips!
    Press 209x1x5
    Right hand Press 92.5
    One Arm Chin -3.5x1x5

    More positivity please guys!

  13. @rpbrown: great video, no squat is ever too deep!

    Personally instead of having my elbows pointed backwards, I’ll have them pointing straight down. Like that you can push your elbows forward when it gets heavy, this will help you get out of the hole.

  14. Switched over to low-bar squat a couple weeks ago; I noticed a definite increase in leverage and stability relative to high-bar.

    5’9” 165lbs. (still working on putting on some mass…I’m a little bitch, I know.)

    Sqt: 330 3×5
    Bench 235 3×5
    DL 435 1×3 (wanted 5, pussed out)
    Press 145 3×5

    These are all after a reset a couple weeks ago, as I switched from Madcow’s Advanced to Justin’s strength/condition plan. So far I love it.

  15. @Justin, responded to the youtube vid, but we live in MA

    Oh ok. Not many people deadlift in kilos so I thought you guys were Canadian or something (since the accent wasn’t European/Australian).


  16. Haha, yeah, I have the kg bumpers because I pretend to moonlight as an Oly lifter. It is awkward now that I am mixing lb and kg. Note: the guy talking in the video is from Maine, so that is basically Canada.

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