More Red Tank Top

This is a video I shot on a day when I shot videos wearing the same tank top (just for SMC). In this video, I explain what’s going on anatomically during pressing movements and elaborating on why it’s important to ensure a proper external rotation. I finish off (ear muffs) with an easy cue to use for women doing push-ups. Women may initially have a difficult time with push-up form because when they do them, they flare their elbows out (internal rotation) and don’t really utilize or work the pectoral musculature.

Brent and I trained yesterday. We benched, high bar squatted, and then did weighted pull-ups. Then we were uncomfortably catabolic. Then we did poorly in StarCraft. Benching was okay, the bar had a lot of motion and whip, so it left something to be desired for. I squatted the most I have since my hip injury, and it was high bar; it actually feels more stable. I will be regularly high and low bar squatting each week. Then I got real pissed off at this shitty dip belt that Jacob has and pretty much raged quit. Brent on the other hand seemed to be aiming to not do his planned five reps. Like, at all.

Someone on the 70’s Big Facebook Fan Page linked this vid. It’s so sweet.

Today Brent and I are going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I aim to have him touch a manta ray in one of the tanks which will be doubly amusing because he’s terrified of them. I’ll get it on video.

40 thoughts on “More Red Tank Top

  1. Great push-up video, especially for girls since most girls i see form a nice T shape during pushups.

    Might I suggest a tripod for less of a shaky camera during videos?

  2. IR on pushups seems to go hand in hand with sagging the hips and chin poking. Almost as if the person does not have the ability to maintain the minimal full body tension necessary to stabilize and coordinate with breathing. Lots of high rep push uppers doing the worm :) hope you will talk some about dip and pull up shoulder position too.

    70sbig out there proving there is more to Starcraft than being skinny and south Korean!

  3. Standing shoulder press:
    205 x 1
    225 x 1
    205 x 2

    Seated shoulder press:
    205 x 4
    225 x 3
    245 x 1

    Feels like I’ll never top 225 standing.

  4. I like the “11 and 1” cue. I’ve tried all kinds of things to get my girls to find the right rotation, that’s simple and clear. Thanks!

  5. Some of us girls are able to do nice, non-fucked up pushups. Even when we’re fat.

    PR for number of missed snatch reps at weights below my opener. PR for crying during a training session. PR for kicking a kettlebell after missing a snatch.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if my snatch was as awesome as my pushups?

    I’m at Pan American Masters in Savannah waiting for the technical meeting to end so that I know for sure what time I lift tomorrow. But, yeah, I am going to put all of the bullshit from the last several weeks of training behind me and go out and nail some lifts tomorrow.

  6. Fantastic timing on the shoulder rotation cues. I’ve been having a helluva time getting my woman to keep her elbows from making a T when she benches. This will help a ton, thanks

    Press 155 lbs x 5 (PR)

  7. Started my 20 rep squat program this week. On Wednesday I did:
    Back Squat 280×20
    Bench 255x8x2
    Deadlift 345×5

    Today I did:
    Back Squat 285×20
    Press 155x8x2
    One-Handed BB Snatch: 95x2x2, 100×2 (highland games-specific assistance)
    Some chins (not many)

    Lots of conditioning on off days, which I hope will help me get to at least 15 reps before I start hollerin’ for my mama. I was hurting on every rep after 10 both days.

  8. @DaveN

    Guessing the one handed BB snatch is for WOB? You had much success with specific training like that?

    Oh and where do you compete/what class?

    I’m mid state CA just moved up to B class.

  9. thanks for the video. i ant watching yet since i’m on mobile Interwebs. i have a feeling this issue could apply to me. so PR time. squat no new numbers but i did 205 for four reps across. it feels like 185 used to feel. reliable and not too hard. i was too tired to do triples in the deadlift so i it some singles. PR of 115 kilos. very excited. first time exceeding 250 pounds. could have done more for sure. next time. i was drenched in my own piss and getting fatigued so i called it quits for the week.

  10. Thank you, the clean seemed to be harder than the press itself.

    I meant were you actually drenched in your own piss? Pictures/videos will not be necessary.

  11. yeah i was actually. i peed during each attempt. i was alone with just one other guy in the gym, so if he got a whiff of my peepee there was nobody else to blame. anyway i snuck off to the bathroom to stand naked and blow dry my pants, but after the first couple reps i gave that up and just let it run down my legs. it was worth the PR.

  12. I also like ron and Evans videos.
    Ring dips 125×3 90×8
    Iron cross held for 2 seconds at 85°
    Power Clean 126kg
    DL 190×5
    Squat 390x1x15 on the min

  13. @Sutor I compete in TX, master’s class. The OHBBS has given me a little bit on my WOB (2′, but that only takes me to a max of 14′ in training), but it also seems to help with explosiveness in the WFD. I honestly can’t say by how much, because I’m really new at the sport and so my limitation right now seems to be mainly technique.

  14. @DaveN
    Technique is a big deal for the throws as I know a couple of legit strong guys who do weak shit with the weights when it comes to throwing. It takes a good deal of general strength to throw heavy shit around but a decent squat and deadlift seem to help a good deal. I dont know how you benh and press are relative to your stone throws but they are my weak liftig area and subsequently my weakest throwing area.

    I might try to throw in TX next year as I have been looking for work out that way. If I do I will hunt you down.

  15. Someone at my gym (MN) was using your instructions about push up hand positions yesterday. Seemed to be working well. 70sBig reach is far and wide.


    Nice. I was wondering where you’ve been, x156.


  16. Trying to find a Bacta tank (nerd, f-ing alert). Last month managed to PR on qty of broken ankles (1) and burnt up fingers (3). Both of which I would leave, instead of take. Back in the gym as of last Monday.

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