6 thoughts on “New Shirt, Workshop

  1. Dear Justin,

    I slightly hate you right now.

    Okay? Did I call karibot a cunt? Did I call anybody a cunt? I’m so sick of people “getting offended”. If you’re offended, then don’t read the website. Grow up.


  2. Shoulda had that picture of Bruch doing a massive front kick through the door frame on the front of this shirt.

    Also, in the online store, the model looks like a wanker. Just sayin’

  3. Whoa… who is getting sensitive now? I think it’s pretty fair to say I (and I’m not the only one) am dragging my feet submitting pictures and video of myself based on how some dudes are commenting. Don’t make it all about you.

  4. Pingback: Wanker Shirt

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