
Let’s talk about something else. How about doggies and puppies? Are you a dog owner as well? If you are, a service like the free dog boarding with WoofConnect offers a myriad of advantages because it transformed the boarding experience into a seamless and worry-free process. You may also get them a Designer dog collar. Traditional kennels often come with a host of concerns, such as the impersonal atmosphere, restrictive spaces, and limited interaction with staff. In contrast, WoofConnect’s approach provides a more personalized and engaging environment. By eliminating the constraints of traditional kennels, WoofConnect ensures that dogs can enjoy a home-like setting where they have ample room to play, explore, and interact with other pets. This reduces the stress and anxiety commonly associated with boarding, leading to a more relaxed and contented pet. For dog owners, this means peace of mind knowing their pets are in a nurturing and stimulating environment. The constant supervision by trained professionals guarantees that each dog receives attentive care and timely medical attention if necessary. Additionally, the open, kennel-free setup allows dogs to maintain their regular routines, including exercise and socialization, which helps preserve their well-being. Pet owners who are in need of dog boarding Melbourne services may contact Rilten Boarding Kennels & Cattery.

Owners benefit from regular updates and communication about their dog’s activities and behavior, keeping them informed and reassured.

Overall, WoofConnect’s free boarding service removes the logistical and emotional burdens of traditional pet care solutions, offering a superior alternative that prioritizes both the happiness of dogs and the peace of mind of their owners. This approach not only enhances the boarding experience but also strengthens the bond between pets and their families. Give your pup love at our trusted dog care facility.

Here are my two dogs (note the tank top and shorts). When I grow up, I am going to have a brindled army.

Here’s a sweet pic of Leda on the beach. If Leda ever needs some services for her well-being, experts such as those from dog grooming schools in Texas are always within a call’s distance.

Here’s a pic of Leda when she went to Vegas.

Here’s a pic of Leda and her former band, “Metal Shop and Leda”.

Are any of you dog trainers? I have various questions if you are. Commence dog conversations. Additionally, if you’re looking to support your dog’s health and nutrition, shop now for weight gainers that can help address any dietary needs or concerns your furry friend may have. We’ll talk about lifting and shit tomorrow.

55 thoughts on “Doggies

  1. Dogs rule, both mine were just mutts my girlfriend and I found living on the streets in Baltimore. The one I found recently was only 8 weeks old. I’ll never understand why people abuse them, it seriously makes me want to kill people.

    What kind of mutts? Technically mine are both mutts. Found Leda in Wichita Falls (well, Dr. Kilgore’s family did) and is a boxer/pitt m ix of some sort. Lily is from Destin, FL and some kind of pitt terrier mix. Both are really funny.


  2. Vamshi checking in.

    Dogs have always scared the crap outta me. When i was 2, i was smart enough to pull a dogs tail. it then turned around and bit my palm, which made my entire hand bleed, requiring many shots, and stitches to heal me up. To this day, I will run as fast as possible from even a chiwawa.

    Btw, Justin, dont worry about me buying the TM Ebook. Paid my dad $30 and used his CC. Nicely done. Some good things to keep in mind when i start intermediate programming.

    Sorry about the e-mail delay. That’s unfortunate about the dog situation. My dogs are supposed to be the crazy and dangerous breeds, but I could pull their tails, yank their ears, and other irritating things and they’d never bite. Everyone else will echo the same; it’s all how they are raised and how the owner handles them.


  3. Justin, I apologize for breaking your moratorium on lifting questions, but this is urgent. Which should be written on my wolf shirt for my meet Sunday, “RECKLESS” or “SAVAGE”?

    How about a howling onomatopoeia? I like the word “reckless”, but it doesn’t seem to fit with the wolves. “Savage” might, but I don’t think it’s very neat. How about an arbitrary adjective? I’ll find some.

    Bats in the belfry

    Okay, that last one is sweet. I suggest “IRRESPONSIBLE”


  4. I prefer cats, myself.


    Jake, you would prefer cats. You probably pet one on your lap while listening to classical music and wearing one of those French bank-teller-looking hats while you translate Greek before making a big deal about the bloody finger you got from cutting raw organic cucumbers for your mushroom salad.


  5. Puke,

    imo it depends on your lifting persona. are you a typical fuck head powerlifter that pretends to froth at the mouth on his third attempts and makes a big fucking deal out of 60-80% of the world record? then go with savage

    do you make terrible decisions and generally suck at hitting depth, locking out benches, hitching deads, and could do a lot better if you were more conservative and did not try to PR by 50lbs on third attempts? go with reckless

    I want to second my suggestion of using “IRRESPONSIBLE”.


  6. I’m not going for 60-80% of world records, I’m going to break them. Wtf is “GG”? and “NOT IMPRESSED” is a pretty good idea.

  7. Oh, I noted the shorts alright. I got very mixed reviews the last time I work green silkies to the gym on squat day. Apparently some people didn’t appreciate my attempt to keep making good use of issued PT shorts post-EAS.

    I’d like to get a multitude of colors. Soffee running shorts are the closest thing I can get to 70s or 80s style short shorts. I like to breathe in the heat.


  8. Justin,
    Just read your first response to the first comment, and my woman and I are definitely going to Destin this year on vacation.

    Any recommendations?

    I assume you mean as far as where to stay? When are you planning on going? It’s real hot here in July and August and the water can be warm to the point that it isn’t really refreshing. The best time of year is spring since it isn’t humid, but obviously it’s too late for that (and the water is kinda chilly during that time). As for going after August, I’m pretty sure it stays pretty warm and humid but may not be as unbearably hot all the way through October. The only places I’ve been in Destin when I was at a friend’s house a few years ago and recently to go to the outlet mall. I’ll ask around and see what they say.

    I’d definitely rather go to Destin than Panama City Beach. I’d also prefer a place that wasn’t crowded.

    You could also check Mexico Beach — that’s east of Panama City past Tyndall Air Force Base (so probably 2 hours from Destin). I don’t know if there is a price difference. Mexico Beach is probably smaller and cheaper if I had to guess.

    In any case, the beaches that are less populated are usually nicer, and I recall Destin’s beaches as very nice (not rocky, not a lot of plants, etc.) Let me ask some people about Destin.


  9. Seconding the fine hounds comment.

    I’ve got a 2-year-old lab-pit mix at home. Jogging certainly doesn’t suck so bad when you’ve got a goofy dog running with you.

  10. omg, justin…

    you know him so well it’s scary.

    you didn’t date him before i did, did you? It would’ve explained his bromance-like fascination with you.

  11. I thought the photo of you was of the mobility WOD guy at first glance.

    I’m not a dog trainer but I did train my dog. My family got a pure bread cocker spaniel a few years ago. He’s the nicest dog ever and his father was an AKC Champion, so I knew I had to do whatever I could to help him maximize his potential to be a force in bird hunting. Too bad I knew nothing of how to train a dog and hadn’t even gone on my first hunt yet. So I got a book and it really helped. I got this book: Gun-Dog Training Spaniels and Retrievers.

    Dog training is highly intuitive but some of the little tricks won’t come to mind right away. For instance, I needed to train him to wait until I say to go fetch–this is critical in waterfowling–and it’s the absolute last thing a retriever wants to do when he sees his toy (or bird) fly and hit the ground. So I took the book’s recommendation. I put his leash on, told him to sit (the first thing I had to teach him of course), laid the leash on the ground and stepped on it hard, then told him to stay. I then threw his toy. Naturally he tried to run after it but was “corrected” by the leash. It sounds a little harsh but it only took him two throws to learn the drill. Like I said, he’s got some fucking champion blood.

    Anyway, I found getting a book on my specific breed to be very helpful.

  12. Justin,

    Way to show that you know me well. Asshole.

    P.S. I hate cucumbers.
    P.P.S. What is a French bank teller hat? Do you mean a beret?

  13. @Justin
    Abbey, is the first one I got and she looks like a sheperd/rottweiler mix. Taz is the puppy my girlfriend and I found about 2 months ago and he looks like a sheperd/chow mix. They both provide me with hours of entertainment and are also very silly.

    In Baltimore, where I live, there are lots of pit bull mixs because people breed them like crazy thinking its cool to fight them and shit. A lot of people adopt these dogs that have been neglected, beaten, etc and they usually turn out to be great dogs. Its upsetting, I mean imagine someone trying to get a dog like Leda to be a figther? Not a chance right?

  14. We are staying in Destin proper, flying in to whatever airport VPS is.

    Was just curious if there was anything like deep sea fishing or a certain beach + snorkeling we shouldn’t miss.

    Is tossing unsuspecting children into the ocean a sport?

    Only if they are your children. If they aren’t, it’s a crime.

    I was kayaking in Bonita Bay a couple months ago and was within 10 feet of a dolphin. Your lady might enjoy the dolphin watch stuff. Fishing is usually prominent down here, but it depends if you’re (or your lady) are into that kinda thing. I don’t know Destin that well, but if they have some good kayaking tours or areas, that’d be sweet. Renting a jet ski is doable — it’ll probably be around $50 for 30 mins or something. I’ll still ask around for any special areas.


  15. dogs are the best.

    i read the story about the door who crawled home with broken legs after being lost from a tornado for 3 WEEKS!!!

    amazing loyalty. no other animal shows love and affection like a dog.

  16. Nobody told me the picture was 8 thousand times too big.

    One of my buddies who likes to party says to go to Nightown and The Swamp.
    Go to that site, it’s hilarious. Club place. I think The Swamp is just a crazy bar. He said, “lots of chicks”, haha. I’m waiting on some other intel.

  17. Brisket,
    Your cat post is far more gay than even the stuff Jacob texts me. The only thing lower than cats are kittens.

    Also, chihuahuas are not dogs, they are fucking rodents. (random observation not directed at Briskit)

  18. Excellent info, although I think I’m a little too much man for the bikini contest.

    Apparently that’s all the info I’m gonna get. Will update here if I get some more (one person didn’t answer). There will be the regular beach shit though. Bar on the beach (depending on if you are in the crowded area or not). Jet ski rental. Kayak rental.


  19. my first dog petey was a pitbull, he got hit by a garbage truck bounced about 50 fucking feet and got up like it was nothing. it made him crazy mean though and he died a fews years later from cancer. my two dogs now are bella a boxer and bear a lab, they’re best friends…

  20. Dogs are the bomb, I have two mutt puppies I adopted. One is a Rott/Husky mix I picked up in Jackson, OH and I have no fuckin’ clue what the other one is that I got from a flea market in San Antonio.

    Also, I’m gonna guess that you didn’t get the email I sent again? If so, I don’t know wtf is goin’ on, man. And, I will try and get a better shot of me squatting fml

  21. Not a big deal on the email.

    I was going to get my hands on that book one way or another.

    In the process of getting a CC of my own, so shouldn’t be an issue in the future.

  22. I can help you. What would you like to know? BTW we have two mongrel pit-brindle things ourselves. Look into Mountain Curs for more curiosities.

  23. sadly our two dogs (golden retriever and a boxer that definitely would’ve been down w/the brindle army) have passed away. Now with a baby and toddler we’re waiting a little bit to get another one (or two). But dogs kick serious ass. LOVED my boxer and goldens are just too good. Either this fall or next spring, we’ll see.

  24. I have more dogs than a human should and whilst they dont ride bicycles or any cool shit like that I have trained them all fairly well. What kind of dog questions do you have?

  25. Someday I want a Tibetan mastiff. Or a pet gorilla that I would name Dog

    I’ve got a buddy who has a 180 pound mastiff. He’s brindle and looks kinda like Leda. His name is Caboose and he’s pretty awesome. Nicest, most lovable dog.


  26. Does anyone know how do you get a collie to obey when they are excited? Ours is reasonably good with the cows, but every now and again he ignores commands and 700kg cows are running in the wrong direction causing havoc and destruction etc. Also the herding cars is getting a bit old, especially since he punctured the father in law’s tyres.

    Does she walk every day? Cesar would say that there is no outlet for energy, and that’s the first thing to do for any dog, especially a high-energy breed.

    My dog is regular until she sees other dogs. Then she is adamant about getting to that dog no matter what. Something we’re working on.


  27. Off Topic, but will there be another podcast soon?

    Yeah. We had the server switch last for a few days, then I got half-sick with a raspy voice and coughing every 9 seconds. The former would have been a mess for releasing a podcast and the latter would have sounded like a podcast for “Hospice Gone Wild”.


  28. @kpoff5128
    Where in Baltimore do you live/workout? I live in Butcher’s Hill on S. Castle St. and workout at the Golds Gym in Dundalk.

  29. I’ve got a brindle pit/boxer mix as well! He’s an awesome guy. He was treated very badly (as in left for dead), but a local pit bull rescue org found him, and we adopted him. His only flaw is that he shows the effects of the high-protein diet we’ve got him on. As in he farts a lot. We’ve named him Beans.

    As far as shorts go, have a look at rugby shorts. I got a pair for squatting (New Zealand All Blacks version, to channel Jonah Lomu), and they are very comfortable and never bind on the leg. Plus, they are by default made for dudes with huge quads/hams.

    Good call on the rugby shorts, I didn’t think of those.


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