I’ve been moving, so there isn’t gonna be much of a post today. I’ve got lots of things planned for you guys including more TM-related posts, interviews, videos, and maybe even that podcast idea. Post your PR’s, training updates, questions, or musings to the comments and I’ll reply to them whenever I have internet this weekend. Have a good’un.
This is what Brent looked like when I met him:
Here are Brent’s squat attempts in a meet we did at WFAC in February of 2009. Brent hits 180kg for his last attempt. He has since hit around 210kg in a meet (sorry Brent, can’t remember).
Ok I guess I’ll get this party started…
Program PR: Started the GSLP (grey skull linear progression) I had been toying around with TM and 5/3/1 but wasnt really going anywhere. So far I like the way this is drawn up. I like that there are only 2 squat days a week bc of my knee issues, i also like the consistent chins throughout the day as its a good way to break up the boring shit at work.
Also, lifted with a belt for the first time. DL were the most annoying thing I have done in a while, so those will be light untill i can get used to the belt.
Other than that I am just looking forward to workin out…
Deadlift: 380 x 5
Barbell Row: 185 3×5
Firmly established 2011 lifting goals:
Squat 375
Bench 315
Deadlift 450
Upper left trap injury is still bothering me. I can’t reach it well enough to put a ton of pressure on it with a tennis ball, so I had someone do it for me two nights in a row for two sets of 5 minutes. That was very painful so I’m really hoping it helped. It’s sore today as a result. I was able to do a couple pushups pain free after the massaging. I’ve determined it’s not a tear or strain, just extreme tightness from accumuluated stress. Since it’s only on the left side I’m starting to think it could be from holding the phone on my ear at work for extended periods. No more of that. I’m going to do a lot of stretching of the entire shoulder/trap tonight and see how it feels tomorrow. Tomorrow is bench day so if I’m pain free I’m going to bench. Benching is my best lift and I hate to take time off from training it. Pressing doesn’t hurt but dips do.
Lastly, after reading about an elected official using it, my goal for the weekend is to bring back one of my favorite expressions into my every day lexicon, “dumb shit!” As in, “why do you have to treat me like such a dumb shit!” or, “Unbelievalbe, she’s such a dumb shit!”
Pressed a fairly easy 3X3@210, Maybe a PR? At least I’m getting back up there.
Plus last time I PR’d press, I got 242 at 242. I’m 225-230 now, so hopefully I’ll get BW for reps soon. I think my 5rm was 205-210 when I got 242 1rm. I feel like I’m stronger now.
You squat 600 yet?
I emailed Justin asking help to preserve conditioning while upping strength, and he suggested strengthvillain.com “Train Like an Athlete.”
Part 1 complete. The weights have been low until now but still… this thing is tearing me up (high rep DLs and such). Looking ahead I can see it will not get any easier. I like that. Thanks Justin
If I recall, your question included wanting to be more athletic, so I sent you there. For those of you who haven’t seen it, the program by Jim Steel includes more jumping around and sprints which will help an unathletic or sedentary dude get in more tune with his athletic ability.
Does that girl in the beginning say “Brent, you’re an EMT”? I’m an EMT too :D
I don’t know what she said, but she didn’t say that. He’s not an EMT, but he is a radiology tech and some other stuff.
My wife PR’d by pushing out our first baby on tuesday in 20 minutes. May not be 70’s big but it’s 70’s bad ass.
The user name boner, the 20 minute birth, and the use of the word “ass” in a birth-related topic made this top notch.
After being stuck at home all week I got out Thursday after a couple hours shoveling snow/ice.
Squat PR 260 for 5-5-7
went for a squat PR of 335 last night, just narrowly missed it twice.
Previous PR was 315 and was easy, although the 20lb jump to 335 was probably too big.
Thinking maybe if I hadn’t shoveled show Weds, and done heavy front squats Tues I could have had it, I’m sure it will happen soon though.
Today was the first time I trained in about a week and a half.
10x3x100kg (basically where I was two weeks) ago
then over to DL. I haven’t DLed in awhile (read 2 months or so). I decided I’d do deficit DLs. I worked my way through my WU sets, and then on the 2nd rep of 1x2x85kg, PAIN PR.
Massive amounts of referred pain down my leg (thanks sciatica!). I haven’t felt anything like that since the summer (when I first started feeling symptoms/was diagnosed).
Ghetto edit:
I then went to 1x2x95kg and finished with 1x2x105kg on the DL (would have done 10x3x100kg if it hadn’t been for the pain)
4×426 Deadlift (all-time 4 rep PR.. +1 lb)
5×275 Bench Press
PR’d in facial hair too. Keeps getting longer and more and more like nasty face-pubes.
Bench 220×1
Squat 300×5
Just started the Texas Method, looking forward to a 4 wheel squat, son.
This weeks’ prs-
Squat 3 x 5 @ 131kg
Press 3 x 5 @ 73.5kg
Power cleans 5 x 3 @ 87.5kg
Bodyweight chins- 15
Bodyweight 88kg
I am getting very close to the hallowed 200lb mark. I have my first ever powerlifting meet a week sunday, I’m so excited for it
Squat: 100x5x3
Bench: 70x4x1
Press: 65x5x1
Deadlift: 225×1–My PR so far.
It may also be helpful to know that I am a 5’4″ 162 lb female who started training 1 month ago.
Finally hit 180kg DL just before New Year. Obviously this is nowhere in the grand scheme of things but since I’ve been persuing an endurance sport the last 18 months I’ll take what I can get. Also some sort of reps PR on the press 62.5kg x 3.
Hoping for 220kg DL by years end.
Determining 1RMs this week. Tuesday:
Bench – 245 (20 lb. PR)
Squat – 335 (pissed about this one, my last cycle eneded with 295x3x5. I videoed myself and I was going too far below parallel, something to work on)
Clean – 235, missed jerk twice
Saturday going for 165 on press and at least 350 on deadlift
I know these numbers could be higher but I feel like they are decent for 5’4″ 145lb.
Fat Gripz, yea or nay?
They aren’t going to hurt. Use it as accessory work.
I am on my third week of Texas Method, but only my second consecutive week. That’s a PR of effort for me, as my Thanksgiving-New Years schedule was messed up.
I wanna go two plates on the bench, three on the squat, and 4 on the deadlift. I should be at a 315 squat soon enough.
I think I may have finally built a tolerance to whey. My roommates are happy.
PR’s this week:
Bench: 245 x 5 x 3
Press: 144 x 5 x 3
Bodyweight: 194 on my friend’s scale. Seems about right.
Squat: 395×3. EZ PZ. Will hit 405×3 next Friday.
Also, fuck pressing, bench and overhead. Just fuck it.
Just started Wendler’s 5/3/1 coming from TM. I can admit I’m not eating enough and don’t have a regular enough schedule due to school and work. Hopefully I can get some progression. Patience and commitment.
First meet PR. I went to the Baltimore Open. Pretty cool event. Went 4/6. The guy that was managing me was on point. Great work.
3 x 5 x 115 lbs
Split jerk:
143 lbs
The split jerk is pathetic, but at least I can finally jerk more than I can push press. At least until I push press again. And, yes, I did clip my chin and chip my tooth on one of my jerk attempts further solidifying my position as the worst fucking split jerker on earth. Or, at least the most hilarious split jerker on earth. But, I do have hope that I will compete in 6 weeks and jerk more than I snatch.
My deadlift is in the fucking toilet, and I hate HBBSs. But, I do love the front squat ladder programming I am doing, and I am going to front squat 200 lbs really soon.
I really can’t fit into any of my jeans, and Glenn is telling me to train at 71kg when I am only 70.45kg, so I’m accepting donations for my clothing fund because there is too much snow for me to walk around in a bikini all the fucking time.
F/35/5’8/155 lbs
5’8″, 220 lbs
Squat: 355# 3×5
Press: 165# for 5rm
Powercleans should be PR’d today.. we shall see.
Long time Listener, first time caller. I’m “into the whole brevity thing,” thus:
-This site is tremendous, much enjoyed by myself and some weightlifting chums.
-I will enjoy and appreciate any Lobowski reference.
-My numbers are unimpressive, and my training is crap right now (no bar at my College gym, just cattle equipment.) This will not suffice.
-I Also grapple (BJJ) and do a limited amount of judo.
Currently: BW 160, HT: 5’6
Bench 210
Press 140
Clean 180
Squat 265
DL: 265
All at 3×5.
These will improve.
Thank you, and please continue being awesome.
I made this post the other day, but it was really late at night, so I don’t think anybody saw it. Here it is again (if anyone has any advice, I’d really appreciate it):
All right guys, this is a question for all the younger guys out there (I’m 17 and live with my mom):
I’ve been into lifting for a little while, but ever since I started training hardcore and everything, my mom likes to blame lifting and everything that comes along with it for anything that goes wrong in my life. She now wants me to go in for tests to my doctor and sit in while I break down all the stuff I do, from high protein/calorie consumption to deep squatting to taking creatine and all that stuff. I think it’s safe to assume that the doctor will definitely find fault with at least some of my training routine. Given the fact that over the last couple months or so we’ve had posts about educating those around us, how the hell am I supposed to deal with this? I already tried to point out that a pediatrician, despite being a good guy, most likely doesn’t really have education in this field, but since he’s an MD, my mom thinks he knows everything there is to know about the human body (he already mentioned once that taking in whey protein shakes of more than 40 g or shakes period more than every other day is bad for the human body…when I asked how whey protein is different for the body than regular protein, it is no surprise that he danced around it). She is also into all those shows like “The Doctors”, and despite everything I show her, she thinks that if MDs don’t think it, it’s wrong, especially because a 17 year old could never POSSIBLY have done his own research and been more informed than an MD (even though I send it to her). She sends me “studies”, which are nothing more than articles written by “weight loss guru” type people that mention common myths without ANY research to back it up outside of attempting to use fancy words.
Anyone have any advice/experience here? I’m really in a big dilemma with it…
PRs this week:
Squat: 311# x 5 x 2
Deadlift: 366# x 5
M / 50 / 6’1″ / 213#
363/165kg X 5 squat
just started month 2 of 5/3/1
Squat – 425 x 7
Deadlift – 480 x 9
1. Don’t go to your pediatrician. Find a doctor that is more sports oriented. For instance, one of my friends is the team physician for the local minor league hockey team and he is the only doc I have found who really understands the physiology of what we do. Try to find someone like this. Should be on the website of your local team or university.
2. My wife is a doc and she refuses to let me use supplements. Her take is that they are not reviewed by someone like the FDA. They can put anything they want in it. She does not like that. That said I just try to stuff myself with chicken and tuna all the time.
3. Graduate high school.
4. Get a job and move out.
5. or go on the internet and find a bunch of studies by doctors that prove what you are trying to say.
Squat 235×20 (technically a 20rep PR, but I’ve done 315×18)
Bench 267.5×4,5,5 (overeager spotter took last rep of first set, got a new one for other two)
Press 210
Dip 115×8
Pullup 90×8
Thanks David. Finding a good doctor sounds like a good idea, but I’m also betting it would be a very costly one (especially since our insurance covers my current one). I’ll look into it, though. I’ve found plenty of studies online, but to her, doctors posting studies (on lifting websites or not) are not credible because maybe they’re biased–although somehow a pediatrician is preferable to her.
Gonna be a while before I move out, though. Still gotta finish senior year, and have 4 years of college (though I guess when I’m at school, I’ll be living on my own).
Antigen, what’s your BW?
PRs from wednesday
Squat: 375×5
Press: 125×5
a whole slew of PRs, as I was testing this week:
Press: 155
Deadlift: 365
Bench Press: 265
Squat: 295
Dead hang Pullups: 15
BW: 180
Very happy with these, good progress since I resumed training in the fall. I hope to eventually work these up to a 2-3-4-5 (press, bench, squat, deadlift); bench press is closest to the mark.
First post. I’m competing in my first official meet on the Sat 29th. I’m planning on doubling my opening dead lift of 180 on the 21st with some heavy pressing and chinups. Then doubling 165 squat and 100 bench on the 24th with chin ups. The 26th will just be my warm up sets for squat and bench.
I managed 180/110/205 in Dec at a unofficial / garage meet, very first time ever using wraps, so I’d like to improve on that.
I’m hoping to hit 190 / 115 / 210 for a 515 kg total at 91 kg (95 kg class, squat is with belt and knee wraps).
Bench 155×2, Deadlift 300×3. Never, ever, ever thought I’d see the day when 135 was a warm up on bench. :)
@Domjo it was 185 with my WL shoes and shorts on.
Damn you. Impressive.
Recent PRs:
Was starting on 5/3/1 program to use for in-season rugby strength maintenance.
Squat 350lbsX10
Bench 270lbsX10
Found out about the USAPL California State Championships and now resuming harder training to prepare for competing next month.
squat 155 kg x5 (~ 342 lbs)
press 68,5 kg x5 (~ 151 lbs)
deadlift 185 kg (~ 408 lbs) –> miss
Deadlifts were totally fucked up today, dunno what happened. I was supposed to do 185 kg x5 and didn´t get one single rep.
I’m really looking forward some more posts on the TM as I just finished week one of it. In the mean time, if anyone has any advice to offer in the form of Wednesday’s recovery workout I would appreciate it. Right now I am pretty much taking it straight out of PP in that I am doing 2 sets of 80%. I have seen on the net some people doing 3×3 at whatever Mondays 5×5 was. Thoughts? Also, I read the other day someones post about not necessarily training Presses for 5 reps due to the nature of the lift. I would like to hear more thoughts on that, or where to find more thoughts on that.
My weekly PRs:
Squat- 415#
Press- 185#
Deadlift 5RM-475#
First post.
This weeks PRs:
I am wandering my way back to Rippetoe’s style of squats. I am getting some pretty gnarly low back pain on the left side. What am I doing wrong here? It does not happen when I do high bar, what gives?
No lifting PRs this week, but started the third cycle of 5/3/1 and should be hitting some real ones (not just rep ones) over the next two weeks.
Injury PR- Had a terrible burning/twisting sensation in my right trap last night on my third DL. Rubbed it, switched grip, finished no problem. Got a professional massage today and spent 15 minutes in the pain cave while it was getting worked out.
I should probably start getting my tissue recovery in better order.
1. Start keeping a detailed food log. If you are eating real food and not going crazy with whey, then you are most likely eating somewhere around a 30% carb, 40% fat, 30% protein, which is a very healthy split that even the stupid low-fatters couldn’t get too excited about. This will show that while you are eating more, you are still eating healthily. You are 17, you shouldn’t be expected to be on a low-cal diet.
2. Go to the doctor, listen to whatever he has to say, but unless he is a total quack, he probably won’t have anything to say about deep squats or hard training. The only kinds of people that bad mouth these 2 things are personal trainers that train 35 year old overweight women.
3. Reply to all “studies” by looking at the exact foods they studied and breaking down the macronutrient ratios. Most “high-fat” or “high-protein” studies that find poor health results did not restrict carbs enough to rule out underlying insulin resistance issues.
Also, thank yourself for starting your training at 17, before a lot of us did. You are way ahead of the game. Good work.
Thanks for the info. Honestly, I think a big part of the problem is that I already DO keep a very detailed food log. I get pretty OCD about stuff, and I’ll be the first to admit that I am pretty obsessed…however, I think it’s a pretty healthy obsession to have (as long as I don’t take it to far–which my mom thinks I have by keeping such a detailed log of everything).
I’ll report back if/when the situation is absolved.
Get blood work done – it speaks for itself. When the Doc and your mom see your numbers are all good you can yell, “BOOM SHAKALAKA!” and walk out without further issues. But seriously, knowing you’re healthy would make mom feel better.
Sooooo.. I’m posting this off my boyfriends name but…
I split my pants open picking up a 160# Atlas stone at my gym this week… it was a first and therefore a PR
@TBone – I had to hit up the local Salvation Army to redo my wardrobe thanks to 70s big I couldn’t fit into any of my pants. Some waistline extenders bought me some time, but in the end $5 pants couldn’t be beat.
If you get bloodwork done, make sure you get the blood lipid levels checked for particle size as well. Too many doctors do a test where the triglycerides are estimated and the LDL particles aren’t checked for size. Only small, dense LDL particles are dangerous.