And we have a winner…

Novemburly Beard Contest

Josh from Quebec pulled a stunning Joe Namath-like upset by declaring himself the winner, and aiming to get 1870’s Big. When the polls closed he was beating Trampas by a pube of 142 votes to 136. Honorable mention goes out to Tallahassee’s Robert with 124 votes. Thanks to all the man-men who submitted their beard pics.

Josh is the winner with his 1870s beard

70’s Big Euro Tour

My Irish pal John Benton and I are creating a diabolical plot that would bring the new and updated 70’s Big Strength and Conditioning Workshops to Europe. John has sent some feelers (I guess feeling is an Irish thing) and the following cities are potential hosts: 2 venues in Dublin, 2-3 venues in the U.K (Manchester,London, and possibly Cardiff Wales and Newcastle), Copenhagen, and Basel, Switzerland.

If you are interested in attending or hosting, then let us know in the comments, on the Facebook fan page, or e-mail me. The more venues or attendees there, the more likely the trip can happen.

Chat Room Vote

We are going to start a weekly chat room meeting. During this time readers can ask questions to me or anybody else (AC, Chris, Mike, Brent, and others assuming they are present) about pretty much anything.
[poll id=”16″]

23 thoughts on “And we have a winner…

  1. Why tuesday should win

    Monday: football. Also, first day back at work, so you hate yourself a little.

    Wednesday: you’re probably looking forward to thursday, because that’s pretty close to friday. Really your mind is pretty destroyed at this point

    thursday: what is this? this isn’t friday at all; binge drink anyway.

    fri-sun: sex or D&D games. obviously too busy

    TUESDAY: hey, i have 70’s big chat to look forward to; YAY!

    Up until college football’s regular season just ended, Tuesday was one of two days during the week that didn’t have football (Thanksgiving week was an amazing Thursday through Monday extravaganza). I will put my vote in for Tuesday or Wednesday, although I like Tuesday a bit more. Wednesday makes you think, “all right, at the mid-point, just a couple of more days…” while Tuesday will help deal with the “early week blues”.


  2. Though I don’t have an awesome reason defending Tuesday like the above guy, I voted for it as well.

    However, to speak for all the students (whether HS like myself, university, grad school, or whatever), I think that Sunday night would be a poor choice of day. We’re all cramming to get shit done, and guys who have work the next day want to rest up, so I just think it would be a bad choice because a lot of us would be unable to attend (and if we did, it’d probably fuck us over).

    Just my $0.02.

    I don’t like Sunday either. I just put it up to be fair.


  3. When are you likely to be in the uk? I’m from Manchester but would travel to wherever you go to.

    We’re looking at February or March so far (subject to change).


  4. Coming to the UK would be awsome!!!

    I live in Leicestershire about one and a half hours drive from Manchester and im sure that my self and the other two dudes that I train with will attend the course not matter what day its put on.

    Without sounding to gay this is the best news ive heard in a long time!!

    Thanks justin

  5. A different topic;

    Im currently on the Texas Method which is going very well.

    After 8 weeks of slugging away I’ve decided to take a week off as my body was starting to tell me off. As a result I am not bed ridden with the flue which I am guessing is due to over training.
    My question is: When would be a good time to deload for a week? (I should have done this in the first place) What exercises and reps should be done in the deload week?

    If you are overtraining from 2 months of TM, then you’re doing it wrong. “Wrong” would mean a wrong amount of work load for you. Your main goal in using TM as a programming tool is to manipulate volume and intensity throughout the week to get stronger. This doesn’t mean you need to do 5×5 on volume day and 5RM on intensity day (although it usually works with most folks after a linear progression). What is your height/weight/age and strength numbers?


  6. Tuesday is definitely the best. Unless, society follows what I have been petitioning for years, just to get rid of Tuesday all together, add more hours to the weekend. However, with a chat session, I may have to rethink this idea.

  7. Justin,

    I have an issue i was hoping you might be able to help me with. Lately when I play lacrosse or do any kind of sprinting, be it with the dog or actually doing sprints as part of conditioning, my Hammies get really pumped up and swollen like I’ve been hammerin away at some leg curls. It wasn’t that long ago that I was pretty fast and could run forever, but for the last few years that kind of training fell to the wayside as I pursued gaining strength.

    I have always enjoyed sprinting workouts but they were always planned out FOR me, so now I’m feeling pretty lost. Do you have any ideas how I can put something into my program so that I can get some of my speed and endurance back?

    Many Thanks- Joe

    You recalled situations where you have recently sprinted. Had you been sprinting in training or otherwise before these situations? In other words, were you adapted to sprinting? Just because you are strong doesn’t mean that you can miraculously perform all physical tasks better; you have to get conditioned and adapted at those tasks (not speaking directly to you here, but to all readers).

    In any case, it depends on your program and goals. You’re still a “novice” regarding sprinting adaptation, so I’d probably have you sprint once or twice a week. The first workout would consist of faster running in repeated bouts under 200 yards. It would allow your muscles and structures to adapt over 2 to 3 workouts. If you tweak or pull a muscle in a way that it hurts differently than normal soreness, you have failed. That’s why a few days of ramping would be beneficial. After ramping up through a few workouts and learning how to warm-up properly (will take five to ten minutes before doing balls-out sprinting) I’d have you start with a low volume of sprinting, and progressively increase it over time. This is just a progressive overload principle to create an adaptive stress. The length of the sprints will determine the volume, but I probably wouldn’t have you do more than four 40 yard sprints early on, and would probably progress them from 10, to 20, maybe 30, and then 40 (if 40s were the goal). This all incredibly elementary because you’re a novice with sprint adaptation. If you got to the point of being able to do 10 40 yard sprints at maximal level each, then other sources of programming should be researched.


  8. Justin,

    Thanks for your timely response. I would have to say though that I am not a novice in regards to sprint training, or maybe i am since i took such a long hiatus?) I have been doing sprint work for the conditioning part of the 5/3/1 program, and this is why I am so confused at my apperent lack of endurance.

    For example, on Monday after i finished my press workout i did the following:

    3 x 50yd Gassers (1 gasser = 2x down and back)
    -legs were so pumped walking to the water fountain was quite awkward.

    2 shuttles with cones at 10, 20, and 30 yards.
    -decided my legs were too toasted to do anymore, and too bewildered as to why to want to do any thing else.

    I’m not sure if that shines any more light on the situation but I figured it couldn’t hurt…

    I would say short run (1-2 months) my goal is to get my endurance back up to the point were doing 30 – 40 40s wouldnt be an issue as that is pretty typical of any lacrosse game. Then in the long run I would like to work on speed and acceleration, I havent really gone balls out trying to get faster (or jump higher) since my freshman year in college and I really miss that kind of work.

    Thanks again for any input.

    You didn’t really answer the question, so I’ll put it more succinctly: How much sprinting have you been doing lately? You said you have been doing it on the 5/3/1 but you elaborated on one instance. What have you been doing and how long have you been doing it?

    And yes, you will be unadapted to sprinting if you have taken a layoff or haven’t done it in a while.


  9. Justin,

    If you don’t make it further north of England to the home of the Highland Games, Newcastle & Manchester are manageable from Scotland.

    Och Aye,


  10. I think thursday would be cool. They are non-training days, and even though I have to be up at 4 the next morning, I am still usually staying up drinking whiskey and IPA. I can contribute alot to a conversation when I am haggard.
    What time of day are you planning on doing this?

  11. Hey Justin, or anybody else that may have experience or knowledge concerning this…

    I was thinking about changing up the routine a little to either Wendler’s 5-3-1 program or the Texas Method. Which one do you think is more productive? Is the 5-3-1 program geared more toward the powerlifter? Thank you for any and all help.


    That’s a really vague question. The most important questions you need to answer are 1) what are your goals and 2) what have you been doing lately? Your ht/wt and strength numbers are secondary, but still important.


  12. My goal is to compete in powerlifting once I return from Asscrackistan. I’ll be going there next month for 6 months. So around AUG of next year…I started the SS LP program last JAN and recently did a 6 week 20 rep squat program (which by the way, is as tough as they say). So that’s about it I guess.


    -all in pounds:

    Thanks, man.


    You seem like you’re built for powerlifting (especially given the low power clean, but I’ll chalk that up to possibly not having equipment if you’re in the middle east). Personally, I like having people in your position squat twice a week, so a weekly progression that uses the TM principles (manipulating volume/intensity throughout the week) is the first choice. 5/3/1 is a good program, and an ideal program for people that meet certain criteria (scheduling issues, older guys, want conditioning, injury, cutting weight — stuff like that). TM is much more grueling because of the volume. 5/3/1 has less volume. It’s easier to overtrain on TM (and a lot of people seem to because they don’t really know how to make adjustments to a program). However, until you get more advanced, progress can probably be faster in a weekly set-up as opposed to a monthly set-up (like 5/3/1). That’s some basic info, so before I say anymore, I’ll let you give your thoughts.


  13. In honor of the winner, MR 1870’s big, I think it’s time we officially declare Tuesday the winner. See, while Sunday is ahead, it’s time to turn to the electoral college and “enhance” the proper votes. Long live US & A.

  14. Thank you for your response Justin,

    Im 27 years old, 5.9, weight = 84kg
    Squat 1rm 160 kg
    Bench 1rm 125kg
    Dead 1rm 195kg

    My last volume day was:
    Squat 127kg 5×5
    Bench 112kg 5×5
    Power cleans 82.5 5×3

    My last intensity Day was:
    Squat 1×5 152kg
    Bench 1×5 115kg
    Dead 1×5 172kg (was meant to be 1×3 but had more in the tank)

    I started on LM before the TM method.

    An important factor that I have failed to mentioned to you, I have not been missing any lifts and I work shit hours at a hotel only getting a few hours sleep some nights so the circumstances are not always the best. Im on a 9-5 job hunt!!

    I will be competing in a GBPF meet as early as possible next year.

    Cheers for your help.

  15. +1 for Tuesday.

    I live in Australia and Wednesdays are my day off, so having it on a Tuesday night would mean i’d be able to join in on a Wed morning – score!

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