PR Friday

I don’t have much of a post for you. We traveled to California today, and we’re tired. AC and I trained last night (got done at midnight), got a couple hours of sleep, then flew to LAX. We’ll be doing the first 70’s Big Workshop of the trip on Saturday at CF Intrepid (on the coast next to Los Angeles, click here to register).

Post your PR’s to the comments. I haven’t had any PR’s this week, but it’s been good to train the Olympic lifts heavy. Here is a video of a 120kg snatch I dedicated to Brent. Shirtless lifting is often done in training halls and Brent and I have joked around about it before, so I felt the need to include him on this session in Georgia.

70 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. Comment of the week nominee;

    Jake Briskin: When did everyone in these comments get so damn strong?

    Also, does anyone know if EliteFTS is still selling lifting belts like the ones referenced in earlier articles? It’s time for me to upgrade, and I don’t know where else to go.

  2. Stupid painful horrible unidentified foot problems render everything falling behind.
    However, on a whim I benched 115# for the first time after 55 reps at 85. Guess I’ll have to test my bench again soon!

  3. Congrats to all the new parents out there, first and second-timers alike! Is it something in the water or does lifting heavy just make you a damn virile stud? I think we all know the correct answer here…

    I think I counted three new additions to the 70s big crew in one week – that’s gotta be some kind of a PR Friday record. Anyway, congratulations again to Jordan, WannaBBurly and NAFTC, have fun!

    I like this.


  4. Deadlift 5x5x200
    Back squat 5x5x165
    Power clean 137 x 1

    I was most excited about the power clean PR. My previous PR was 135, but I haven’t power cleaned anything over 80 lbs since the first week of June due to my shoulder injury. I hit 137 yesterday easily and stopped there. I think I’ll be able to go a good deal higher than that.


  5. Oh, forgot my press.

    Press 80 x 5

    That was the first time going heavier than 58lbs with the press since my shoulder injury also. My pre-injury 1RM was 95, so I’m pretty happy with 5 reps at 80.


  6. 6’2/195
    Squat 320 3×5
    DL 385 1×5
    Press 145 3×3

    After a couple powerlifters at my gym recommended this site a month or two ago, my squat has gone up 40 pounds (started eating more) and then another 20 so far (got a belt). I’m milking the linear progression as long as possible.

  7. Matt Nolan – Mad props man, love the deadlift set-up, kick ass!

    Congrats to new 70sbig dads. I can attest that lifting heavy makes one quite fertile. Number 2 is due in November for me, 18 months apart

  8. haha thx and congrats to you as well! my wife says its becasue a real woman wants a man that is “burly”.
    Matt Nolan you are an inspiration. Seriously.
    im looking for a website that makes neworn onsies i can design myself. care to guess wich design ill be using? ^^

  9. Wish I had good news to post. Destroyed my ankle in a motorcycle accident last sunday. Sucks. Would have been going for 225 for 3×5 on press, 370x3x5 bench and 440x3x5 squat. So pissed! Should be back in 4-6 months! Any fucked ankle suggestions?

    How bad is the injury?


  10. Jbink – Personally, I’d start chinning and dipping more often than Brent Kim shrugs. Then find some exercises for the good leg.

    I lifted in a guy’s gym who shattered his ankle in a car accident. He managed to keep a surprising bit of upper body muscle (despite losing 20-25lbs initially) by the time he could walk again 6 months later.

    He kept his nutrition good during the recovery and along with the exercise was able to recover about twice as fast as his doctor had expected. Not sure if steroids were assisting.

    Anyhow I made him feel really bad squatting every training day on SS. Him being an Olympic lifter wanted nothing more than to be able to FS and BS again.

  11. Thanks man. So bummed since I worked so hard recently to get strong. I’m going to try to keep up as much as possible. Between recovery and medication I seem to have no energy or motivation. I will be back though. Bigger and stronger than ever.

  12. 430x 5 reps squat (on my ‘3’ week for Wendler)
    260x 4 reps bench (On my ‘1’ week for wendler)

    Signed up for another competition on Oct. 30! Oly shoes and bench shirt on the way this week. Squat suit to follow…

    I love raw lifting, and always intend to do it, but I’d like to set some provincial IPF records. (they don’t have a raw division here, although you are always welcome to compete raw).

  13. @Justin

    I am trying to teach myself to power clean as well as the snatch. I am reading Rippetoes starting strength and I think I am moving the bar too far away from my thighs as I pull (figure 21, pg 171). I have tried to lower my hips, but I think it is also the fact that I cannot grasp how to move the bar up my thighs without hitting my crotch.

    Did you hit yourself in that snatch dedicated to Brent?

    In the picture I have attached the picture labelled 6, the bar starts to move slightly away from the body. Do thighs thrust the bar away, or is the movement away from the body initiated with the arms?

    Thanks in advance for any tips you might have.

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