PR Friday

I don’t have much of a post for you. We traveled to California today, and we’re tired. AC and I trained last night (got done at midnight), got a couple hours of sleep, then flew to LAX. We’ll be doing the first 70’s Big Workshop of the trip on Saturday at CF Intrepid (on the coast next to Los Angeles, click here to register).

Post your PR’s to the comments. I haven’t had any PR’s this week, but it’s been good to train the Olympic lifts heavy. Here is a video of a 120kg snatch I dedicated to Brent. Shirtless lifting is often done in training halls and Brent and I have joked around about it before, so I felt the need to include him on this session in Georgia.

70 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. 5’8″ 215 lbs

    Deadlift: 435x1x5
    Press: 155x3x5
    Squat: 335x3x5
    Bench: 245x3x5

    Still making improvements…but damn I wish I could just follow the starting strength program. CF Football will just have to do…need to keep up the conditioning for work.

    @Justin – Nice snatch (no homo).

  2. So, anyway, I was giving her the “shirtless snatch” last night…

    Bench = 255 x 7
    Clean = 225 x 10 singles (first time I’ve ever put two wheels on the bar…pretty happy…)

  3. oh I just remembered after I did my cleans at 200x3x5 I decided to see if i could push jerk it or not. The last time i did push jerk was last fall when i was doing crossfit. I think my 1rm jerk was 185. I jerked 200 like it was 135. Stoked for August’s challenge.

  4. I am having issues with cleans. My elbows are not coming up when I catch the weight in the rack position. The are pretty much at a 45 degree angle… I think it has to do with shoulder / wrist flexability issues.

    Any pointers/advice is greatly appreciated.

    It’s hard to help people over the internet, but it starts with the grip.


  5. @Derek: Theres a good chance it isn’t a flexibility issue as much as you are likely arm pulling the bar. If you are arm pulling the bar then your arms will be tensed through the movement and they won’t move as fluidly as if they are loose like they should be. If you can grab your ear lobe with your thumb and pointer finger you are flexible enough to catch a clean, you just need to be taught to do it right.

    PR Friday
    Weighin Bodyweight PR: 97.6kg

    Deadlift – 325kg (716 lbs)

    Dammit, I should have posted your video. I was too tired to think last night. I’ll use it next week.


  6. Clean and Jerked for the first time ever yesterday in my garage on my make shift dead lift platform…

    Clean and Jerk: 185lbs.

    Bench: 250×1 PR, 260X1 PR, 270X1 PR…. Tried 280 but missed the lift…


  7. PR arm-movement after humerus fracture.

    My arm has gotten a lot better by now than I thought. I can noow sleep on my side.. I can also move my arm through a further range of motion each day.

    I have decided to do one-armed DB bench and shoulder press, and one-armed chins. I am not sure how to do a one-arm variant of the deadlift.

    Any advice would appreciated.

  8. i think i speak for all of us when i say, we would like a shirtless, bikini bottom snatch, please. no homo.

    There’s a big difference between a bikini and speedo.


  9. Haven’t posted in a while. Left knee is still out of commission for squats and deads with bone marrow edema…no progress there in the last couple months.Sucks! But hey I can still bench and press. last PR I posted was 365X1 bench…This week I did:
    Bench: 350X5X3
    Press: 220X5, 220X5, 220X4
    Max Chins: 13
    BW: 270…steady for the last 3 months…I’ll report back when I’m doing 405X5X3 on bench and 250X5X3 or more on presses. later 70sbiggers.

    Tell me more about the bone marrow edema.


  10. PR Friday!

    Clean & Jerk: 2 reps at 55 kg (previous PR 58 kg)

    Back Squat: 3 sets of 4 (should have been 5) at 95 kg

    MD State Champs Olympic lifting meet coming up next weekend, definitely pumped to try and hit a BW clean & jerk!

    F/5’6/60.4 kg

  11. Chad,

    Suitcase deadlifts.

    You can also do a conventional deadlift and grip it in the center. Mark Felix did that. You just have to make sure your injured arm doesn’t do anything.


  12. PR:

    Deadlift – 270 – 3 sets of 5

    As the goalie in the ass kicking we received by a bunch of teenagers in our last soccer game, I think I PR’d the number saves in a game.

  13. When did everyone in these comments get so damn strong?

    Anyway, this past week I deadlifted 5×405, which felt incredibly easy, and squatted 3x5x365, not so much. Still weighing about 190.

  14. My first PR reply.
    Male, 37 yrs old, 239 lbs.
    My PRs in lbs:
    Squat – 255 5×3 (suck)
    Bench press – 260 5×3
    Press – 155 5×3
    DL – 340 5×3

    I dont know if its psychological but hard time getting my squat up.

    There must be something in the technique that’s holding it back.


  15. Justin,

    The date of the initial injury was in April as I was going to do a PR 3 sets of 5 on squats. I lost balance but did not fall…but I totally absorbed all the weight in my left knee by slamming my left foot into the ground to stop myself from falling.

    I kept training and had no idea what I had done except that my knee would hurt and I had trouble progressing past that point. At times it would hurt really bad just to squat the bar. I did at one point begin a decent progression only to re-injure the knee. I didn’t know what it was and thought if I kept training it would force it to heal.

    I finally got an MRI for the knee about five weeks ago because my insurance company sucks. The MRI showed bone marrow edema in the femur due to a stress reaction but no fracture. I was told that it would only heal with rest and time…so I’ve been training around it by doing what doesn’t hurt..mostly Goodmornings and romanian deadlifts.

  16. It has been a rough week but i managed to finish it off with some PRs

    Female 150lb
    Power clean 76lb
    Back Squat 127lb
    Dead lift 153lb

    finally got to the point that i need to use a belt. what a difference it makes!


  17. rep PR (kid PR): had my second son on thursday at 11:07am, 8lbs 9oz, 21-3/4″. i was in my 70sBig shirt so he knows the way things are gonna be from minute one.

    no real lifting to report. took some time off to rest and be with my wife before the youngin came. did get a killer arm workout in when i was bored and just had to get to the gym. ready for a bar back on my back though…

  18. hey guys! i actually have been snatched up…but i’ll keep you posted…if antigen breaks my heart, all 70sbig community members will be the first to receive my phone number. i promise.

    two squat PRs this week!
    170x5x3 !!!!!!!!!!!!
    overhead press 66.5x5x3
    bench 80x5x3
    power clean 120x3x2 & 115x3x3(set out to do a 5×3 with 115, which would have been a PR in itself, but realized it was too easy by the 3rd set, so i bumped it up for the last two sets)

    sadly, i somehow lost 20 lbs on my 5RM deadlift while making all these other strength gains. i made 205×5 last week, and this week could barely get 185×5 up with decent form. i cried a little. any explanations?

    have a good weekend everyone!

  19. ULTIMATE PR for my wife and I
    First Born Child.
    Lyle Thomas Foltz.
    Weight: 7lbs 12.1oz
    Head:13 1/2″
    Chest: 13″
    Length: 20 7/8″
    also i still managed to eat 4 chicken sausages, 2 1 lbs pattie cheeseburgers and a quiznos large turkey bacon ranch sub with extra meat. and 3 musclemilks. our familys are very food supportive :D
    Justin whats the youngest age division for weightlifting and/or powerlifting competitions? 2 years old? 3? ;)

  20. also my wife ate a jamacian jerk burger, fries, clam chowder, quiznos large sub, and a beer (it helps the breastfeeding no joke) all between babies birth at 430pm and 8pm :) thats my girl! shes strong! :)

  21. And Gill so you know your video is set to private.

    Squat 395×5,5,5,5,4 with better hip drive and balance than last week’s (TT agrees).
    Press 179x1x5
    Deadlift 375×5 (not really a PR, but 380×5 was from 6+ mo ago, also done 4 min after a 365×5)
    Weighted Pull-ups 58.25lbs x 9,9,8.
    This was 30% bodyweight.

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