USAPL 2010 Raw Nationals

USAPL Raw Nationals

My group of friends that are involved in this website are competing at USAPL Raw Nationals in Denver this weekend. The five us will be flying there tomorrow from different locations. I’ll be flying from Panama City, Florida where I recently moved to, AC will be flying out of Georgia (he goes to school at Georgia Southern and his family lives outside of Atlanta, and Chris, Mike and Brent will be flying out of Dallas (Mike and Chris are coming from Wichita Falls and Brent lives north of Dallas). There shouldn’t be any confusion as to where any of us live now.

Raw lifting in the USAPL is relatively new, and in order to qualify for nationals you simply have to total as a raw lifter in a USAPL meet. USAPL is prevalent for its “low end gear” competitions since it resides under the International Powerlifting Federation’s (IPF) ruling. None of the aforementioned lifters are interested in competing in gear, and it isn’t something I’m interested in doing or coaching either. We may look for a new federation in the near future, but as of right now we’re just focusing on this weekend.

Belligerent Brent will be competing in the 82.5 kg class and will lift at 9:00 AM on Saturday. He’s the only one of us that will be lifting on Saturday. I imagine there won’t be any hi-jinks on Saturday since AC (100kg, 9:00 AM), Mike and Chris (110kg and 125kg, both at 2:00 PM) all lift on Sunday. I’ll be coaching them in their sessions, and it will be a lot more easy going than the Texas State Meet was (results and write up).

Don’t fret, though; we’ll have cameras rolling and AC will be directing. There were some folks that didn’t know I was in Peoria for USA Weightlifting Senior Nationals and would have come had I mentioned it, so you guys are welcome to attend and cheer them on. All of my friends are young and pretty strong and should do decently at the meet.

Here is the Roster and Schedule.
I’ll be posting our progress on the 70’s Big Facebook and Twitter pages.

New Stuff

And since I’m announcing things, I’ll direct your attention to the schedule for the 70’s Big Workshops on the Services page. AC and I will road trip through California in early August. There are two workshops during the weekend of August 7th near L.A. and Monterey, and we’ll help out with some coaching while we’re there. We don’t have a workshop scheduled the weekend of the 14th, so if anyone wants to host us we’ll be in the bay area.

Later in the month we’ll be in south Florida at Fort Myers, then I’ll be headed up to western Canada in Kelowna, BC in the last weekend of the month. We’ll also have some stuff going on in Atlanta as early as September, and I’ll announce that as soon as we finalize it.

We’re also going to start Live Webcast Presentations that are pertinent to both Workshop material and reader requests. The audience will be able to ask questions via chat throughout the presentation as well as a Q&A section at the end. It’s too early to tell if speedos will make an appearance.

On top of the webcast theme, we’re going to have Chat Room Q&A which will allow users to ask us questions on whatever; training, programming, advice on bullies, how to become a bully, etc. If it gets popular, we’ll have themes for the chats and perhaps special guests. The Live Webcast Presentations and Chat Room Q&A will give the readers who live out of driving/sailing distance to interact and get some help.

Lastly, I’m going to start doing Form Check Help. No, I can’t coach you without being in person and I may not even be able to make an impact, but I’ve periodically helped people in all of the barbell lifts by giving them a helpful cue online. You’ll send in a video, I’ll analyze it and then we’ll chat on the phone about it for a bit. If your squat is a fucking train wreck, then I’m not going to charge you and will try and find you a Starting Strength coach to help you out. These little form checks will be very cheap ($10 and under depending on how many videos) and hopefully it will help those of you that train on your own.
Note: You can still send in videos to the site or my e-mail, but I won’t give it much attention and will only give you a brief response. You won’t get the whole “phone call” and “descriptive explanation” thing. Unless I like you.

PR Friday

Go forth and record your Personal Beasts in the comments throughout the weekend. I hope to hear about your gained weight, lifted weight, children tossed, clothing ripped, and cannonballs performed. I also want to congratulate all the people that have written in and told me about their first lifting competition and how much they enjoyed it. I really like hearing about that stuff — it makes me proud of you guys…even if you are a pain in the ass 85% of the time. I’ll be posting about these exploits soon.
Take care and enjoy your weekend.

54 thoughts on “USAPL 2010 Raw Nationals

  1. Justin, will they be live-streaming any of the competition? Or is that just a USAW thing?

    A couple of PRs this week for me:
    bench 290×4
    press 200×3

    DL and squat on reset, no PRs. :(

  2. PR:
    – gained 11 pounds in 7 my first 7 weeks of lifting (135 to 146 as a girl, never thought i’d be so happy to see that on a scale)
    i have out grown ALL of my pants

    -food PR! kept pace eating a double cheeseburger, with my 18 year old brother whom i lift with, and finished it with 2 big scopes of ice cream….that was a battle i was willing to fight.

  3. PR weight gain for my roommate. He’s about 5’10”, used to be 125 lb, said he couldn’t gain weight. In two weeks with squats and my advice (aka gomad), he’s put on 20+ lbs, weighted in at 147 a couple nights ago.

    For me, squat PR: 350x5x3

  4. Last week, I deadlifted 365 for 8 times. This week, I pulled 385 for 9 times. Chalk and a belt really make a difference.

    A 5’10 145 lbb personal trainer then told me to “not use so much weight.” I growled at him and he saw my mustache, so he backed off.

    Justin, AC, et all- You should write “70’s Big” on your singlets. I eagerly await the soundtrack to such mind blowing lifts. WIN.

  5. M/34/6’1″/83kg(183lb)

    PR this week:

    Full Squat Snatch: 65kg (143lb)

    Technique is improving. It is now possible that someone watching me snatch might _not_ throw up in their mouth a little.

  6. Deadlift 5 x 5 x 185 lbs, which I’m pretty sure is the heaviest workset I’ve ever pulled.

    Dropped 5 lbs on my front and back squat after my deload week, so no PRs there.

    But, I now have 6 pairs of jeans that no longer fit over my thighs and/or ass, so that’s a PR for sure.

    F/34/5’8/136 lbs

  7. No PRs to report this week :( haven’t been lifting due to hernia and feel pretty shit in general as a result

    Get the results of the ultrasound on Monday, should tell me whether or not I’ve got a hernia. Will be fucking pissed if the doctor’s like, “well, it’s really not very big, just try to avoid anything that aggravates it, blah blah blah…” Bullshit!

    On a positive note, should get my tax return in a couple of weeks so should finally have enough to get my bumper set, halle-freaking-llulah!


    did I hear you say you were from Australia? I live down in Adelaide.

  8. I competed in my first raw powerlifting competition last weekend. It was a USAPL sanctioned event in Norfolk, VA. I weighed in at 104 kg and won the 110 kg division totaling 587.5. Here is a video montage I put together of my 7 successful lifts. Squat – 210 kg Bench – 132.5 kg Deadlift – 245 kg

    Also, got my girlfriend on a starting strength program for about 3 weeks. She is finally coming around and enjoys it.

    Good luck guys at Nationals!

  9. Congrats on the big win Duanewvu!

    I will be competing in a WABDL sanctioned event on August 14th. Yes it’s geared, and no squats, but it’s so close to my house, and will be competing RAW.


    5”10 203lbs

    Squat – 340 5×2
    Bench – 227.4 5×3
    Deadlift – 440 1×5

  10. Official interview of Brent Kim, by Josh Chase (iamperfet)

    Would you consider powerliftig meets, a whore to your beautiful wife, aka olympic meets:(BRENT)= Powerlifts are always secondary to me, really the past few months have been a prolonged strength phase

    Do you have any pick up lines for potential women lifters:(BRENT)= Hey miss what’s your stack?

    compared to your last meet, which lift do you expect to have the biggest improvment: (BRENT)= I’m expecting some pretty equal increases actually, well hopefully slightly more in the deadlift

    what are you thinking right before you attempt the lift:(BRENT)= I dunno, I’m usually thinking to myself, I’m going to fucking destroy this lift

    will you be sporting any 70’s big gear at the meet:(BRENT)=killustrated shirt, there’s a link from 70’s big

    If the plane starts to free fall and death is near, how upset would you be at your bench press being in the 200’s: (BRENT)= Well, I’d want to kill myself

  11. I was going to do raw nationals, but in late June I strained my pec and pulled out for safety reasons. Going to be watching intently as I’ll be competing in early August with a goal of beating the total of whoever wins the 220 class at Nationals.

  12. Volume PRs
    SQ 405x5x5
    BP 275x5x5

    Planning to try and set a new 1RM tomorrow on squat. Deadlift is a mess right now, so working on that…

  13. There’s no webcast. I’m sitting on a plane in Atlanta. About to leave for Denver. I will be twittering our progress. The facebook fan page is a pain in the ass to update via phone.

  14. Age PR: turned 50 yesterday!

    Also took up the challenge and competed last Sat in my first powerlifting meet. Went 9/9 with 27 whites! Great fun… Results:

    Squat: 150 Kg / 330 lbs (PR)

    Bench: 95 Kg / 209 lbs (not quite a PR. Played it a little safe.)

    Deadlift: 170 Kg / 374 lbs (PR)

    I realize these are modest numbers (for now). In fact, both of the 73-year-old gentlemen in the meet out-totaled me. That’s fine. They give me something to aspire to. I WILL compete again.

    Anyone out there who has not yet competed needs to please do so. It is very satisfying and will add focus to your training.

    M / 50 / 6’1” / 208 lbs / BF > enough

  15. Longtime reader, first time commenter. 35 yr old male. On Saturday 06th February 2010, I weighed 148 lbs. I got tired of being small.

    Bodyweight PR: 187 lbs
    Squat PR: 240 lbs x 5 x 3
    Deadlift PR: 275 lbs x 5
    Bench PR: 180 lbs x 5 x 3
    Press PR: 120 lbs x 5 x 3
    Power clean PR: 150 lbs x 5 x 3

    I still have a long way to go to achieve my goals.

    Thanks to for inspiration, information (ex—Q: How much do I need to eat? A: More), and entertainment.

  16. I ordered my 70s Big shirt this week! I with with the King Doug shirt.

    My only PRs this week are that after some deloading due to injury I am back to my lifetime PRs on squats (225# 5×5), deadlifts (250# 5×5) and bench (225# 5×5). I expect to start setting new records next week.

    Gym moment of the week:
    I did standing barbell rows for the first time this week. I love them. I’m converted. They feel great. I’d been doing floor-parallel rows with a weight-filled ruck sack before, to build a base of strength. Standing is better.

    Practical Strength Opportunity of the Week:
    Tomorrow I am moving to a new apartment. I currently live on the 4th floor of a building that does not have an elevator. Needless to say I’m pumped to utilize my newly acquired strength moving heavy shit down 6 flights of stairs…THIS IS WHAT WE TRAIN FOR! I’ll certainly draw inspiration from epic refrigerator lift old man.

  17. Weight PR: 182#

    Lifting PRs:

    SQ 245# 3×5

    I failed at this weight about 5 months ago. Soon after I hurt my wrist and have since been doing mostly running and plyos with just enough weight to maintain. I started linear progression again this month and blew through 245# today.

    Everything else is still catching up from a wrist injury.

    I failed on Press at 110# on the 3rd set. I did deadlift, then came back and ripped through a 4th set of Press at 110# with no issues or pause. I need to rest more between sets.

    Running PR: standing mile in 6:19

    To go along with Gant’s “nice and helpful” PR and doubling as an automotive PR, I change a woman’s tire on the side of the road in ~8 minutes with hand tools and a crappy jack.

  18. Started working weighted dips into my program. Haven’t done them in forever, and haven’t done them at all since I began actual training. Worked up to a max single with an additional 100 pounds at a bodyweight of 225.

    Good luck to those competing this weekend!

  19. Competed at bay state games weightlifting meet on Saturday

    101 kg snatch (missed 105 behind me, was surprised it was so light)
    130 kg cj
    231 total. All competition PR’s

    137kg x 20reps – BS

  20. PR:

    Went to my first CF games today to root for some members of my gym that made it to the affiliate contest.

    I will not be going back tomorrow, my friends qualified for tomorrow and I would really like to be a cheerleader but the experience itself was very very fucking lame.

    8$ bud lights 12$ margaritas and shit for food it was not a fun time. The women looked like the men and the men looked like the women only slightly less butch.

    If you get a free ticket I’d say try it out but for 75$ I’d say go watch Inception and get shit faced.

  21. Weight PR at 6’3 = 236 lbs

    Squat PR 280 5×3

    Fixed a form issue where my hips were rising faster than my shoulders so was losing my back angle and having to basically ‘good morning’ the weight up and I was starting to hit the wall for increases. Now keeping my chest higher and focusing on driving my hips open as I stand up. I’ve got a new runway of increases ahead of me now.

    Deadlifts totals are starting to jump up as well.

    I thought I was at the end of linear progress, but looks like I got some more increases ahead of me.

  22. Good luck to everyone at the meet.

    No lifting PRs this week. But I almost set a PR for puking in a 24 hour period. Alas, it was not to be and the sickness stopped.

    Now I will try to recover the 10 lbs of body weight I lost after not being able to keep anything down since Wednesday.

  23. 5’8″, 213 lbs
    Workout PR:
    Switched from high bar squats to low bar squats and did 315x3x5 but knees were coming in. Reset and worked up to this today:

    Squats: 295x3x5 with proper form.
    Bench: 230x3x5
    Deadlifted a new 5RM of 425#

    Squat numbers should be back up to 315 in the next couple of weeks…feeling strong!

  24. Justin, how the hell do you have the money for all of this traveling? I have to admit, what you are doing with this website is truly remarkable.


    squat: 255×8
    bench press: 185×10
    deadlift: 255×15

    Goals: compete in the Autmn Apocalypse November 6th and total 1,000lbs.

  25. Reset squat and DL and bench, so no new PR’s for the big lifts.

    But have started standing barbell curls per Gant’s suggestion.

    Managed to get 107.5lbs x 5r x 4s with strict form.

    Still feels a little weird doing curls, but haven’t had any tendonitis in my elbows since I started them.

    Thanks, Gant.

  26. I just got my belt from Inzer. The site says to order the larger size if my size falls between 2 sizes.

    my issue is that when i put the belt on (its an XL), i use the very last (or first) set of holes and i cant make it any tighter. it fits ok around my mid section, but do i need it tighter? i can slide it up and down my midsection without undoing in

    any advice would be appreciated

  27. Just went to Leatherby’s in Sacramento. PR’d on finishing “Daddy Dave’s Banana Special”. It was massive. Got my photo on the wall for finishing it. Have proceeded to clench for the last couple hours so as not to shit myself.

  28. I lifted in the Big Sky State Games in Billings, MT. It was an AAPF meet and my first full power meet. I normally walk around about 192 and cut to 177 to make the 181 weight class. I totaled 1170 with a 395 lbs squat, 275 lbs bench, and 500 lbs deadlift.

  29. SMC, if you can send the belt back and get the smaller size it would be best. If you lose any weight around your waist your current belt will be useless and its usually better to have your belt too tight than too loose (if you’re handy you can always drill more holes in the belt and you’re good to go).

  30. @sapper09: you did hear (read, whatever) correct, I am in Australia. I am also in Radelaide.

    Obviously we are now fated to be mortal adversaries in the manly arts of lifting heavy stuff. En garde, sir.

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