COW – 7/5 to 7/9

The Comment of the Week is from the speedo post (which had an incredibly high page view number, easily the highest ever on this site):

StonewallWells Says:
July 7th, 2010 at 5:31 pm e

Regarding the New Services, can we request that you wear your speedo if we were to do a video conference. It only seems reasonable, after all we ARE the customers and the customers are ALWAYS right.

You’re gonna have to request me to NOT wear a speedo.


Stonewall brings up a good point, because there will be live video presentations of material coming soon as well as scheduled chat rooms with us 70’s Big contributors doing the moderating.

COW Honorable Mention goes to SMC who created the following image:

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to the beach.

For those of you keeping score:
1 – Jacob
1 – StonewallWells

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