Random Stuff

PR Friday

Weight lifted, food eaten, children tossed, etc.
I expect the female participation to continue. Damn it.

Oh, and next week is the last week to get mustaches pics in. I’m gonna post some over the weekend.

An e-mail from Micah, who just experienced his last day of high school:

Well Justin,
Right now i am on the path to being 70sbig. Right now I am 5’10” weighing in at 215. But anyways today was my last day of high school and at the water day party all i did was overhead press girls and then throw them in pools. Needless to say giggles and numbers ensued, and a lot of questions of why are you so strong? None of the 90’ssmall 6 packers were able to lift two girls at the same time. Yes being 70s big has many many perks.
Thanks 70sbig.com

When I e-mailed Micah back asking if he would mind me posting this on the site, he replied with, “Not at all, Justin. Post that shit up.”

Follow my friend (and roommate) on Twitter here.

Here is a video of Colton finishing his linear progression. In August he was 120 pounds. Now he is 175 pounds. His squat went from 95 lbs to 275x5x3. Here is the second set (you can see the other sets on my YouTube page):

Just a tad sloppy, but not too shabby.

Two of my friends from Statesboro, GA. You all know Ace McGonague on the left, and then Taylor is on the right. There are rumors swirling that Taylor aims to weigh 320…
A couple years ago I spotted him on bench when he did 405 for a single (decent bounce, but we are more edumicated now).


77 thoughts on “Random Stuff

  1. I wish I knew about barbell training in high school! whew!

    PR friday was PF (personal fail) friday for me! Hopefully i will get back on top of things next week.

  2. Got me a singlet, and I look pretty righteous if I do say so myself! Also putting a teen strength camp this summer. Got a few kids who started a few weeks before school was out. All are listening well, lifts are progressing nicely, and they are all puttin on about 5 pounds a week. Hopefully they’ll stick with it over the summer and we’ll have some beasts going back to school. And got a guy who follows the site but doesn’t post, so I’ll post a PR for him. Deadlifted 440×5 the other day. Made it look easy. Afterwards I couldn’t find him until I heard the Prowler going by outside. He just decided he needed to push it. Haha. Anyways a while back he decided to try out for the SWAT team and has been hitting it hard, getting strong and leaning out quite a bit. He’s been doing really well at the SWAT tryout, better than other officers expected, so now there are rumors goin around the PD that he must be doing steroids. Haha. Way to be Castillo!

  3. PR’s to come tonight.

    Justin (and other 70s big posters) related to the post “What do you want to talk about” would you be interested in posting some pictures of people who are going from 90s small to 70s big? (or 90s fat to 70s big for that matter).

    I ask because I recently found a picture of myself from a few years back at about 135 lbs (6ft) and the contrast now at 233 is somewhat remarkable, and quite humorous.

    Also I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on conditioning with regard to strength training and the effects on strength gain, how much is too much etc. Currently I condition enough simply to make it through the workout, but recently I’ve started with my heavy bag again getting some conditioning that way. A link to a previous post / article would work for me also if I’ve missed that.

    John Schaeffer just posted an article on the subject on startingstrength.com. Justin does no conditioning. I do quite a bit for my sport (even though I’m not doing any conditioning per se right now, my baseline skill work is more strenuous than a lot of people’s conditioning).

    If all you want to do is get strong, you need a small bit of GPP. It aids recovery between sets and between workouts, i.e. it makes your training time more effective.

    You want a basic program? How about 3 minutes of pushups, pullups, situps, air squats (moderate intensity) on Monday, 30 minutes of walking around your neighborhood on Wednesday, and 8-12 prowler pushes or sled drags on Friday. If you want two days a week, cut Monday or Friday.


    In other words, when you have no conditioning or are at the bottom of the barrel, it doesn’t take much to get an adaptive stress.


  4. 5’10”

    Bit of work travel this week slowed things down a bit.

    Press: 172.5x5x3
    Bench: 252.5x5x3
    PC: 205 (did 3×2, then 9 singles on a minute clock bc gym was closing)

  5. Squat 385x3x5
    Press 130x3x5 (weaksauce!)
    Bench 195x3x5
    Power Clean 95kgx5x3
    Deadlift 405×5
    Weight yesterday was 266.5 with belt and shoes, so I’m probably around 258.

  6. First time posting. Training for a Powerlifting competition July 10th.

    This is my 4th week of training.

    Squat 380x6x6
    Bench 255x6x6
    Deadlift 436x6x6

    Weight – 224 lbs.

  7. first PR posting, 2nd week of CF Football (did normal CF for a while and realized I can run a sub 25 5k but couldn’t squat for $h!t). Training for BJJ/MMA.

    Anyway, this morning hit a clean 195 powerclean triple (pr) and failed going for a 205 triple. I’ll get it next time…

    Anyway, new low in hipsterism–walking to the train yesterday I passed some skinny hipster kid. The girl he was walking next to probably could have snatched him without too much trouble. Anyway, besides the usual douchey skinny rolled up jeans and v-neck white T, he was carrying a WOMEN’S lacrosse stick!

  8. I am looking to buy some lifting shoes and the RIPs with the .5″ heel are out of stock. Should I wait or go with the Rouge shoe that has the .75″ heel? Am I making a big deal over .25″ for no reason? Thanks for any help.

  9. Good stuff, Micah.

    Congrats to the high school and college graduates. Be safe and eat a lot of the free food at graduation parties.

    I decided to start benching regularly again. I haven’t done it much in the last 15-20 years because of shoulder issues. I switched to more of a PL style and have had decent results.

    PRs this week:
    Squat 355×8
    Front squat 315×2
    Press 185×8
    Bench 265×10

  10. Not a PR on my part, but I convinced my ladyfriend to register for the powerlifting competition at the CA State Games in July. I’ll see if I can get her to start posting on here.

  11. Understood guys, and thanks for the responses.

    As I said I actually started doing some boxing and getting some Cardio in that way for conditioning and going on more walks. Possibly building up for short runs.

    As you say Gant I’m looking to shorten rest periods between sets, as well as recovery and some conditioning will certainly help that.


    Whoah! I didn’t recommend that. You should rest as needed between sets. Improving GPP might doesn’t so much shorten the amount of rest necessary between sets as it helps you recover more completely before your next set. So don’t arbitrarily shorten the rest period between sets with the idea that you’ll get some kind of adaptation out of it. Even if you do, it’s not the one you’re looking for. (It looks confusing, but mull it over and it will make sense.)

    Your body will adapt to the conditioning as long as it isn’t excessive. Of course, don’t box before pressing days.


  12. Justin,

    I just noticed your calves. they are huge. Im sure you dont do calf raises at all. How did you make them grow like that? A large part of it is genetics, but all you did was squat heavy weights?

    1. Justin has Popeye’s genetics to start with. Really.

    2. Now add his program on top of that. Think about what goes on below the knee during the snatch, clean, and jerk. If you’re still stumped, go 10×1 explosive calf raises with 150kg five times a week and report back.


  13. Squat: 2×5 @ 335

    Going for the full 3 sets later today.

    And maybe it’s just a branch, but it looks like AC might be growing a ponytail. Not sure if that’d be weird or epic.

    I definitely buzzed my head a few weeks ago. Sorry, no ponytail.


  14. Duanewvu,
    6X6@436 sounds painful on deads, nice job

    Me and my lifting partners (jbink is one of them) have the .75in heal Rogues, they are awesome. You can’t go wrong with either shoe.

    stop all pressing movements so I can catch up, haha

    So I had my first squat missed reps on Advanced Novice this week. Still kind of pissed about it.
    Not sure if my week and a half rest & deload helped, or hurt me. Whatever, I’ll get it monday. Untill then I’ll DL and eat.

  15. 24/6’1”/225

    Crappy week of training, but still hit the following PRs:

    Weighted Pullup: BW+55# 5×5
    Max Strict BW Pullups: 17

    Also, no homo, but the size of AC’s quads in that picture does not seem human

    What does it seem like if it’s not human? Manbear-Pig?


  16. First Time Posting..
    PRs for the week
    Bench 175x 8
    Squat 175 x 5
    DL 145 x 5
    chins BW +15 x 5,5,5
    Been loosely following Wichita Falls novice program for a while. lifting is a lot of fun when I have lifetime PRS everytime I workout.
    I know my numbers are way out of wack. I’m working on it.

  17. Saved my 1st comment for something good…
    Clothing PR: Split my boxers stem to stern on my last squat warmup set; continued workout with appreciation for improved ventilation.
    Programming PR: Realized I was doing decline situps to help my squat and deadlift, without any thoughts of “ab definition.”
    Social PR: Friends stated they made extra food for their dinner party because they know I’m trying to get 70s big.

  18. 5’10”

    With school ending training got sloppy, now that its summer time its going to be all eating and lifting.
    Also i consider this a PR, I got 2 of my buddy’s to read starting strength and they want to train with me over summer.

  19. Got results back form the MRI Arthrogram on my wrist (TFCC). No tear, just a bad sprain that is going to take forever to completely heal. I taped the shit of out it and went back to SS for the first time in 18 weeks and everything was weak.

    SP: 95#x5x3
    BS: 225#x5x3
    DL: 265#x5x2

    In the time off, I did manage to get my vertical up to 28″ (from 20″ in January, WMCJ) and my barefoot mile down to 6:40.

  20. I didn’t hit any PR’s as I’ve been injured, but my wife/training partner hit some big ones this past week.

    At a BW of ~135lbs she did:

    Squat: 195×8
    Bench: 130×3 and 140×1
    Deadlift: 308×7
    Turkish Getup: 55×1 (each arm)



  21. Yeah Gant I think I got a little off track with the information, I understand what you meant now.

    After reading John Sheaffer’s article I’m grasping the idea a lot more firmly now, looking forward to the next installment of that.

    Also wishing I had found it before I posted the question heh.

  22. No problem. The article is long, and people make a big out of this stuff.

    Here are a couple items that may be helfpul. I’m just going to type until 4:00; then I have to leave for the courthouse.

    1. The fastest way from A to B is a straight line (you can’t beat a program that adds weight to the bar every time out).

    2. You cannot serve two masters (you can be supremely strong or supremely conditioned but not both; all else is compromise with respect to time, opportunity cost, and genetic potential).

    3. Everything works. Then it doesn’t. Then it does again. (Do not conclude that quick gains made on a new program indicate the effectiveness of a program. This is simply adaptation to a new stimulus, a necessary but not sufficient condition of an effective program).

    4. The training triangle- training, fooding, resting. (If you neglect any of these, you won’t have a triangle…and you’ll look like a damn stick.)

    5. Novices should almost never “listen to their body.” They don’t know the language yet.

    6. Everything has its season (this is from Ecclesiastes, not The Byrds)(linear, 531, wave, WSBB, accumulation, density, instinctive, assistance work, equipment, Bulgarian…all great principles if you understand them, understand yourself, and understand where you’re going and how to get there).

    That’s it. Have a good weekend.

  23. No PRs this week, save for sporting an epic stache, but reading some of you guys’ and gals’ PRs gets me all warm and fuzzy. Awesome shit.

  24. I also just finished high school yesterday over here in England. All my IB exams are over, sorted. Now got 5 months to get strong before rugby at university. I’m already two months into linear progression so look to be into intermediate terrority before term starts.

    Oh and after a four hour economics exam, downed 4pints of milk then went to the gym and squatted 140kg for 3 sets of 5, bench 105 for 3 sets of 5 and deadlifted 185 for a sets of 5. All PR’s. I’m also coming out to the sss in Atlanta where hopefully i can be put on the right path in this beginning stage of my lifting.

  25. A.C.

    i saw a post about you a while back when you started your linear progression. Your starting worksets were 350+? Did you lift prior to that?



  26. PRs:
    Bench 235 5×3
    DL 330 5×1
    Press (Wedn) 155 5×3
    232 lbs

    Deloaded the squat for today’s workout and increased volume to 4 sets. I was hitting the wall trying to grind out 3 heavy sets of Squats and 5 heavy DL reps and the DL was suffering. With the squat deload I blasted through the DLs. I’m going to try heavy Mondays and Fridays and a lighter volume Wednesday.

  27. 6’0 VERY tall female with bodaciously long femurs! age: 44
    Weight: 154 (trying to get 70s big and its been tough, I’m eating more and drinking milk and still tough to add wt.) Guess I need to eat MORE…uggh. any ladies out there trying to add wt too? still only 8 weeks into SS, with 5lb linear progressions every time so still adapting.

    Front Squat PR: 165 5×3
    May challange:
    Deadlift 135lb.: 51 reps
    Bench 95lb.: 11 (yes working on that)
    Back Squat 135lb.: 34 reps

    Oh, tossed 3 kids out of the car at 8am for school, fully clothed and at least 10lb backpacks strapped to there backs. No problem!

  28. Sorry for the double-post, but this is worth mention.

    The gym I work at hosted a power lifting meet for the Special Olympics today. I didn’t get a chance to watch very much of it, but there were nothing but impressive performances from all the ATHLETES that I did have the opportunity to see. It is now my strong belief that if you cannot put the same effort into lifting as those competitors, then YOU are the one who is handicapped…

  29. Deadlift – 1X5@460
    At least it is keeping up with my squat, haha

    Your are badass, I wish I thought like you do when I was 18. And good job setting an example Casey.

    Gant, your bench is pretty damn strong for just starting back at it again. I’m guessing that’s carryover from all the pressing you do? Or perhaps favorable anthropometry?

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