The Amateur

“Mmmm…you smell like outside!”

Dang, some of you are too gullible. In fact, did you know gullible is not even in the dictionary? Look it up if you don’t believe me.

In any case, it’s PR Friday. Post your weight lifted, consumed, or gained, and also post all of the temperamental moments you had when someone pulled an April Fool’s joke on you.


My friend Spencer Hall from SB Nation is known as “The Amateur”, the guy who can’t do anything as good as those who can. Well, recently he shot up to Charlotte to witness his first powerlifting meet. This was the “Battle of the Border” meet that AC competed in a few weekends ago. Spencer wrote an article for the SB Nation readers who are more than likely not familiar with powerlifting. He highlights AC quite a bit, and there’s a pretty funny video at the end. Even if he didn’t talk about my pal Ace, I still would enjoy this article — Spencer had me laughing my ass off. For example:

Unfortunately…a mustache [that Spencer is wearing] brands you as:

a.) A gregarious pedophile

b.) A new expat from the Middle East

c.) A misplaced fisherman

d.) Nick Offerman, also known as Ron Swanson on NBC’s hit sitcom Parks and Recreation

And here is an exchange between Spencer and AC:

I ask him how much his hair is worth on a lift.

“The hair? Oh, that’s ten pounds, easy.”

“The beard is five, right?”

“Definitely. And you have to wear the singlet. This one is my dad’s. His balls were in this singlet.”

He wears a look of pride on his face as he says this.

“Singlets are cool. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

The article is very fucking funny, and Spencer has a nice little description of an outsider’s view of a powerlifting meet. We’ll probably hear from him again in the future.

68 thoughts on “The Amateur

  1. last saturday i competed in the minnesota state championships in the 69 kilo class. i was the only girl in my class, so i automatically received a gold medal. :)

    i successfully lifted 4/6 attempts and added 9 kilos to my total with a PR in both lifts. i squatted the snatches, but power cleaned the cl&j.

    …and my favorite PR ever: during the week i finally achieved a REAL pull up and got three singles. by wednesday, i pulled out a set of two. i’m looking forward to the day i can do weighted chins!


    That’s awesome, Becky! Keep us posted.


  2. Go becky.

    Squat 380x5x5, 465x1x2
    Bench 240x5x5, 295x1x1
    Rack Pull 435x4x1
    Press 153x5x5 easy and no blackouts!
    Chins +100×1
    Pullups 45x7x3
    BB row 210x8x3

    PR Bodyweight too 209lbs.

  3. In the past week:

    SQ: 205x5x3
    DL: 252x5x1 (and held it for once)
    BP: 155x5x1

    Weight: 163/74 lbs/kg

    Also had a introducing new people PR: a friend who had heard me talk about SS has got started now, with some help from me. I’ve helped others before, but he might actually stick with it so I consider it a PR.

  4. Whoa. Pause at 2:28 of the youtube video in the SBnation article, and then think: this guy vs. Hugh Jackman. No contest, I say.

    No PR today, sadly.
    I lay the blame on not enough rest and a gongshow workout.

    That’s an intense chin up!
    I know some kickass rock climbers who probably couldn’t get that.

  5. Becky – awesome. Hi.

    PR – Tabata DL’s. Ouch. 315, 31 reps. Soon to get 50+ so I can be cool. Just getting back into the gym, so no “real” PRs, but this was pretty brutal.

  6. still no bodyweight gains :(

    squats 145kgx3
    bench 108kgx3
    deadlift 160kgx4.5 (wider bar than I’m used to lift with, grip failed at the knee level on the 5th rep)

  7. I competed in my first meet last Saturday. I already know when my next one is.

    I’m 210 right now. I have decided to get up to 240.

    I’ve now started saying “Doug Young” as a general response. Example: “Chad, it’s over. You spend all your time eating and at the gym” “Doug Young” OR “You just won the lottery!” “Doug Young”…etc.

    70’s Big.

  8. @ChadTheMeatBeast


    When I am struggling with a heavy rep, I think: “Doug Youngs Ribs”.

    The man needed to be more man than any man to do that. This reminds me of how much more of a man I need to be to be a man.

    If you get me.

  9. Got a new 5 rm on the Dl 395
    3 by 5 squat 330- my first failure! couldnt get it up on the third rep of the last set and now am wondering what to do about resetting. I blame a lot of the failure on my shitty ass gym as before this set I tried to do a set and the bar got caught on the claw like j hooks because some clown was doing deadlifts inside the legit squat rack next to me. I had to drop that set and then started over too soon. Doug Young’s ribs give me the strength to carry on

  10. PR on having my first real oly lifting workout this week. No PR’s in weight but my technique is already much better.

    Do any of you guys have mobility issues as your weights go up? I’m having real issues with soreness and fatigue in my hips. Any tips on how to loosen, stretch, or warm-ups for this?

  11. “Arin’s full California Hot Tub stubble.”

    So when are you coming here, AC?

    There is a week in between this semester and the summer semester. I’m gonna try to make it happen then.


  12. @bed564: Foam roller +1. Also, purchase a lacrosse ball, and lay/sit on it. You’ll figure out how to use it just by messing with it. Very important tool for me.

  13. Lacrosse Balls?! I have a million of those, but I never use them as a personal massage tool, Imma have to try this.

    Ok several questions:
    1-Where can I get a good belt. I will be going for 395X5 DL next week and I think it might be beneficial, if not neccessary.
    2-Does anyone know of a good gym in Houston. I am currently working out at a Globo Gym but I’m moving clsoer into downtown and dont want to drive 45 min. back out of town…

    Thanks guys.

  14. I use an Elite FTS Retro belt (single prong) and love it. I hear Inzer lever belts are also the bomb.

    For a Houston gym, I worked out at F.I.T. several years ago (I have a home gym now), and it was fine. Several power racks, no objections to chalk. That may have changed, but you can look into it. They are at W. Gray and Waugh Dr. (in Montrose).

  15. Oh I almost forgot:

    Where can I get a t-shirt?!
    If you click on the shirt in the store it tells you that the item no longer exists. Are they gone for good or is there a way i can get one? I am going to Jamaca in 2 weeks for my honeymoon and wanted to rep 70’sBig while I was over there. Let me know if there are any possibilities. Thanks- Joe

    The store will be back up on my site soon. E-mail me and we can work something out for your trip.


  16. I guess I sort of set a PR this week with a 287.5×3 sumo deadlift, I reset reps lifting sumo but I touch and go conventional so my conv triple PR is false as to what I could actually do for a reset triple.

    But my O-Lift linear progression that I’m on has progressed to the point that starting tomorrow each Saturday workout will be PR attempts.

  17. DL- 380x5x1
    BS- 335x5x3
    BP- 240x5x3
    Pr- 175x5x3
    BW- 184lbs

    Most important PR:

    Poop for time between my 10am and 11am clients, 3:47. Solid.

  18. Bench Press from Monday was 355x5x3. Aiming for 360x5x3 tomorrow. No Squat or Deadlift PRs yet as I’m rehabbing a knee injury but I have a Powerlifting comp next Saturday so I may have some then.

  19. Squat – 270x5x3 lbs
    Deadlift – 335x5x3

    Bodyweight PR – 191.5 lbs, although I’m getting a bit fatter than I’m happy with.

    Bench and press are still recovering from a reset. PR’s expected in two weeks.

  20. mdn5002,
    I like to think that rowing can be 70’s Big, because fucking Vikings rowed! Nice pull. I pulled a 1:24 500 a couple months ago, doing nothing but SS leading up to it. Need to try it again. I want a sub 1:20.

  21. 2nd week of 5/3/1
    BS 300×10
    BP 215×10
    DL 373×10
    SP 137×10
    Also, got some Captains of Crush grippers in the mail the other day. Closed the 1.5 right outta the package. Hadn’t done much specific grip work before that.

  22. Hey AC, are you a lefty? I just noticed you supinate your right hand on DLs.

    No PRs for me this week, mostly because I’m deloading and learning to lift with the belt, and also because of a brief bout with the flu. Monday is going to be great.

    I’m a righty. I felt more comfortable with my right hand being supine.


  23. Squat 340 3×5

    Dead 380 1×5

    A.C. where do my numbers need to be before I can start using your signature foot stomp and Viking grunts before I attack my lifts?

    On a side note I got hired as an EMT for the first time and had to take a physical. The doctor informed me that “healthy” weight for someone 6’2 is 175lbs (I weight 250). I told her I was going to seek a second opinion.

    I doubt I was the first person to do those, but I guess you could do them whenever. I’d rather have you do something that you came up with.


  24. Bench: 305 1RM

    Finally got my squat depth to an appropriate level, am now a huge snob when I see people not going deep enough into the hole.

  25. A.C. kinda surprised you deleted that link that guy posted .. I look up to you as a weightlifter and cause you seem like a real cool, easy going guy. I expected you to be a good sport about something like that especially since that was when you were probably like 15/16 and there’s definitely no shame in that considering where you’re at right now. Kinda disappointed bro..never expected you to take something like that to heart.

    He didn’t. I did. It pisses him off, so will you assholes quick talking about it?

    And don’t try and make an assumption on somebody you’ve never met. AC is one of the nicest, caring, lovable guys I’ve ever met (no homo). And even if he did “take it to heart”, then you thinking less of him because of it pisses me off, and it also makes you a dick.


  26. Ok so @ 180lbs I am not a full adult male yet, but give me a break im getting married in 2 weeks and need to fit in the tux that i OWN (it sounded like a good idea at the time…)


    SQ: 365×1
    DL: 385×5
    BP: 245×1
    Heavy Pullup: 75×1

  27. fuck. just saw tmz last night and was shocked that the picture you posted on the last post were really on the movie. wtf. they could get at least some “bigger” guys.

    Woah Woah Woah Woah! . . . Why were you watching TMZ in the first place?


  28. Anyone have any experience with Westside Barbell methodoligies? Finished with SS, and feel like doing the primary lifts every week is interfering with my progress with them. I’m starting up a template based on teh Book of Methods from Simmons. Nutrition is fine, drinking 2/3 gallon a day and eating 4-5 meals.

    BW 220
    Squat – 385x5x3
    DL – 415x5x1
    Press – 170x5x3
    Bench – 275x5x3
    PC – 260x1x5

  29. PRs

    5’7, 185 (up 30 pounds in under two months)

    Deadlift 405 x 5 (first time deadlifting 400 pounds, 375 was 1RM 6 weeks ago)
    Bench 210 x 5 x 3
    Press 150 x 5 x 3 (155 was 1RM 6 weeks ago)

  30. I want to thank the 70sBig people for the 40 pounds I have gained. I went from 162 to 205. Unfortunately I can no longer train (with barbells) until I get into my college which has a nice oly plateform, financial reasons.

    I totaled today (yes I am weak)
    B Squat 275
    Press 115
    Deadlift 300

    I am off to lift sandbags and get ready to be the first 200 lbs person to win a triathlon (i’m sorry).
    A message to the readers, If you think 70sBig doesn’t know what they are doing, why are you here?

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