Let Me Ask You A Few Questions…

Happy Monday to you folks. Nice to see some quality PR’s from last week and over the weekend. I want to take today to get to know you, the reader, a little bit. This shouldn’t hurt, but you may feel a little pinch. Shall we begin?


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34 thoughts on “Let Me Ask You A Few Questions…

  1. It’s because women are under this false impression that lifting real weights will make them ‘bulky’. For example tonight I was coaching one of the new girls at the gym I train/coach at, and we were doing deadlifts followed by some conditioning work. Considering I am currently in Asia, and all of the girls want to weight 45kg, this girl stopped me when the weight got close to around 100lbs and said she doesn’t want to proceed any heavier because she is going to “get too bulky.” I told he she was delusional, and I asked her if she was on steroids. Then I asked if she knew how much milk, eggs and meat I eat everyday in my attempt to “get bulky.” The problem with most women is they think they have the genetics of a bodybuilder on steroids. …this problem needs to be fixed, then hopefully we can get the ratio closer to 3:1, maybe even 2:1!

  2. Very interesting poll, but it seems like it would have been more useful if you could connect the data as opposed to having all these distinct points without being able to say what ages correlate to what weights, etc. But you may have thought of that already.

    Go ahead and program it for me then, tough guy.

    However, something like that is in the works, but it is bigger and more entertaining than what you are envisioning.


  3. Yeah I need to start keeping a log. I have just been training whenever I can and I haven’t been keeping track of my gains, although I know I’m making them. When I discovered this site back in December I was 198 at 5’8″. Im now at 216 and repping what I could only get one time.

  4. I know it’s only Monday, but I’ll post my PRs now and show 70s Big that some girls do dig this site ;)

    Back Squat, 185lbs – 2x5reps
    Bench Press, 135lbs – 1x3reps

    Saweet. How much have you gone up since you e-mailed me?


  5. For others to see who I am….

    -Been in the gym for about a year and a half. Focused on cardio, circuits, minimal strength training. Dropped down from 215 of fat, to 170 of skinnyness. Gained around 17 lbs since the summer, doing the novice program since Octoberish.
    -I keep a training log in my compsoition book

  6. I put training for over 10 years because Ive been lifting since I was 15.

    Since discovering Starting Strength and this website, I realize that lifting weights doesnt necassarily mean training.

    I guess youre not really training per say, unless you have a goal. Which I dont other than to be stronger and fitter than I was yesterday.

    Long story short, Im an asshole and have failed to take your poll correctly. Fuck yea.



  7. Nice. This should at least give us an idea as to how many people are 70s Big friendly. I’m sure Justin et al know all the traffic flow, I’m interested in the size of out little community, considering it’s only been a few hours and we’re over 600 now.

    There are usually at least 7,000 individual page views a day. That’s not individual users, but total page loads. I’ll probably get specifics with the data from the new server.


  8. Any word on the avatars? I haven’t got some fetish for avatars or anything, it just makes it a little easier to remember and keep up with other members.

    I thought I fixed it. Try it and then if it doesn’t work, e-mail me.


  9. I am proud to say that my wife is one of those 3%.

    BTW, I took the poll to mean serious training (i.e. knew what the hell I was doing and doing it consistently), also, so I put 4-7 years even though I’ve been “lifting weights” for probably 14 years.

  10. I dont know if anyone else is like me, but I probably contribute greatly to the total number of page loads. I refresh the page constantly throughout the day on my phone, either waiting for the new post or reading new comments. Might be a little bit of a junkie. Haha

  11. Justin – I was barely able to bust out 3reps at 185# for back squat in early Feb, so I’m pretty happy to have done 2sets of 5reps last night. Bench has gone up 15# in two months. Not bad considering I rarely train bench press. Maybe once a month I’m able to squeeze it into one of my sessions.

    Bodyweight is still around 145#.

  12. Goddamn assholes, lumping bodyweights of 151-199 lbs into one category. I’ve busted my ass to gain all this weight and yet statistically I’m still in the same spot. Argh.

  13. hit 325 on the 3 by 5 squat today on linear progression. This site gives me the inspiration to live larger and more in charge each day

  14. i’m actually 20, typo up there.

    The reason I frequent this site is because it is very motivational and inspiring. Even though my goal isn’t to be “70s Big” I still want to be bigger and stronger and more useful. A solid, strong and somewhat lean 200lbs is a pretty realistic bodyweight goal. I enjoy getting stronger and eating prime rib and whole milk postwork and having 300lbs on the bar. This site has provided an insight than I love reading.

    So, Justin & the rest of the 70s big family, keep on training and working hard. I look forward to your posts in the future.

  15. It’s only been two days since PR Friday, but I already have a HUGE squat PR for this week:
    315lbs. 3×4
    20lbs. over my 3×5 PR from Friday!

    Before two weeks ago, I was adding between 5 and 10 lbs. per week to my squat. Over the last two weeks, however, my squat has gone up by 35 lbs.! The only two things that have changed that I can attribute my recent accelerated progress to are: improved technique, and the incorporation of drop-down sets after the work sets. I wasn’t sure about the drop-down sets at first, but they seem to be beneficial. I think that they are part of the reason for the improved technique.

    …well I rambled a bit, but I was really excited about my PR, so I had to come and post about it!

    Happy training everybody.

  16. @Sami(SMed)

    How did you get your avatar back?
    I tried to re-upload mine and it was the same as before.
    Is it a certain file type or what?

  17. Well, I went ticked the box to delete whatever one that wasn’t working. When I saved and reloaded the page, my old one came back and I didn’t even reload it. I dunno. Just play around with it I suppose. I uploaded a .jpg file from my computer.

  18. Couple PRs tonight, I didn’t want to wait for Friday. It’s fine, I’ll be posting other ones then hopefully.

    Snatch: 82 kg
    Clean and Jerk: 95 kg
    Total: 177 kg

    Everything keeps moving up, but it does keep getting harder. Still weigh only 80 kg but I’m okay with that for now.

  19. GymBuddy on the iPhone for logging. It automatically tracks progress, logs total volumes and gives pretty graphs. Who doesn’t like pretty graphs?

  20. Glad to help out the male:female ratio a little bit. I’ll spread the word to some other badass girls. I’m a skinny,Paleo, CrossFit bitch who’s about to switch to Starting Strength and add milk so that I can actually pick up really heavy shit.

    Your kind is welcome here.


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