Your Halloween present: 70’s Big t-shirts
I was in tenth grade the first time it happened. I un-racked the bar on my front deltoids with my elbows high. I stepped back a few feet, got my stance set, and squatted down. I heard a very peculiar ripping sound, and then a quasi-delightful breeze tickled my butt crack. It took a minute or two to realize that I had blown out the back of my boxers front squatting. That was the first time my ass became too big for the clothes I was wearing.
Fast forward until a few months ago. We were in Salt Lake City to work a barbell seminar and I squatted down to pet a sweet ol’ chocolate lab at the gym and…

Squatting + 70’s Big = Jean Rippage
Right when it happened I was shocked. The jeans made a cartoon-like ripping noise and I just looked up and said, “70’s Big”.
I tell ya, folks, nobody said 70’s Big was gonna be easy. I’ve ruined several pairs of boxer briefs — blowing out the butt crack just like tenth grade. I’ve ripped the seams on numerous spandex compression shorts. I’m outgrowing the athletic shorts that I bought for when I was outgrowing my old athletic shorts. I had to move up a t-shirt size. None of my pairs of non-ripped jeans really fit, specifically in the butt and crotch region (zing!). And I was already 195 when I fit into these clothes!
It’s a badge of honor to accidentally (key word here) rip through old clothing. How many seams have you busted today?
Happy Halloween to all of you. I fully expect you to present me with awesome pictures of you in 70’s Big attire throughout the weekend. Keep in mind you can still wear it while you train on Friday or watch football on Saturday. My present to you? The first 70’s Big t-shirt. Without further ado…

Front image of t-shirt

Back image of t-shirt
The front of this shirt is emblazoned with the image of both 70’s Big co-captains, powerlifting Doug Young and weightlifting Anatoly Pisarenko. The back has the classic WFAC image of Pisarenko embedded in the website address. Men’s sizes will run Large, X-Large, XX-Large, and XXX-Large. Men: be sure to get a size bigger so you can force yourself to grow into it. Female sizes will run adult Small and Medium. Ladies: only wear this shirt if you’re serious about attracting a 70’s Big Man.
Here is the store link for Men’s Shirts and Women’s Shirts.
Don’t forget that Rip will be doing an online radio interview with Here is the link to listen and submit questions to Rip, or any of the show’s hosts.
and i actually ripped a pair of my athletic shorts today while demonstrating a scrum position during rugby practice.
I just wanted to say that I drank 2 gallons of whole milk today. I need to fit into that L size shirt…
DO: Rip clothes due to massiveness
The wendy”s baconator has become my new best friend. I had 2 last night after deadlifting, followed by a quart of milk, followed by sleep.
Sign me up for a Large.. FOR NOW..
Link for the shirts are up.
Good Stuff
Split my jeans getting into my jeep last night.
And one in XL is on its way…
Ordering an XL for now then an XXL to hang above the mirrior to remind me I still have a ways to go to be 70”s big.
Great! One these shirts will be my reward when I weigh and am lifting a predetermined amount (as a % of my body weight).
Can I get a custom Smeduim?
I can get you a picture of me 29,070BC big…
Since clothes are on topic, does anyone know where I can get good insulated flannel shirts? I haven”t had any in a long time and need to correct that. I don”t need anything fancy, just looking for something durable.
Love 70”s Big guys.
Just had to chime in that the whole ripped jeans thing has happened to me too many times to count. Demoing squatting at a party, sprinting because it”s winter and cold, and trying to coach in jeans. The shortest I ever had jeans last me was 3 months before I got a big rip right up one buttcheek. I”ve even had work pants rip on me. Needless to say this has caused many embarrassing situations.
So guys, I can sympathize, but I guess it”s all my fault because us ladies all wear such tight jeans :)
Nice looking t-shirt design.
Karen, we all appreciate you ladies wearing tight jeans.
Anybody else here catch the Rip interview? It was damn good just like all of his. People at work probably wondered why I kept laughing. I”m jealous of you guys down there in the Falls.
Just listened to the replay of Coach Rip”s interview. Damn good information and damn funny too. He is definitely an old-school badass. Can”t wait until the new certs start happening. Well, it”s time to go Squat. Happy Halloween y”all! Oh yeah one more thing, nice work on the shirts. I”ll be getting mine. See ya.
Just wanted to chime in and add my support to the 70”s big movement. Little did I realize, but I”ve been trying to get 70”s big for a long time. The problem was I was living a 90”s small lifestlye and kidding myself about my training. Now I”m reevaluating my programming and diet, I”m way more focused, and I”ve been busting plateaus like its nobodys business.
Thanks a lot Justin, and long live 70”s Big. At pace you”re going people in the future will look back and try to become 2010”s big.
I tipped the scales at 270 today. 30 pounds to go.
Holy shit Brandon! way to go man. sounds like you are doing your part to get 70 sBig
Great work on the t-shirts Justin.
Can we expect different designs in the near future? Are you guys open to suggestions from members?
I must get one! I do have to say there is quite a shortage of 70”s big men down in Statesboro though…Justin I just might have to come to Texas to get one :)