Formal request for chicks in 70’s garb begins now
I have a buddy named Cliff who weighed a ridiculous 180 pounds with a 6’2″ frame in July. Now he’s a 220 pound stallion (that’s right ladies). After training last night, Cliff, our friend Spence, and I were chatting in my office. Cliff was sitting on an old wooden chair. Little did we know that it began to buckle because of the sheer masculinity that was upon it. Cliff shifted his weight, broke the chair, and as he fell to the ground he yelled, “Hey-yo!”. Spence, who had just painfully PR’d on deadlift laughed and said, “Way to go fatass.”
Chasing 70’s Big may or may not make you accidentally break things.
Ladies and gentledudes, this weekend marks the first 70’s Big Halloween Challenge. I hope you all take this beautiful opportunity to dress up in some killer 70’s Big garb. I realize we can’t all be Johnny Spuke, but you can still look awesome. Here are some keys to a solid 70’s Big outfit (it isn’t a costume if it’s your normal style):
- short shorts
- long socks
- mustache or beard
- long hair
- small singlets
- chops
- weighing above 200 pounds
Stick to these simple guidelines, and you should be fine. Ladies, please get in on this too so my inbox isn’t flooded with a bunch of dudes in short shorts. Please?
For more costume ideas, see the following picture:

The epitome of 70’s Big
Chuck B sent me some pictures of his “Bacon Explosion”. Nice.

Sausage meat wrapped in bacon

Pre-bake. Notice the criss crossing complexity.
Amazing. This man has a real talent.
Since starting out to become 70s big, I have broken a chair in my boss”s office by sheer mass, destroyed several pair of underpants while squatting, and out grown almost all of my xl clothes.
That picture makes me glad to be an “infidel”. Long live pork!!
Brandon, I know what you mean. I already had big legs, but thanks to my new leg and ass mass, I blew out 2 pairs of my work jeans, and even some athletic shorts at the bottom of a squat. Almost failed the rep, laughed about giving people behind me a show though.
JAB77, hahaha good point
Wow that bacon explosion looks legit. Do Want!
Ive finally learned after ripping a few pairs of shorts, the only way to squat is with some groove briefs. Also handy for deadlifting so the bar doesnt catch on loose clothing.
I ripped a pair of jeans. I’ll show you guys tomorrow.
I”ve had to get new clothes twice in the last year. None of my pants became too small in the waist, just the legs. Most recently I bought the loosest cut jeans I could find and they”ve now become too tight. I have another plan in the works for a pants replacement and I”ll send pictures when I get it done.
I”m 5”11″ and on 12/19/2008 I weighed 149lbs. By 2/19/2009 I weighed 175lbs. Held steady there until a few weeks ago when I started eating big and drinking milk again and now I”m up to 185lbs. The road to becoming an adult male is long, but hopefully I”ll get there without having a heart attack first.
i want that bacon! we will be sending chick photos your way!
this site is awesome!
I was over 200 pounds in the 8th grade. I didnt even have pubes then! I am not impressed by stories of lifetime skinny guys getting fat. I regularly ruin leather desk chairs at work – After several months under my bulk, they eventually fall apart.
I do, however, wish I had been able to eat more meat as a younger man. My lifetime of training would have yielded greater strneght and muscular size. I think 70s Big should move away from discussions of food. Its kind of sad that these chronically skinny motherfuckers need to be reminded to eat.
I like the idea of “it isn’t a costume if it’s your normal style.”
Im getting kind of sick of what those bean polls wear now a days. They look like little kids. Be a man!
Dont: Flat bill hats
While I do agree that it is sad that skinny people need to be reminded to eat, it is necessary. With all of the marketing out there (even in the “functional training” industry) telling us that we will feel better about ourselves if lose weight and get a six pack, etc… I guess my point is this, people need to eat especially if they are trying to build strength and size. For some people this is going to be as hard physically as it is mentally. They have been in the wrong mindset for possibly their entire lives and a consistent discussion on food, and the benefits of it, it not at all unnecessary. As a matter of fact, it is whats needed to properly convince, inspire, motivate, etc.. folks that have been doing just the opposite of what I believe this website”s intentions are.
This is the most aroused I have ever been by a large cylindrical object made out of meat.
Not sure if this vid has been posted, but I would say this dude is 70”s big. Squatting 462×20 totally raw then singles over 600 after. Wow.
That set of 20 high bar squats looked very, very difficult. He is definitely strong.
Anybody have suggestions for good 70”sBig shoes? I am not about to don platforms with my short shorts. Everyone I ask about what they wore back then does not recall most of the decade.
According to the “epitome” it would appear that low-cut chuck taylors are fashionable.
I prefer High-tops myself.
I have about 11 pairs of converse. I prefer hightop as well, but lowtops look better with shorts.
I found the perfect recipe to lose all the weight that has been gained since starting 70”s Big…come down with the flu on sunday, don”t eat til tuesday, break your fever wednesday, follow up the flu with the stomach flu which was caused by the original flu, consume less than 2000 calories over the past 5 days, and s#$t out well over 10000 calories…i got to 201lbs before sunday and i feel like i weigh about 185…just starting to get my appetite back, and when it does come back it”s on all over again
Notice how his hip drive becomes more pronounced as he works towards 20.
Who is he? I”d like to give him a congratulatory….hug;)
From the 462×20 dude”s training log, after someone asked about his knee travel at the bottom (post #191):
“I would not recommend my squat form for any beginning powerlifter. I squat the way I do because I thought it gave me better carryover to strongman when I did that years ago. I also wanted to try olympic weightlifting at the time, but that didn”t pan out because of my elbow issues. I plan to change my form to use a lower bar position, wider feet, and a more “sitting back” position. I just haven”t had the time to address it yet. Probably, I”ll work on my form between my Nov. 21 qualifier and RUM on January 30.”
No matter where he puts the bar, that guy could surely punch the head off of a zombie or 12…
My wife gets VERY angry every time I split open a pair of dress pants while getting out of the car (has happened twice since SS). I pretend to be upset about it…but Im smiling on the inside.
OFF TOPIC: Whilst trying to get 70”s big my PT says I have developed elbow tendinosis. He says no heavy lifting for 6-9months. I am not willing to comply! Any suggestions? Am I going to screw my elbow up by training through the pain?
What are the odds? My buddy and I are going as 70s tennis players.
I just want t-shirts.
How many styles you guys got going at the moment?
sir_kendall: Same thing happened to me, and rehappened when I did crossfit for a few months (not going back). I did 3 things that seemed to have solved my issue.
1. I took a wider grip when back squatting (loosening up my back) which relaxed my arms and elbows.
2. I performed gay stretches like these when the pain got really bad.
3. I started taking high dosages of fish oil (7-10g of Omega 3 per day).
I can”t say which of these had the biggest effect on me but my elbow tendonitis is all but gone and I only took about a week”s rest from training.
Good luck!
I don’t have time to look right now, but the golfer/tennis elbow thing has been dealt with on Rip’s Q&A board.
Google Rippetoe Q&A if you’ve never been to it.
Yeah, so it had been a while since I had flown. The other day we were getting our gear on before stepping to the jets and I very quickly realized that 70”s big lifting with enormous amounts of eating might have a slight impact on the size of your legs. I ended up having to force the zippers on my g suit up with some interesting twisting and maneuvering after about 5 minutes of trying. It didn”t really matter though, a few minutes into the flight both zippers busted and I ended up having to size up when I got back! And if you”re wondering, and I”m sure you are, I”m now a large/long… think about it
I spent the first ten years of my life in the seventies, so I know what I”m talking about. Eating lots of food does not make you 70s Big. Eating lots of food makes you look like Eric “Badlands” Booker (google him). 70”s Big needs to focus on lifting heavy weights, not downing heavy meals. Although the occassional tangential discussion of Big nutrition is, obviously, appropriate, don”t let this site degenrate into a competitive eating forum.
I understand. What I”m trying to say is that I believe it is a relevant topic to discuss given the goals of becoming 70”s Big. I agree that we shouldn”t focus just on eating, but again, I think it is an appropriate venue to discuss such a topic. I also agree that talking about lifting heavy weights needs to be included as well, however, one probably is not going to be able to lift heavy weights and get 70”s Big if one does not eat 70”s Big. I”m no expert and I don”t pretent to be, I just know what has worked for myself and others that I have learned from. And, if you do not agree with me (which is fine), Justin Lascked has written it pretty clearly in the Mission Statement and the Food FAQ. But hey, lets not part fellowship over this or that. Remember, iron sharpeneth iron. We”re in this together. I truly hope you have a wonderful week-end.
You goobers are having a discussion of nothing. Kinda like Seinfeld. We have had a lot of food posts — expect more training posts in the near future.
They go hand in hand. Eating = training. I hope to encompass all of these realms equally.
I love your enthusiasm though. Just remember, we are on the same side.