PR Friday & Chalk Talk

PR Friday is a forum to allow you to share your triumphs and failures with your strength training brethren. How has your training been this week? What questions do you have for your peers? Talk and mingle.

Do you have a training question? Ask anyone from the 70′s Big Crew a question in the comments below, on Facebook, or Twitter. Follow 70’s Big on Instagram

There’s a new book on the way, and it’s focus is on working on lagging upper body strength and development. Noodly arms no more! It’ll be out later this month.

Today’s video was created based on a question from last week’s Q&A on building a home gym. I didn’t realize how long the video was until I was done, but if you’re wondering where to start for your home gym, then this video is for you.


Do any of you train at home? Where did you get your equipment? Is there anything you would have done differently in creating your gym? Do you have anything to add to my video?