On Perseverance

On Perseverance

by Mike Hom and Justin

There’s something to be said about perseverance.

The constraints of the universe will dictate what happens to a person, yet it takes a ballsy person to give the universe a big middle finger.

The psychological, emotional, and physiological commitment to excellence during training carries over to everything in life: how you compete, how you fight, and how you carry yourself. Perseverance is holding steady to your conviction and telling yourself that you will continue no matter the obstacles, no matter what the universe wants to say.

A good friend often reminds me, “You can hope, or you can know,” pretty much every day we train together. It’s rather profound when you approach the bar and ask yourself, “Do I hope, or do I know I will make this lift?” Shit, you better be answering that question with one answer only: “I fucking know.”

I don’t want to get too Tony Robbins here, but I’ve said it before: 70’s Big is an attitude. We joke about 70’s Big being about 200+ lbs. or having a majestic beard that Paul Bunyan would be proud of. But let’s face it, a lot of the readers on this site are just about getting stronger and using the right resources to achieve their goals. Body weight isn’t as important as what manifests inside and outside. Now, if you’re 6’5″ and weighing in at 185 lbs., you need to grab some milk, a barbell, and go to work. But in all reality, it’s about telling yourself that you’re going to be better than you are now. It’s about telling yourself that being “good enough” is the same as “I’m okay with being mediocre.”

There will be a defining moment in training (or life) where the universe tries to spit in your face. Will you accept the defeat and walk away?

Nah, you’re gonna say, “Fuck that,” and spit right back.

Jacob killing shit.