T-Shirt Design

Quick post today (it was my birthday yesterday, so give me a break), and it is mainly a call to arms. I have been referencing a new t-shirt design on the site, and the ideas are narrowed down. However, none of us have the ability to create the image on a computer to get it ready to go to print. If there are any of you who specialize in logo or image design and want to create the next 70’s Big shirt as a side project, e-mail me. We can work out the logistics, but you will be getting some shirts and the image will be credited to your name (which will potentially bring you business to make other simple logos for gym t-shirts, logos, etc.). If you aren’t a “professional”, you could always send in a few things as part of a “mini portfolio” to entice me.

This was the original logo that was used on the first shirt.

This was the original logo that was used on the first shirt.

Note: The Bill Starr Memorial weightlifting meet was held at the WFAC this past Saturday. Things went well for most of the lifters at the meet, and I will have a recap on it tomorrow (a video will not be up tomorrow, but will be in due time). It is important to note that Bill Starr is very much alive, and the “memorial” is a Texas joke.